Sorry if this list is too messy and long..
Some more flavour for Finland and other countries as well. Have fun sorting it out...
2.12.1939 Swedish governement decides Sweden will not take part in defence of Åland or give other direct support to Finland
President Kyösti Kallio nominates Risto Ryti's (prime minister) governement. The minister of finance from former governement, Väinö Tanner will be foreign minister.
4.12.1939 Finnish embassador in Washington, Procopé relays a request by finnish prime minister Ryti that 60 million dollar loan be given to Finland
5.12.1939 Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru protest soviet attack against Finland
6.12.1939 Finland's independence day
80 famous persons in Sweden make an appeal to give aid to Finland
9.12.1939 first part of American-Finnish volunteers, about 100 mechanics, officers and pilots boards a ship bound for Finland in New York.
***Will give little MP to Finland when they arrive
12.12.1939 Finland buys 43 Brewster fighters from USA
***This is important thing for a small country like Finland
13.12.1939 US Governement denies credit for Finland for bying war material.
***Opportunity for alternate history? Depending on US relations with Soviet Union and so on..
14.12.1939 Finnish author F.E.Sillanpää receives Nobel-prize for literature
Famous American-Swedish actress Greta Garbo donates 5000$ for finnish aid fund.
Soviet Union is expelled from the League of Nations, the League also advices it's members to give all possible humanitarian and material aid to Finland
First foreign volunteers arrive to Finland
***Some MP, sadly there was no figures to get an idea of the amount...
15.12.1939 Despite the war Finland pays it war debts from WW1 to USA, exactly as originally planned
***Event with choices, would take away some supplies if Finland chooses to pay. Some gain for paying?
16.12.1939 Finnish HQ confirms sending fallen soldiers to their home area as official policy
Students in Paris demonstrate all day in support of Finland
18.12.1939 Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard donate 1000 guldens to dutch Red Cross to send to Finland's Red Cross
***Don't have the rate from that year.. would it show or should smaller donations be bundled together?
19.12.1939 Master composer Jean Sibelius's appeal to american people is published in newspapers all over USA. He underlines that the fate of finnish people depends on the people itself, but mostly on actions of other peoples who value freedom.
20.12.1939 Ambulances donated by Sweden and Denmark head for Finland
22.12.1939 Foreign Ministry sends a telegraph to embassadors in London and Paris that Finland needs immediate assistance
***What if allies say yes?
First ambulance of swedish Red Cross arrives in Finland. The car has 150 beds and 5 surgeons, 2 special doctors and 10 nurses.
Argentine is first to give positive answer to request for help of Finland by the League of Nations
***Event for argentine to show support or not?
23.12.1939 Concerning the appeal by League of Nations for aiding Finland, Argentine, Ecuador, Haiti, Peru, South-American Union, Bolivia, Venezuela and Mexico have agreed to help.
Finnish heavy weight boxer living in USA, Gunnar Bärlund, wins Italo Golonello in a match and donates part of his reward money into collection for Finland
***Something to be bundled?
24.12.1939 First part of American-Finnish volunteers arrives in Tornio
In Vatican Pope Pius XII condemns soviet attack against Finland
25.12.1939 Finnish author living in Stockholm Hella Wuolijoki offers her assistance to reach negotiations with Moscow.
26.12.1939 Uruguay will give material aid to Finland
Also Mexico announces it will help Finland as much as country's funds permit
28.12.1939 In Stockholm Sweden the editor of a communist magazine 'Ny Dag' Fritjof Lager is sentenced for two months in prison for abusing freedom of print. The article which warranted his arrest was called 'Free, independent finnish people's republic'.
British newspapers in London The Times and Daily Telegraph praise Finland's resistance against overpowering enemy
29.12.1939 A national collection held in Sweden has received 800000 crowns worth of donations for Finland. The total gain of this collection will be almost 6 million crowns.
Train operators in Stocholm donete one day's pay from december as a new year's gift for Finland
***Even more supplies?
30.12.1939 Equipment captured in Hulkonniemi-motti: 25 artillery pieces, 11 tanks, 150 trucks, 250 horses...
***Supplies and..?
31.12.1939 Unidentified persons raise Finland's flag into steamship Josef Stalin's mast in Amsterdam Holland.
***Just funny
Foreign minister Väinö Tanner gives an iterview to telegraph office of swedish newspapers and wellcomes swedish volunteers to Finland
1.1.1940 10 famous soviet emigrant-writers, among them Nobel-winning author Ivan Bunin publicly condemn soviet attack against Finland
3.1.1940 25000 backpacks filled with food and clothes have so far been collected in Norway to aid Finland.
***Event giving supplies to Finland from Norway? If Norway isn't at war, of course...
4.1.1940 Sweden denies the offers of western allies concerning both soldiers and weapons
Unknown danish businessman announces he will donate 50 trucks for Finland
5.1.1940 Soviet submarine Sts 311 sinks swedish ship Fenris
Soviet embassador in Stockholm Sweden, Aleksandra Kollontai issues a protest to swedish governement because of voluntary recruitment and other aid given to help Finland. She also protests anti-soviet writings in swedish press.
***Sweden might not be such a pussy as they were for real and get a bit mad..?
Soviet Union issues same kind of protest to norwegian governement also.
7.1.1940 Raate-road saldo of captured equipment: 43 tanks, 71 field- and AA-guns, 29 AT-guns, armoured cars, tractors, 260 trucks, 1170 horses, infantry guns, ammunition, medical and communications material
***Supplies and that 0-strength motorized division?
8.1.1940 Finland's foreign minister Tanner points out to US embassador Schoenfeld that Finland has captured more material from soviets than gotten from any friendly nation as aid.
'Detachment Sisu' consisting of foreign volunteers is formed at Lapua
9.1.1940 Canadian Red Cross sends 50000$ in aid for Finland
***More to the bundle?
Former US president Herbert Hoover sends fifth 100000$ cheque to Finland
***That ½ million dollars total, should be noted somehow, right?
The state of Nicaragua begins national collection to aid Finland
Soviet Union protests the swedish protest concerning the sinking of Fenris
Argentine sends 50000 tons of grain to Finland. Finland may pay back whenever it can.
***Obviously supplies
10.1.1940 German war correspondent Otto von Zwehl volunteers for service in finnish army. Hitler hears of this, and takes away his german citizenship and military rank.
11.1.1940 Germany states that no volunteers to help Finland may travel through Germany.
Germany also stops italian shipment of aid for Finland. Italian embassador protests this.
***Something here?
Finnish foreign minister Tanner sends a telegram to congratulate League of Nations on it's 20th birthday and also thanks for the aid that Finland has received. This telegram gets very much positive attention.
Prince of Lichtenstein Ferdinand has arrived in Finland and states he wishes to get to the front as a volunteer in finnish army
12.1.1940 Lentorykmentti (flight regiment) 19 consisting of swedish volunteers is in combat for the first time
13.1.1940 Professional boxer Gunnar Bärlund wins american Jim Thompson. Again part of the money raised in this event is donated to Finland
***To be bundled?
In Rio de Janeiro coffee farmers donate 60000 sacks of coffee to Finland
***Supplies again
14.1.1940 Soviet bomber bomb sities in western Finland. They also drop bombs on swedish coast on Gulf of Bothnia
***Another chance for Sweden to act
An ambulance donated by french Red Cross arrives in Finland with 4 nurses
15.1.1940 Author Selma Lagerlöf donates her Nobel- gold medal and gold medal received from Swedish academy in collection for Finland
***Another small donation
16.1.1940 US president Franklin D. Roosevelt states that Finland could be given civilian credit, which would not compromise US neutrality.
Association of danish manufacturers sends a railroad car full of tinned good into Finland
Swiss union of doctors announces it will send a group of volunteers into Finland
17.1.1940 Norwegian fruit stores have donated today 6 railroad cars (50 tonnes) full of apples for Finland.
Author F.E.Sillanpää speaks to swedish people about finnish cause in meeting in Upsala.
18.1.1940 Hungarian 1937 Nobel-prize winner in medicine Albert Szent-Györgyi donates his Nobel-medal for Finland
19.1.1940 Sweden gives two F. K 52 recon planes to Finland
***Any idea?
Swedish industries and business-life have so far collected 62 million crowns to aid Finland
***Even if not dollars, it's a notable sum
20.1.1940 58 american finnish volunteers arrive in Oulu
***Extremely crappy MP?
22.1.1940 Norwegian backpack collection reaches 50000 mark
***Guess what.. supplies!
Finland announces it will accept foreign volunteers to fight in finnish army
23.1.1940 Author F.E.Sillanpää donates his Nobel- gold medal for finnish defence
***For the bundle. Nobel-medals could be made their own event?
24.1.1940 A horse-drawn ambulance from swedish Red Star organization leaves from Stockholm on it's way to Finland
25.1.1940 British collection for Finland has gotten already over 100000£ in donations
Author Sigrid Undset donates her 1928 Nobel- gold medal for Finland
***Something more to the bundle
French Academy extends it's warm sympathies for Finland
26.1.1940 US president Franklin D. Roosevelt announces that every american who joins the army of a nation at war losese his citizenship. USA however doesn't regard Finland as a nation at war since no formal declaration of war was given. American volunteers in finnish army won't thus lose their citizenship.
28.1.1940 Famous french general Clément Grandcourt arrives in Helsinki to join finnish army as volunteer.
***A leader?
29.1.1940 Tickets for a bandy match between Sweden and Finland held in support of finnish war effort have been sold out. King of Sweden Gustav V has also bought a ticket
30.1.1940 Famous spanish fighter pilot Nicolas Beries is under way to help Finland
Social minister Fagerholm is in Norway and appeals to get civilian workers to Finland. A group of metal workers have already volunteered.
***Something here perhaps...
31.1.1940 Another ambulance leaves from Stockholm for Finland
A ship transporting children from Finland to Sweden is attacked by soviet submarine.
South-African winegrowers donate 14000 liters of wine and 7000 liters of Finland
***Could still be supplies..
1.2.1940 The board of swedish Red Cross advices the committee of international Red Cross to investigate the misstreatment of finnish civilians by soviet airforce and to consider potential counter action
Soviet news agency Itar Tass claims Sweden has released all criminals so that they could volunteer to help Finland
In London's St.Paul's cathedral is held a prayer service for Finland. The archbishop of Canterbury and embassadors of all nordic countries are present.
2.2.1940 Brasilia donates 10000 sacs of coffee to Finland
3.2.1940 Countess Eva Sparre, sister of marshal Mannerheim arrives in New York to keep a serie of lectures about Finland in USA
Famous finnish runners Paavo Nurmi and Taisto Mäki arrive in New York, thousands of people and numerous members of press are there to receive them
4.2.1940 Finnish troops destroy surrounded enemies at Lemetti. Captured equipment includes 32 tanks and 40 cars
Finnish runners Paavo Nurmi and Taisto Mäki take part in a flag raising ceremony in finnish pavilion at the New York World Fair
5.2.1940 Finnish Red Cross gets a donation from belgian Red Cross
US president Franklin D. Roosevelt meets finnish runners Paavo Nurmi and Taisto Mäki in Washington
6.2.1940 Enemy base is captured north-east of Lake Ladoga. Substantial amount of equipment is captured
7.2.1940 An office that arranges foreign labour is set up in Copenhagen Denmark. During first two days 1250 people volunteer to work in Finland.
8.2.1940 The national collection in Sweden has received about 15 million crowns
9.2.1940 Over 2% of swedish doctors are in Finland, and the collection of swedish doctor's association reaches 100000 crown mark
A priest in Gothenburg in Sweden has organized a collection to buy a fighter plane for Finland. 240000 crowns have been collected so far.
10000 danes have volunteered to work in Finland
***MP as finnish workers can go to war? Or IC raise?
Credit agreement to finance finnish war material purchases has been signed in London
10.2.1940 Danish colonel Tretow-Loof travels to Finland to lead a battalion made of danish volunteers
In New York 'Wings for Finland' association is established to get airplanes for Finland
11.2.1940 In Stockholm is held a bandy match between Finland and Sweden. The profit, 475000 crowns, is donated to Finland. Sweden wins 2-1.
***A nice flavour event with king of Sweden in it
12.2.1940 The so called "1 Dollar Collection" arranged by finnish committee has received over a million dollars
***Supplies once more..
Finland's foreign minister Tanner goes on a secret trip to Stockholm
Karl J. Ewerts, man in lead of swedish volunteer recruiting work returns from his trip to Karelian Isthmus and demands weapons, men and airplanes be sent to Finland
***Possible event?
13.2.1940 Fully equiped group of hungarian volunteers has traveled from France to Scandinavia to take part in defence of Finland
Foreign minister Tanner negotiates with swedish governement about "transfering swedish military units to Finland". Swedish governement's answer is no.
***Event with choices resulting in other events for various countries such as Soviet Union, Allies...
14.2.1940 British prime minister Chamberlain tells finnish embassador Gripenberg that Britain is ready to give 30 field guns and 30000 rounds of ammo to Finland
16.2.1940 Swedish construction workers donate 960000 crowns for finnish fighter plane fund
Swedish newspaper Folkets Dagblad Politiken reveals finnish foreign minister Tanner's secret trip to Stockholm and Sweden's answer not to help Finland. Sweden's prime minister Hansson confirms the information acquired by the newspaper, and adds that Sweden's opinnion has not changed.
In Canada the provincial parlament of Toronto requests canadian governement permission to send an already established division of canadian volunteers to Finland
***Here's an excellent opportunity to re-write history. They did eventually agree to send those troops, but perhaps a bit earlier response..?
17.2.1940 158 american-finnish volunteers arrive in Oulu
***Veryvery little MP
Newspapers published in Stockholm criticize strongly prime minister Hansson and governement's view of not to offer help for Finland
In Moscow the reaction to news about Sweden's denial are taken with satisfaction, Finland's fate seems sealed.
Miss Sophie Mannerheim gives a lecture 'My Father and War' in Geneve. The presentation is a success
18.2.1940 9.2. encircled enemies in "Regiment-motti" are finally defeated. Finnish capture 35 artillery pieces, 25 trucks, 17 tractors, 200 other vehicles and 20 tanks
***Supplies and what else?
300 danish metal workers have traveled to Finland as volunteers to work
***Something here too..?
In France the chairman of the Garibaldi-league general Marabini is recruiting Garibaldi legionaires as volunteers to Finland
19.2.1940 King of Sweden Gustav V calls swedish governement because of the stir caused by Tanner's trip to Stockholm. He then gives a statement that confirms that Sweden won't help Finland in it's fight against "terribly overpowering enemy"
In Budapest Hungary is held a high-class concert to aid finnish Red Cross
20.2.1940 Svenska Frivilligkåren that consists of swedish volunteers is added to finnish field army. 8300 men served in that unit.
***That's MP, right?
In Sweden the national collection and women's fighter plane fund are gaining donations at good speed
21.2.1940 7 soviet planes bomb Pajala in northern Sweden, 9 km from finnish border. Quarter of the village burns, but miraculously there is no casualties. Swedish governement issues a protest to Soviet Union.
***Sweden might actually DO something...
Despite the war, US export to Soviet Union continues. During last 5 months 90% of the deals have been military equipment, totalling 35 million dollars.
22.2.1940 Sweden is afraid giving military aid to Finland will get Sweden into world war. 1st chamber (?) accepts current policy towards Finland, but encourages people to give all voluntary help possible.
The number of british volunteers has increased when british governement announces that men 27-years old and older may leave to military service in Finland
23.2.1940 Finnish governement receives soviet demands for peace. Finland also receives information that Sweden has denied the passage of western allies' troops to Finland
Official soviet news agency TASS denies information about bombings conducted by soviet planes as "untruthful an malicious accusations"
24.2.1940 Finnish troops defeat encircled enemies at Reuhkavaara. They capture 2 tanks, 4 cars and over 200 hand guns
The exhibition of captured equipment in fair hall in Helsinki is a success. During first week 13000 people have visited it.
In Copenhagen foreign ministers of Sweden, Denmark and Norway hold a meeting. They make unified statement that Nordic countries won't give military aid to Finland and won't allow the passage of foreign troops through their territory.
British embassador states that western allies are ready to send 20000 soldiers to Finland on 15th of march
26.2.1940 British pilots fly 12 Bristol Blenheim bombers to Jukajärvi airfield in Juva.
***Something here as well?
27.2.1940 Finnish foreign minister Tanner negotiates all day with swedish prime minister Hansson in Stockholm. Sweden does not change it's opinnion, Finland won't be helped.
Tanner suggests a mutual defence alliance to stop soviet advance. He then negotiates with soviet embassador in Stockholm, but the soviets won't give better peace conditions.
***Another chance to alter history
28.2.1940 Tanner returns from Stockholm and declares that Finland has no other hope than accept soviet terms for peace.
Western allies promise 10000 soldiers in april. French embassador Magny advices Finland to make an appeal for help right away
Oy Karl Fazer Ab claims the Nobel-medal donated by author F.E.Sillanpää with 100000 marks and gives the medal back to the writer.
29.2.1940 Finnish governement decides to start peace negotiations fith Soviet Union. The vote goes 17-3.
In Ladoga-Karelia the so called General-motti at Lemetti is defeated. Finns capture 71 tanks, 268 cars and truckloads of weapons and ammunition. The man after whom the encirclement was named, brigadier Kondratjev with his staff is among the fallen in a desperate attempt to break out.
***Supplies and something motorized?
Finland issues a protest to League of Nations about soviet attacks on finnish civilians
1.3.1940 Western allies inform they will send 50000 men and airforce if Finland issues a formal request for help before 5th of march.
Finland delays answer to Soviet Union about peace conditions
Foreign minister Tanner gives an interview to newspaper Dagens Nyheter. He emphasizes the importance of foreign aid and Finland's readiness to negotiate peace.
In Sweden 1500 golden rings have been collected to support Finland
***To the bundle of joy?
2.3.1940 Allies request permission to transport troops through Norway and Sweden to help Finland. Norway and Sweden denay the request.
Battalion of hungarian volunteers arrives in Finland
The office of canadian prime minister informs that there is no legal obstacles for canadian soldiers to fight in Finland. First volunteers embark on a journey to Finland in Ottawa.
***As mentioned earlier, but could the canucks think about it a bit faster?
Swedish foreign minister Günther delays finnish response to Soviet Union
3.3.1940 Tanner calls Günther that Finland is ready for negotiations if Soviet Union won't require that Viipuri and Sortavala be ceded also. Tanner once more suggests defensive alliance with Sweden. Swedish foreign minister doesn't think such an alliance is a realistic option.
4.3.1940 Military leadership in Leningrad denies the bombing of finnish cities and accuses Finland for provocation.
5.3.1940 Request to western allies must be issued today
Moscow announces it will not budge from original demands, Viipuri and Sortavala must also be ceded. Finnish governement accepts soviet demands as the base for peace negotiations.
French ambulance arrives in Finland
Soviet governement issues an apology to Sweden because of the bombing (in Pajala?)
6.3.1940 Foreign minister Tanner request more time before the final request for help from western allies must be given. Date is set at 12th of march
Soviet Union announces it will agree to start peace negotiations with Finland in Moscow, but won't agree to armistice before negotiations start.
Delegation led by prime minister Risto Ryti leaves for Moscow via Stockholm in the evening. Delegation also includes Paasikivi, Walden and Voionmaa.
7.3.1940 Regiment of soviet army conquers defensive positions at Nautsi. The only building that was in Nautsi was reported with grandeur in military reports of Soviet Union as the "town of Nautsi"
British volunteers pledge allegiance to colonel Kermit Roosevelt in Finnish Aid office in London
8.3.1940 Once more marshal Mannerheim suggests accepting offers of help from western allies. Tanner thinks the request might break peace negotiations in Moscow.
At 16:00 Finnish delegation meets soviet counterpart. Soviet delegation includes Molotov, Zdanov and general Vasilevski. Finnish wish of getting to negotiate with Stalin doesn't come true. First negotiations start at 19:00
9.3.1940 Deteriorating situation at the front forces Mannerheim to support view of accepting soviet terms.
10.3.1940 Former finnish president P.E.Svinhufvud is in Germany trying to negotiate for Finland, but he doesn't manage to meet leaders of Germany
Another meeting at the peace talks in Moscow. Finnish delegation tries to negotiate less harsh terms.
11.3.1940 Soviets break into suburbs of Viipuri.
For the first time finnish press publishes news that there are peace talks going on in Moscow
In finnish parliament the committee for foreign affairs has a vote on accepting soviet terms for peace. The terms are accepted with votes going 13-4. News about the vote leaks and is published by swedish afternoon papers.
In the evening there is third meeting in Moscow. Soviets know about the vote, so they will not agree to a compromise
Italian volunteer pilot Diego Manzochi is killed. In december he flew a Fiat-fighter into Finland.
12.3.1940 Finnish president Kyösti Kallio signs open authorization for finnish delegation in Moscow. While signing he says, "This is the most dreadful document I have ever signed. Let my hand that is forced to sign this paper wither". Half a year later that hand paralyzed.
***Here's some definite flavour!
Sweden announces it will agree to start negotiations about defensive alliance with Finland. Finnish foreign minister Tanner wishes that in the news it would be said that the matter is "to be considered shortly". Sweden removes word 'shortly' from it's announcement.
Delegations in Moscow meet twice but soviet terms won't change.
13.3.1940 Peace treaty is signed in Moscow 01:00 finnish time. Peace will begin 11:00.
Foreign minister Tanner addresses finnish people in a radio speech. He explains details of the treaty and reasons for peace. He praises the firmness of finnish army and people at home. He then criticized nordic neighbours who pleading neutrality have rejected every request for aid and even prevented western allies from helping Finland. Without help Finland could not have gone on fighting. Despite the hardness of the terms and the painful territorial losses he states that Finland succeeded in the most important mission, which was to remain independent.
27.8.1940 President Kallio has a severe stroke which shatters his health.
27.11.1940 President Kallio resigns refering to issues with his health. Unanimous parliament chooses Risto Ryti as his follower and Kallio prepares to leave to his farm in Nivala to recuperate and rest. However his weakened heart coudn't take the emotional farewell ceremonies. At the Helsinki railway station just prior to boarding the train, in front of the guard of honour while 'Porilaisten Marssi' was being played, he collapsed onto marshal Mannerheim's arms and died. It was the most memorable death in finnish history.
***If it's possible to link music to events, this one should come with 'Porilaisten Marssi'
If nothing else, you have some nice Winter War trivia here
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