There's multiple riddles and answers. We can't help with the answer if we don't know the riddle.
Just enter "event wikid.51" in the console.There's a glitch with the Valyrian steel sword quest. Once it's all done, my character still have the trait " On a quest overseas " wich make him away from the court, still with a regent. Is there a solution for that?
I just checked, you're right, wildlings use Norse pack. Do you, by any chance, know how I could make the Ironborn use this pack too, or the Northmen use the celtic pack ?
iron_isles_culture = {
graphical_culture = norsegfx
ironborn = {
graphical_culture = ironborngfx
color = { 0.3 0.8 0.8 }
first_men = {
graphical_culture = celticgfx
northman = {
graphical_culture = northmangfx
Can anyone help me please?
I'm on a mac and the mod does not run. When I select the mod to play and start the game, the screen briefly flashes white and "Unexpectedly quits". I tried to mac fix suggested on the FAQ page. It runs the game... but without the mod. Basically, vanilla.
Open C:\Users\"user name"\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\A Game of Thrones\common\cultures\ironborn.txt
Find the "graphical_culture = easterngfx" and edit it "graphical_culture = norsegfx"
Code:iron_isles_culture = { graphical_culture = norsegfx ironborn = { graphical_culture = ironborngfx color = { 0.3 0.8 0.8 }
For northman edit the second line in first_men.txt
Code:first_men = { graphical_culture = celticgfx northman = { graphical_culture = northmangfx
is it working?
So... This happened.
View attachment 84435
So... This happened.
View attachment 84435
Personally I think it's a bit more interestingIt says clearly in the mod FAQ not to load it with Sunset Invasion.
Nothing else is quite as fun as sacrificing the entirety of house Lannister atop the new skull tower of Montezuma's landing.So... This happened.
View attachment 84435
If you want to cheat: event wikid.1Hey I've got a question :
I've chosen the " Obtain a Valyrian Sword " ambition. I wonder if there is something special that can be done in order to trigger the chain of events ?
Same with fighter education, IIRC.If you want to cheat: event wikid.1
Also, the higher rank you'll be, the faster the event will appear. Same with money.
Nothing about this.Same with fighter education, IIRC.