Precisely the point. If you want your heir/kids to become good, invest in them.
No. It certainly isn't about 'investment in education/tutors'. Otherwise my
500 gold investition would as hell give more results more of a investment than
15 gold one, did by count of Nowhere. Hell, that would even make sense - as King of the Iron Throne I can afford
better tutors who provide
better education – therefore, my heir should get more bonus.
But no, it provides the same education, without any differences whatsoever.
Personally, I'd split this into two decision:
- one for choosing education (whether martial, courtly or focused on stewardship) – this one wouldn't use scaled wealth.
- second for choosing whether educate him in overtly pompous way (you know, 15 swords, diamonds in hilts, etc.), just according to his station or below his station – this one would use scaled wealth.
Second decision would not modify child's education, but would add / substract amount of prestige from you & add / substract even greater amount of prestige from your child. Moreover, depending on your decision, you could get +/- to your relations with children.
Otherwise, scaled wealth makes no sense – hell, if I don't fund luxurious armours & swords to my heir & give him to very capable household knights, he
still will learn exactly the same way as he would learn in silks. It could certainly hurt his & yours prestige – but it isn't 'all or nothing' deal.