That is how your post should look, BTW![]()
Good point, sorry >.< I figured that as that event of his appearance happens anyway during that time period, it wouldn't do harm. But yeah, better safe than sorry!
That is how your post should look, BTW![]()
This is more of a suggestion, I know that ordering conversion is impossible since it would wipe out Drowned God and Old Gods worship, but it would be really helpful if, when you start worshipping R'hlorr, you could tell your vassals to convert like Stannis did. Just a friendly idea, still love the mod.
Maybe a "Burn the false idols" event where your vassals have to decide on conversion, and if they refuse you can imprison them and revoke all their titles?
I don't see why r'hlloran characters should see Old Gods as more 'tolerated' than Seven. It's not like they didn't burn this weirswood at Storm's End just because they could.Maybe not a mass revoke, but some kind of penalty. I sorta feel that a R'hllor worshipper should be able to get away with more tyranny though, at least with fellow members of their religion. In other words, if you try to force convert the entire Seven Kingdoms, you should take a large tyranny hit, but everyone who actually decides to convert shouldn't care anyway. Everyone who refuses should be strongly inclined to conspire against you. Old Gods and Drowned God religion should probably be far harder to convert, too. We already know that Stannis and Melisandre seem fairly tolerant of the Old Gods and their magic, and that Victarion seems comfortable holding both Drowned God and R'hllor faith at once.
Is there any particular condition, other than asking for it, that can cause you to become Night King of the Night's Watch?
Just a placeholder title to prevent a crash in one of the de jure screens.
Night King is a thing, or did you put it in yourself? Also, how in the world does a Targ just spawn out of nowhere with claims to the throne? That's pretty interesting, lmao.
It's AFFC scenario ?
Dany is Queen of Meeren with open elective(?) law and heir simply inherit Dany's claims
Hey guys, does anyone remember where can I find the valyrian steel submod that changes swords names and icons?
You mean mine?It's here in my SkyDrive. Also, welcome to the forum.