Hey guys, just wondering if the mod has been updated to work with the last update? Can't seem to find anything about it, and still getting the CTDs.
I'm curious as how to make the Ironborn (and the wildlings) use the pagan CoA. I figure it to be wise to ask it here, since someone might know. And possibly, the pagan interface aswell.
beyond_wall_old_gods = {
graphical_culture = westerngfx
Go to "mod\A Game of Thrones\common\religions" and open 00_religions.txt with any text editor and search for:
Change westerngfx for norsegfx, search for "drowned_god_group" and do the same.Code:beyond_wall_old_gods = { graphical_culture = westerngfx
The interface is more tricky, it's tied to the pagan group, and that's hardcoded, so unless you change westerosi_group or drowoned_god_group for pagan_group (Which I wouldn't recommend since it would screw up many stuff), you are stuck with the vanilla interface until Paradox chooses to make interfaces more moddable.
My thoughts exactly! Probably throw the Freys onto the sacrificial altar as well.Nothing else is quite as fun as sacrificing the entirety of house Lannister atop the new skull tower of Montezuma's landing.
Technical question: I am playing Targs and after the death of my uncle, his stupid daughter has set the dragon free. Any chance to get him back if i have one for myself already? I have a daughter that would tread Brienne of Tarth into ground just by looking at her, getting a dragon for her would create absolute Targinatoress (and she's sane!). But somehow i don't suspect it's possible...
I'm dissatisfied with some of the custom Coat of Arms on the Ruler Designer; is there a way to include some of the ones I've seen in other mods to diversify my selection?
Why is your mod repeatedly crashing just now when it was working fine before. Was there another update?
out of curiosity, what stuff with the beta patch is affecting compatibility?I'm not sure but I don't believe AGOT is compatible with the beta patch, if you've opted into that.
Loaded up Robert's rebellion as Ned and an infinite amount of blank messages popped up. If I tried to quit, the game crashed. Help.