DP Settings
The vinland state has a "default" 5 across the board for these, i propose the following changes.
Aristocracy of 8 (many important people, althing not fully representative)
Centralisation of 5 (some jarls, council has limited power... bowt equal)
Innovativeness of 6 (They've adapted to the native cultures)
Mercantilism of 8 (what little trade is regulated and controlled)
Offensive of 6 (slightly more offensive)
Land of 5 (neither atm, they are not "vikings" per se)
Quality of 8 (manpower is poor/low, but what troops they do have are very good fighters.)
Serfdom of 4 (some slaves, thrall and bondismen... not extensive)
If i have done my calculations correctly this should produce a -1.0 colonists figure from the outset, improvements in the slider settings or events are needed to change them and get colonists. It also seems a bit more in accordance with the vinlanders way of life (adapted of course).
Another good idea, however "hinduism" already confers no bonus. Can it be negative???
If you know the development of the scenario, true. Perhaps only for the mercantile vinland player? I have others events already in the latest release for the english, french and dutch to create it.
European Integration
I have included a greenland acquisition event, moving the capital or gaining the province of iceland needs to be handled carefully. I dont believe, unlike greenland, that you could purchase it. I think it might be more appropriate to vassalise/inherit an independant iceland... or perhaps a series of events that allow the player to trigger a revolution in order to gain a foothold.
Re: the mainland events, i saw them yes for when the micmac were conquered. Using multiple instances of province ownership should be a good enough trigger to move. It needs high stability and for the country to be at peace as well i think. The move from the 400 year old capital of leifsbudir would be an important step.
Length of Day and Sleep
I know what you mean, fortunately like now, i am free and in the mood to test and do some work.