Just want to preface this with he fact that the Converter is amazing! However I've come to notice a few nitpicky annoyances with the converter that I was wondering about. First is that while Empire conversion is amazing, it has a few issues. First Arabia is usually present and the ERE exists and is named as such despite the fact that area was divded between Persia, Thrace, and Rome, with Thrace having the biggest chunk. I sorta felt that renaming it to whichever tag held the most of the land made more sense.
Another common complaint I see with the converter is that on the de jure kingdoms map:
I fast forwarded through the game a bit here to demonstrate a few points - after Rome collapses, all it's now indepedent parts are all the same color, incredibly easy to confuse and it's even worse at the Magadhan Empire where every kingdom is the same color as the empire was.
I had to check de jure kingdoms just to see if that was their default color only to find:
That it does seem to be the case that the de jure remnants of large empires are all the same or almost the same color. But the bigger issue is the fact that converted nations below Empire tier (500 provinces) get converted to kingdoms even when it doesn't make sense. Icenia controlled all of Brittania but wasn't large enough to be an Empire, so now all of Brittania is a single kingdom. Similiarly Egypt is now unreasonably big.
Otherwise everything else seems to have worked fine (in case you're wondering why my game looks different, I was testing out how the save worked with The Fallen Eagle mod for a mega campaign. The issues in everything are the same in vanilla where I first checked them, but since I loaded it up with TFE I was a bit too lazy to go back and change the mod) so I'm not reporting a bug or issue or anything just a few pet peeves.
On a Side Note related to TFE, in order to get a few things to work I've been messing around Configurables which has given me a new respect for the work ya'll do for this thing to not just make the converter but make it customizable so I'd like to end with another round of thanks for making such an amazing converter!