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Hey guys, loving the mod, but I have a few issues:

A lot of times when I try to arrange marriage for my heirs I see the modifier "so-and-so is my lover," which gives a -4/5 malus and makes the other person refuse the match.

I look at the characters, but it doesn't seem like they are lovers, or that the game is tracking them as lovers. Also, it seems to happen fairly regularly.

Another thing, I tried to get married as my 41 year old High Lord of Blackwood, but I was being refused due to the "unlikely to have children" modifier. Is that working as intended? Should it be affecting men? I'm pretty sure a 41 year old male would be able to have kids until the end of his life, and my previous High Lord did just that.
A lot of times when I try to arrange marriage for my heirs I see the modifier "so-and-so is my lover," which gives a -4/5 malus and makes the other person refuse the match.

I look at the characters, but it doesn't seem like they are lovers, or that the game is tracking them as lovers. Also, it seems to happen fairly regularly.

That should be gone with next week's patch.
So can Daenerys ever have children? I usually marry her as soon as Dragos body hits the ground but besides getting a dragon rider for a wife there isn't much of a benefit. No dowry, no allies, no heirs, and the King on the Iron Throne can randomly imprison her whenever the mood strikes him. She also gifts my character a dragon but because it's virtually impossible to tame it it just ends up burning my lands to ash.
So can Daenerys ever have children? I usually marry her as soon as Dragos body hits the ground but besides getting a dragon rider for a wife there isn't much of a benefit. No dowry, no allies, no heirs, and the King on the Iron Throne can randomly imprison her whenever the mood strikes him. She also gifts my character a dragon but because it's virtually impossible to tame it it just ends up burning my lands to ash.
I've had celibate chaste eunuchs make babies before in vanilla so it might not be impossible.
Hello everyone,

I was wondering, since the mod does not use the unit packs DLCs, is there a way to change it ? For instance, I think the northmen could really use the celtic pack, and the norse pack really fits the ironborn. I've searched for a solution on this forum and on the mod forum, but I did not find any.

Does anyone know how to do it ?
When playing as Eddard a couple years before the aCoK scenario, when Jon is still in Winterfell, there seems to no longer be the option to give Jon a cadet branch. I know you're not actually able to create a cadet branch unless the bastard is at least 16, but has this been taken away with the latest update? Perhaps it only appears as an option once the bastard is actually 16 now...

EDIT: Okay nevermind, it seems to come active at around the age of 14/15.
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Hello everyone,

I was wondering, since the mod does not use the unit packs DLCs, is there a way to change it ? For instance, I think the northmen could really use the celtic pack, and the norse pack really fits the ironborn. I've searched for a solution on this forum and on the mod forum, but I did not find any.

Does anyone know how to do it ?

Wildlings (and i hope mountain clans too) use Norse pack or Rus pack, i cant remember wich one.
Hi, I am playing as Euron Greyjoy and after multiple rebelion crushed as they should be, I am holding 15 title. I do not realy care about the taxe penalty since I'm raiding a lot for gold. But it looks like the demesne penalty works on the levy respawn rate. By the time my last vassal went from 5k to 10k levies, mine went only from 5k to 5.2k... Am i wrong ?
This brings up a good question.

Which portrait DLC is currently used by this mod? The only ones I don't have are the Rus, Celts, and the Greeks.
Hey guys am trying to get a few people together to have mad online game ! add me up on steam on Jackie_Fish and we will try orginised time to get it under way ! preferably only add if you have a lot of spare time to play :)
I might also stream it so make sure your cool with that !
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