Very dissapointed to see Romania get 0 love again, not even including the new Northern Dobruja state in the rewards of "Danubian Transport Network", even though Turkey gives rewards there in their Balkan Entente path.
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- Added Henschel traits, and made it an Infantry Tank MIO using the reworked archetype.
- Reworked the Infantry Tank MIO
- Added Henschel traits, and made it an Infantry Tank MIO
Rollback your save.These changes are break current games, when you already have level-upped Infantry tank MIOs.
After update now they keep their LVL, but have 0 trait assigned and 0 trait points available.
Did you even test it at all? It didn't occur to you to reset points for this MIO after rework?
- BEL: Spanish Intervention now allows Belgium to join the war directly as well as creating a faction with the Spanish Republicans.
Rollback to what? If game was started on 1.15.3, and inf. tank MIO have assigned traits, in 1.15.4 that MIO maintain lvl, but traits are gone, and trait points are not refunded. So how old saves will help?Rollback your save.
New patches aren't meant to work with saves from older versions.These changes are break current games, when you already have level-upped Infantry tank MIOs.
After update now they keep their LVL, but have 0 trait assigned and 0 trait points available.
Did you even test it at all? It didn't occur to you to reset points for this MIO after rework?
MInor war effort patches like this one are supposed to work with older saves, It's just sometimes due to the changes that things go amiss. The only time the saves aren't compatible is when there's a major update like the one that dropped with GDR.New patches aren't meant to work with saves from older versions.
While the save itself may work it doesn't mean things aren't going to be broken, as in this case.MInor war effort patches like this one are supposed to work with older saves, It's just sometimes due to the changes that things go amiss. The only time the saves aren't compatible is when there's a major update like the one that dropped with GDR.
Still, any complaints about something like the Mio being reset can be easily fixed by just going back to the previous patch and finishing your game on that patch, then going to this new one for your new games. Not rocket science.
-condor focus doesn't work, air volunteers remain the same
-you can't see fellow volunteers from other countries!
Shouldn't this receive proper priority?
Maybe the basics of having a German intervention work properly, and not have an ahistorical Soviet intervention force dominate the skies.
I think volunteers should be worked to just bring manpower and Air Force. If anything, expeditionary force is what is happening right now with volunteers.