And that's another week done. Let's pass this on, shall we?
I want to nominate The dark reign of the Gulk-Furki by @starkwolf. I love the many personal stories interspersed throughout the AAR, they give the Gulk-Furki Interplanetary Imperium and its people a real and memorable personality.
Oh wow, thanks! I am really surprised, honestly. It is my first ever AAR, and I wouldn't expect an AAR that is updated so infrequently to be nominated (fortunately, some updates may be coming soon, I actually have 2 play sessions now and I just need to convert them into chapters).
To me playing 4X games has always been about the story almost moreso than the strategy, so for me it was just a matter of putting words to the little stories that would pop up in my imagination. I am just glad to have the opportunity to make it into something others can enjoy as well.
edit: well, this is a little embarrassing. See, on receiving the award I didn't realize I had the responsibility of picking another one. To be honest, I haven't actually read very much of anyone's AAR yet, and don't really know who has recently won awards and who hasn't. I understand I have until this coming Sunday to decide on one? When I have been on the forums, which to be fair hasn't been often, I have been very focused on writing my own AAR.
So, I was wondering if it is indeed by this coming Sunday, as I understand the rules, to make my own pick, or if it is by the Sunday after that? Also, if it is by the Sunday after that but I have not really read any AARs, I am strongly considering passing my nomination to someone else in such a case. If it is by this Sunday anyway, than I guess that will take care of itself.
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