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Can anyone help me please?

I'm on a mac and the mod does not run. When I select the mod to play and start the game, the screen briefly flashes white and "Unexpectedly quits". I tried to mac fix suggested on the FAQ page. It runs the game... but without the mod. Basically, vanilla.
Robb Stark start is almost impossible. Facing the Lannister army is already hard, but when Greyjoys, Tyrells and Joffrey's ost also come for me, what can I possibly do ? I always find myself imprisoned...
Robb Stark start is almost impossible. Facing the Lannister army is already hard, but when Greyjoys, Tyrells and Joffrey's ost also come for me, what can I possibly do ? I always find myself imprisoned...

Wait for martial skill buffs and release your army. Give honorary titles to Tuly, Bolton, Karstark and Manderly Lords. Wait for the Manderly-Stark modifier. Now you can raise 3 times more than starting army.
A couple suggestions:
-Have the warscore start in favor of the North in the Clash of Kings scenario, to reflect the crushing victories the North had in the Whispering Wood and Battle of the Camps.
-Make Bear Island a High Lordship, like the Arbor
-Given that the North never fought against any Reachman army, I'm not sure it's right to have the Reach allied with the the Iron Throne. The Reach should only be fighting against Stannis, after Renly's death of course.
When does the Davos rescue Rickon event happen? I've tried several games waiting for this event but it never appears. And usually Davos eventually gets transferred to Roose's prison.
So I've been supporting this mod since 0.1 and diligently waited for the release of a new version time after time. I have enjoyed this mod immensely, yet I have realized a terrible oversight by the creators as of late. I have recently started playing this module in a multiplayer setting, and we have mostly played continental people, except for the 2 or 3 who go Iron Islands. Those two or three people end up the most powerful people in the game, the richest, and the most untouchable. They are of the same skill capacity as the other players, yet they are bringing in hauls of 1000s of gold every three months. The provinces in the Iron Islands are usually the most upgraded, nearly finished upgrading even, leaving the nearest, Kings Landing, in the DUST. Their ability to mass money through looting is ridiculous, and it needs to be nerfed or removed completely. Why not just leave the reaving mechanics as they were... they were just fine... their ability to move 20k troops by sea instantaneously makes them damn near invincible against any two allied lord paramounts...


EDIT: okay Aeron Damphair is King of the Iron Isles and just invaded the Riverlands. Arya Stark is married to Robert Arryn. Cersei Lannister was blinded and Jaime was gelded and sent to the Wall.
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I keep getting the same error over and over in the "Blackfyre Rebellion" scenario.

The log shows:

[persistent.cpp:40]: Error: "Unexpected token: attacker_alliance_occ_warscore, near line: 37
" in file: "common/cb_types/AGOT_cb_types.txt" near line: 41
So, I have a modding question. Frequently (or, at least, I perceive it to be frequently) I have a character who just refuses to have children with his wife or vice versa and I was wondering if it was possible to edit the mod to allow for the "Visit the Bedchamber" option to be available for wives?

Also, I'm reading through the patchnotes, but is the drinking moon tea event capable of being disabled for concubines if it's not already been fixed?
Can someone explain to me what Open Succession is? I am trying to roleplay an Ironborn who wants the strongest among his children as his heir. Currently, my second youngest son has the Strong, Genius, and Brilliant Commander trait, and has higher values than his brothers. Strangely, it continues to show my eldest son, a rotting imbecile, to be heir. Basically, how exactly does Open Succession work?
Can someone explain to me what Open Succession is? I am trying to roleplay an Ironborn who wants the strongest among his children as his heir. Currently, my second youngest son has the Strong, Genius, and Brilliant Commander trait, and has higher values than his brothers. Strangely, it continues to show my eldest son, a rotting imbecile, to be heir. Basically, how exactly does Open Succession work?

The one with the most land inherits. Give him a high lordship.
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