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Tinto Talks #13 - 22nd of May 2024

Welcome to another Tinto Talks, where we give out top-secret information about our upcoming unannounced game with the code name Project Caesar. This time we will touch a little bit on the aspect of religion in this game.


Every country, pop, or character has a religion they adhere to. This impacts their relationship with the place they currently are, and their relationship with others in the world.


This is the religious setup of Aragon in 1337.

Every religion in Project Caesar belongs to a Religion Group, such as Christianity or Paganism. Fellow religions in the same group consider each other to be merely Heretic, whereas religions in different groups condemn each other as Heathen.

Every religion has a specific view of other religions as well, that ranges from Kindred to Enemy, which impacts relations between countries of different faiths, and how populations of another faith view your country.

Each country also has their own tolerance of their true faith, of heretics, and of heathens, which impacts how happy or angry the population will be depending on which country they belong to.


The Same Religion here, is from the law relating to valid heirs.

The religious unity of your country has a really large impact on the satisfaction of your Clergy Estate.

Important to know is that in Project Caesar, you just do not send missionaries to your locations and eventually they have changed religion. Here conversion is a slower process, which relies on government activities and infrastructure.


A unique building for Muslim countries that has a tiny impact on conversion.

Each religion belongs to a group, which impacts which tolerance is applied and how religions interact with each other. Religions in the same group are viewed as heretics, but those of another group as heathens.

The groups we currently have are, but that may change as we continue to develop the game.
  • Christian
  • Muslim
  • Eastern
  • Dharmic
  • Zoroastrian
  • Manichean
  • Judean
  • Andean
  • Pagan


The current Christian religions. Take into account that they are very much WIP!

In some games we have made there have not been any major differences between religions, merely being different modifiers, and while some religions in Project Caesar are still only a few modifiers, many will have mechanics. Right now, we have made unique mechanics for Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Miaphysitism, the various Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Shinto, Nahuatl, Hinduism & the Inti religion. Each of these will get their own unique later development diary.

Now every religion will still have some modifiers that describe them, in many cases it is things that enable or disable certain mechanics. Some examples include the fact that countries with Jain as their state religion can not start wars without a casus belli, and that Calvinist countries will never reroll the dice in a battle, as everything is preordained.

Stay tuned for next week, where we talk about another completely new feature that adds flavor to the game.

Sadly, I can’t reply today, as I am at some management thingie in Stockholm, but @Pavía will help you out!
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Interesting to see whole Estonia being Catholic. I guess it makes sense, considering how we got converted over and over again under different conquerors to same Catholic religion.
(For those who don't know, there was sort of rivarly between the conquerers who would convert the Estonian pagans, even if they already were converted by other conquerors)
  • 7Haha
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Hellenic? Norse?
There were a few Norse pops in 1337, and therefore in the setup, but currently is one of those WIP religions only with modifiers, as there are others considered a higher priority at the moment.
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Looking at today's map about religions and since we have our map god Pavia responding, will we have the religion of the Incas (Inti) in this game? Or will they simply be animist?
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I kinda wish you'd have divided Islam similarly to how divided Christianity was. I don't even mean distinguishing between the 4 Sunni Imams (which would be nice, and wouldn't make Sunnism any weaker with the "kindred" system); but representation for the separate Shia branches like Ismailis and Zaydis as well as the Abassids' state religion during Al Mamun's reign and for much of the Abassids history, the Mutazilite school, would be really cool.
Smells like DLC spirit.
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Please, consider changing the wastelands on South America.
Some of the Brazilian ones don't make sense at all
There will be a future Tinto Maps for South America. ;)
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What about places where religion was still not really organized? In japan Confucianism, Budhism and Shintoism coexisted and both religions relied in each other in many things. Also it was a disorganized thing, not a estate as would be in Europe. Which religion would be the primary? And the Neo-Confucianism started to rise a bit later too but where applied to some social behaviors.
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What are all of those different North American colors representing? I see the same Shamanist purple in some spots but there are some unique colors too
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REROLL dice!!!,
Please dont say eu4 diceroll for combat and siege is back…
(I am not against randomization of some things btw, but not like eu4 pls)
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I really don't like the idea of a single animist faith, it's an as ahistorical oversimplification that I don't think should exist. I think CK3 has the perfect representation of pagans, although it may be a bit too complex for Project Caesar. I hope that animism is changed to be multiple different religions, instead of a unified umbrella term.

Also it's odd that the Armenian Apostolic Church isn't in the game, I would have assumed that they would have been finally separated from Coptic.
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Pagans all being grouped together was odd in eu4 and an odd choice to keep. Why do religions half a world away from one another consider each other heretics rather than heathens?
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Looking at today's map about religions and since we have our map god Pavia responding, will we have the religion of the Incas (Inti) in this game? Or will they simply be animist?
You need to read the dev diary more closely. It literally says one of the religions that has unique mechanics is the Inti religion.
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I hope that this number will only increase until launch. It seems good as is, and I'm hopeful that they'll have more intricate gameplay mechanics than the ones already existing in EU4, but there's a markedly smaller number of religions with unique mechanics here than in EU4. No one forced Johan to say that he expects that Project Caesar will have more content at launch than EU4 right now, so I think it's only fair to hold him accountable to his word!
hmm.. only sikhism, totemism, fetishism and tengri is missing.
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What about Chinese religion such as Daoism and arguably Confucianism? In EU4, Confucianism was a broad term for all religions in China and I feel like the Pop system could greatly showcase the rich religious landscape of China.
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I really hope all that animist is a placeholder. It would make sense, this game is very far from release, but I am hoping for more pagan diversity than EU4, this map has less.
Although I can't wait to learn about whatever is happening in North America, Eu4 Nahautl appears to have been split in two.
North America gives me hope that Animist is a placeholder.
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