My week is up! Thank you again to @Rensslaer and everyone else for this honor! Now to nominate someone else's work.
I'd like to nominate an AAR that was started all the way back in 2020, but has only started being updated regularly this year: Confessing Their Apostasies by @HistoryDude. The premise is a CK3 game played in 1066 as the last remnants of the Karling dynasty. It is currently following Count Herbert of Vermandois as he tries to restore his family's legacy.
The style is mostly narrative, but is based on the actual events of the game. Readers are seeing the world through Herbert's eyes and have recently marched with him to battle and seen him develop a friendship with Count Renaud of Clermont. One of the things that makes this story stand out for me are the descriptions of the battles and armies moving around. Rather than two armies meeting and instantly clashing, as is the case with most PDX games, we get to see the armies scout, skirmish, and plan before the actual clash. The AAR is also somewhat interactive, with HistoryDude asking for advice on what to do next (there is even a vote going on right now, an excellent time to check it out).
If this interests you, why not head over there now and show your support? Congratulations HistoryDude for your wonderful AAR!
Congrats @HistoryDude!
Just started reading this one from the start so it will take me awhile to catch up. Well deserved. Congratulations, @HistoryDude .
Congrats, @HistoryDude! Well-deserved!
Excellent choice @jak7139 ! I started from the beginning too but might need to skip ahead to participate in this vote.
Congratulations @HistoryDude !
Congratulations to Count Herbert for @HistoryDude would not have succeeded without you. Great job, @HistoryDude.
Well done @HistoryDude !!
An excellent choice, congratulations @HistoryDude
Congrats @HistoryDude![]()
Thanks for all the support! It's appreciated. Also, the vote is currently tied, so, if anyone wants to try their hand at breaking that deadlock... be my guest.
Anyway, I'm going to pass this awAARd on to an AAR that I've been enjoying. Given how many AARs I follow, this was hard to choose, but, in the end, I went with an AAR that is the second installment of a megacampaign.That AAR is The Thin Wedge of Europe by @Revan86! Congratulations!
Congratulations @Revan86 ! I am attempting to read Thin Wedge, and may attempt Lions of Olomouc (though I've found I have difficulty understanding CK AARs since I"ve never played it).
Congrats @Revan86! EU4 with a CK vibe. Great job fleshing out the few characters that EU gives.
Congratulations! And perhapd time for a successor @Revan86 ?![]()