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Originally posted by Darkey
Maybe there could an initial discovery with the first event and then with the Manhattan project event (Einstein sent a letter to Roosevelt saying that Germany was probably in the way to discover a powerful weapon 2 august 1942) U.S.A. could have the goal of discovering A-bomb (is it possible to set with the code?)

Yes, you can set R&D targets for the AI but the US already develops and uses nukes. They are quite unbalancing so I'd rather not see US nuke tech boosted too much.
Originally posted by Steel
Yes, you can set R&D targets for the AI but the US already develops and uses nukes. They are quite unbalancing so I'd rather not see US nuke tech boosted too much.

Yes .. but

Is U.S.A. researching nuke from 1936?

Maybe it could be more "historical" but also balanced if there is an event in 1942 with the letter of Einstein telling Roosevelt of the nuclear menace:

a) Yes We must discover it before Nazis!

(- resources supply etc. and receive nuclear discoveries (maybe the first 2 main tech)

b) No Nazis are still too far from the bomb!

Continue in conventional weapons research

So it is possible for U.S.A. to discover and use nuke in late 1945 but not early in the war

(Ok this should be a post in the USA tread :))

Here is a slight correction for the Italo Balbo event. It should not be firing off because Italy is at war with Ethiopia, but when it is a part of WW2.

Here is the new trigger.

	trigger = {
		OR = {
		war = { country = ENG country = ITA }
		war = { country = SOV country = ITA }
Originally posted by Steel
Earliest I've seen US AI use nukes was mid-1946. The nuke techs go pretty far back.

Correct... The nuke techs are quite well balanced imho. There are alot of them, they all last a long time AND they cost alot. Don't see the problem
Italian AI

I did a lot of testing yesterday to create a pre-war italian AI. Have found some strange results, all centering on the battle with Ethiopia. have to do more testing to be sure. As it is right now I don't have a very good AI.

Is it possible that reinforcements called up during the war that haven't shipped before the war is over don't get their orders cancelled? Does the AI cancel orders once their given? (For a better overview, I keep getting Italian troops shifted to East africa after the war is over, only 6 months later does this stop. However, they are not shifted back :mad: )
OK, I think I found the solution to one problem, the problem of not returning troops from IEA. As stated in the ai text file, the garrison demand in divisions is No. provinces with infra * multiplier. Well, Italy has more divisions than it has provinces (air + land units combined) thus the Italian mainland with a garrison multiplier of 1.0 still has plenty of troops there and additionally allowing 41 divisions stationed in italian east africa. If the number of troops is lowered below the garrison value, troops are transported back (as I saw in the case of Dodekanisos receiving 1 div from IEA, while it had been stripped of a div during the ethiopian war, same thing happened repeatedly with sardinia). Thus the answer is to up the garrison multipliers for mainland italy and italian north africa.
One problem down, lots to go :(

p.s. Why doesn't HOI differentiate in the troops it uses for garrison duty. It's a crying shame to see the AI garrisoning islands (dodekanisos, sardinia) with armor or mech or mot. inf. those could really be useful in offensives, however they are now stationed without the option of fast travel to the front.

p.p.s. Steel, do you know the exact difference between max_garrison_prop and min_garrison_prop? Is the first the desired and the second the emergency setting? And the difference between panic_ratio and reinforce_odds? One is for in battle, the other for fronts in general or vice versa? And does anybody actually know the default values for the AI? Thus the value for a parameter if it is not mentioned in the AI file?
I'm not an AI expert but I'll try to answer :D

The garrison min/max is wartime settings. While at peace, the value is 1.0 (there is no fronts). When you go to war the garrison AI will free up troops for the fronts based on the diff between max and 1.0. Should the front AI then make panic requests for more troops, the front AI may release troops bringing it to the min level.

Example: 10 divisions, max 0.8, min 0.5. All 10 divisions are commanded by front AI while at peace. When war breaks out, 2 divisions are transferred to front control. If the front AI makes panic requests, an additional 3 divisions can be freed.

Generally I think the min/max should be a bit higher, historically there was large garrisons kept even during critical times. A typical example is the USSR AI which shouldn't strip it's border with Germany during the Winter War or conflict with Japan.

Panic_ratio would be what triggers the front AI to request more troops from the garrison AI or other fronts. Reinforce_odds would be what triggers the front AI to send its' reserve troops to an ongoing battle. The reinforce odds only apply to attacks AFAIK, not when the AI is defending.

I think all the default values varied, I seem to recall comments in some files about 1.5 to 2.5 or thereabouts. You might want to try a clean install and have a look through the files, adding one patch at a time :)
About the Italy surrenders events

IMHO, those event would trigger if ITA has at least a little dissent, p.e.=10. It would have to advantages, i think:

1) It would be more credible. Imagine a human player playing as ITA, he loses Lybia, and some other provs, but he has a good army in his mainland and a zero dissent, ¡Everybody loves Mussolini and wil fight till the bitter end!, and surprisingly ¡Allez-hop!... the Italy surrenders event! Of course he can choose not to surrender, but IMHO it is not logical. The example is the same for ITA being AI, but AI has not the capability of being surprissed:D

2) The allied player would never know if the event will trigger if he conquers the appropiate provs, because he can´t see if ITA´s dissent is above or under 10, this would avoid exploits and would make the war against ITA more interesting because you don´t know what will happen.

If the game worked as in the manual says, militar disasters and losing provs will make ITA´s dissent increase if the war goes as historically... or worse. But as dissent doesn´t increase even if you lose all your provs and armies, maybe the unconfidence of italian military and political class in their ´duce´ could be simulated via events: p.e: the Losing of Lybia manpower event could have a +5 dissent, another +5 if ITA losses Ethyopia after conquering it, and so on...

I´d hope to be capable of expressing the idea as logical and appropiate as it sounds in my head :rolleyes: :D
Well it sounds like good reasoning but you'd definiteley need lots of events to increase dissent: losing Ethiopia,an alliance with the Germans,declaration of war on the French and English, losing Lybia and being kicked out of North-Africa, Sicily being invaded, the Germans pulling into Rome,...
well, i do not know how it didn't give an error before, but you used for the file ministers_u01.csv the IDs 6000+, BUT the USA file, ministers_usa.csv use the exact same numbers:

extract from ministers_u01.csv:
u01;Ruling Cabinet - Start;Name;Pool;Ideology;Personality;Loyalty;Picturename;x
6000;Head of State;Benito Mussolini;NA;NS FA PA;NA;NA;mussolini_benito2_ita;x
6001;Head of Government;Benito Mussolini;NA;FA;NA;NA;mussolini_benito2_ita;x
6002;Foreign Minister;Gian Galeazzo Ciano;NA;PA;Ideological Crusader;Very High;ciano_galeazzo_ita;x
6003;Minister of Armament;Benito Mussolini;NA;FA;Military Entrepreneur;Very High;mussolini_benito2_ita;x
6004;Minister of Security;Benito Mussolini;NA;FA;Prince of Terror;Very High;mussolini_benito2_ita;x
6005;Head of Military Intelligence;Benito Mussolini;NA;FA;Naval Intelligence Specialist;Very High;mussolini_benito2_ita;x
6006;Chief of Staff;Ugo Cavallero;NA;FA;School of Manuever;High;cavallero_ugo_ita;x
6007;Chief of Army;Rodolfo Graziani;NA;FA;Decisive Battle Doctrine;Very High;graziani_rudolfo_ita;x
6008;Chief of Navy;Domenico Cavagnari;NA;FA;Decisive Battle Doctrine;Medium;cavagnari_ita;x
6009;Chief of Air Force;Italo Balbo;NA;FA;Naval Aviation Doctrine;Medium;balbo_italo_ita;x

extract from ministers_usa.csv:
USA;Ruling Cabinet - Start;Name;Pool;Ideology;Personality;Loyalty;Picturename;x
6001;Head of State;Franklin D. Roosevelt;NA;RS CE LWR LC;NA;NA;roosevelt_franklin_usa;x
6035;Head of Government;Franklin D. Roosevelt;NA;CE;NA;NA;roosevelt_franklin_usa;x
6002;Foreign Minister;Cordell Hull;NA;CE;Great Compromiser;High;hull_cordell2_usa;x
6003;Minister of Armament;Henry Morgenthau;NA;RS;Resource Industrialist;High;Henry_Morgenthau_usa;x
6004;Minister of Security;J. Edgar Hoover;NA;LC;Crime Fighter;Very High;hoover_edgar_usa;x
6005;Head of Military Intelligence;William Donovan;NA;LC;Dismal Enigma;Very High;donovan_william_usa;x
6006;Chief of Staff;Malin Craig;NA;CE;School of Defense;High;Malin_Craig_usa;x
6007;Chief of Army;Malin Craig;NA;CE;Guns and Butter Doctrine;High;Malin_Craig_usa;x
6008;Chief of Navy;William Standley;NA;CE;Base Control Doctrine;High;unknown;x
6009;Chief of Air Force;Oscar Westover;NA;LC;Army Aviation Doctrine;High;Oscar_Westover_usa;x

i only copy & paste a part of the files and you can see the IDs are the same in almost most of them.. :(

You must change this, because it could really cause bugs/CtD.
I will put a list with the IDs already used, so you can see which numbers are free.
I will start a new thread to inform you when it is ready, so everyone knows where to check.

Originally posted by emperor dennis
Well it sounds like good reasoning but you'd definiteley need lots of events to increase dissent: losing Ethiopia,an alliance with the Germans,declaration of war on the French and English, losing Lybia and being kicked out of North-Africa, Sicily being invaded, the Germans pulling into Rome,...

I agree... the question is to make a erasonable number of events, IMHO it would be enough:
-Losing Lybia: the event already exists, only need to add a dissent = 5? command
-Losing Ethyopia
-Losing Sicily
-Mainland invasion

Or even with only the first 3 events, it should be enough to make ITA have 10 dissent the in a situation similar to the historical surrender moment, so the event can trigger.
From what I've gathered in this thread Italian pilots were quite good, so why not give them an advantage in Air doctrines?

As it is now they get the short stick in all other areas, so why not make them what the germans are in land and japan are in naval doctrines when it comes to fighter combat?
Originally posted by Riso
From what I've gathered in this thread Italian pilots were quite good, so why not give them an advantage in Air doctrines?

As it is now they get the short stick in all other areas, so why not make them what the germans are in land and japan are in naval doctrines when it comes to fighter combat?

And how good exactly? ;)
No offence, but advantage in Air Doctrines does not have much in common with abilities of single pilots - it's rather knowledge used but chain of command and training facilities. We could say the same about Chechoslovakia and Poland (their pilots were very good - proven in BoB), but giving them doctrines, almost most powerfull tech available? Maybe in case of CZE and POL it's not so important (thay are doomed anyway), but Italy?

BTW, could you send me some source of info (link, title of a book) about Italian AF during IIWW? This topic seems interesting...
Or even with only the first 3 events, it should be enough to make ITA have 10 dissent the in a situation similar to the historical surrender moment, so the event can trigger.

In july 1943, after the fall of Sicily, the fascist party voted 19 vs 9 to make Mussolini leave the head of government. Badoglio was called by the king Vittorio Emanuele III to the head of government and, while claiming in pubblic that Italy would have continued the war against the allies, secretely negotiated an armistice. In the following weeks before the armistice (8 september was made public but it was signed on 3 september) there were no revolts by ex-true fascists, supporter of Mussolini, and ex-false fascists.
Everybody was waiting for the inevitable.. hoping for peace to come soon and fearing that Hitler would have invaded Italy.. (he was garrisoning north and south italy "in order to defend it from the allies") but nobody told the italian army fighting abroad how to behave.

Then the armistice caught the italian army unprepared so that many were disarmed peacefully by the germans but many others were not (cefalonia, corfu) and died fighting or worst were sent to prisoners camp in germany, while other wehrmacht divisions invaded Italy in order to secure it. In the meanwhile the king was fleeing to southern italy.. controlled by the Allies and on 12 september Mussolini was freed by Skorzeny and on 18 september R.S.I. was born.

How to represent this?

- The idea of an event triggered by the loss of the extra-italian provinces along with an increase of dissent is good, maybe

loss of Ethiopia/Lybia/and one from Sicily/Sardinia/Napoli/Taranto/Bari plus 10% dissent or higher

---> Mussolini deposed and imprisoned, Badoglio head of government (dissent decreased, trigger of the Italian surrender event, soon after (Sicily AND Taranto AND Bari occupied by the allies) with all his comsequencens, RSI and etc.


----> "We shall fight till the end", dissent increased, Mussolini remains as the head of government, no surrender event, no RSI

Originally posted by Riso
From what I've gathered in this thread Italian pilots were quite good, so why not give them an advantage in Air doctrines?

I don't want to be sarcastic BUT italian pilots were quite good cause the managed to fly with their flying-coffin....

-Engines built without proper testing (or fake testing....)

-No anti-sand filters even after 20 years of desert air warfare experience in Libia

-No radio intercom between the gunner ant the pilot ....

- Many italian fighters were still biplanes!


P.S. For more information on the italian army I suggest the book of MacGregor Knox, in english the title should be "The allies of Hitler", I read the italian translation :)
Some info about R.S.I.


HOG and HOS and foreign minister Benito Mussolini

Minister of securiy Boffarini Guidi

Chief staff and Chief of Army Rodolfo Graziani

Chief of Navy: Amm Antonio Legnani

Chief of Air: Ernesto Botto (naval aviation doctrine)

There were other ministers but I can't associate them with any minister of HoI

R.S.I. Army

- Divisione Alpini Monterosa (mountain troops)
- Divisione San Marco (marines)
- Divisione Littorio (infantry)
- Divisione Bersaglieri Italia (infantry)
- X MAS (commander Julio Valerio Borghese) (marines) (small)
