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I have encountered a bug in my caitiff game. After I chose the pureblood bloodline and disciplines, when I came to the Coat of Arms stuff it never changed my dynasty CoA or house CoA. Is this maybe because I created a custom ruler?
It should have. You get a choice to change your coat of arms, and also then to make it your realm coat of arms.
It should work fine with custom rulers, as custom rulers are the easiest way to have a caitiff (there are a few canon caitiff in the mod, but they are hard to find). I will put it on the list to test.
It should have. You get a choice to change your coat of arms, and also then to make it your realm coat of arms.
It should work fine with custom rulers, as custom rulers are the easiest way to have a caitiff (there are a few canon caitiff in the mod, but they are hard to find). I will put it on the list to test.
Ok. I added my save game in case it could help.


  • Garsiya.ck3
    20,9 MB · Views: 0
Ok. I added my save game in case it could help.
Thank you for the save file. I was able to replicate the failure. There is also a bug in error log.

Script system error!
 Error: Failed to fetch a valid dynasty 'PODcustombloodline7a'
 Script location: file: events/POD_1230objectives/POD_1230objectives.txt line: 6477

I will investigate further. It might be something specific about how you created your dynasty.
Thank you for the save file. I was able to replicate the failure. There is also a bug in error log.

Script system error!
 Error: Failed to fetch a valid dynasty 'PODcustombloodline7a'
 Script location: file: events/POD_1230objectives/POD_1230objectives.txt line: 6477

I will investigate further. It might be something specific about how you created your dynasty.
Issue resolved. We were missing a dynasties file.

Hot Fix uploaded to Steam Workshop and Paradox Plaza Mods.
View attachment 687401

Princes of Darkness, Version, "Inquisition" Update, Change Log, February 28, 2021

Development Diary 1: Shadow Inquisition, Hunters, True Faith

Development Diary 2: Vampires , Blood Sorcery, Custom Bloodlines, Revenants

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Change Log:

Princes of Darkness, Version, "Inquisition" Update, Change Log, February 28, 2021

# Inquisition! - Karde, Kukul, Sparc, Wata and Khorvale
- Added a game rule for the Endgame Inquisitors difficulty. - Karde
- Added the Holy Heal perk. - Karde
- Ask the Pope decision. - Kukul and Karde
- Invite Prospect decision. - Kukul and Karde
- AI Inquisition heir creation events and templates - Karde and Kukul
- Inquisition dynasties house modifiers - Kukul
- 3 Inquisition lifestyle events - Kukul
- Characters for Sisters of St John, Red Order, St James - Kukul
- Added the Conversion perk of the True Faith Lifestyle tree. - Karde
- Small history changes (Louhi, Rodrigue, Gauthier). - Karde
- Scripted the Penance perk of the true faith tree. - Karde
- Also added a maintenance event for vampires to come back from the Shadow Inquisition religion, they were not invited. - Karde
- Vampires looking for jobs in Inquisitors courts will now be politely shown the door. - Karde
- The True Faith lifestyle is done (although the graphics aren't as pretty as the others). - Karde
- True faith and medicine perks added to the auto assign perks script for vampires. - Karde
- Added True Faith lifestyle xp for successful find the lair scheme. Higher gain if the vampire killed was lower generation. - Karde
- Ordinated characters have a 10% chance of gaining True Faith on ordination. Same for Von Murnau becoming hunters. - Karde
- Added True Faith or Beatific traits to Inquisitors characters. - Karde
- Also added it to the few vampires that qualify for it, even though they can't earn xp in this tree for now. - Karde
- Added rewards to "Pyrrhic victories" in the find lair scheme. - Karde
- Inquisitors will now get their lifestyle trees filled at the start like vampire do. - Karde
- Tweaked find lair duels to be more interesting and understandable. - Karde
- Added the lore introduction events for Inquisitors. - Karde
- Added Independnet Hunters faith for lapsed Inquisitors and independent non-Inquisitorial hunters. - Sparc
- Random Shadow Inquisitors and Indpendent Hunters Coats of Arms. - Sparc
- Inquisitors spawned by the endgame crisis will now always accept a vassalization offer from a player inquisitor. - Karde
- This behavior is forewarned to players in the main Inquisition warning event of 1420. - Karde
- The Inquisition warning event will actually show up to warn you about the Inquisition. - Karde
- Added a post war maintenance event that makes vampires holder go away when a war is won by an inquisitor. - Karde
- Scripted oculi dei recruits are now order member. - Karde
- Rodrigue now starts with the duchy of Viscaya. - Karde
- You can demand conversion of independent inquisitors. - Karde
- Added a check to avoid inquisitors being proposed as knights for the invite champions decision, although I couldn't reproduce this error in the first place. - Karde
- Hunters can now be embraced. True Faith characters still can't. - Karde
- Same for the exsanguination execution method. - Karde
- Tweaked the masquerade exposure maintenance event to have it not fire for non vampires. - Karde
- Fixed the control the townfolk building. - Karde
- Embraced characters lose the order_member trait during the embrace. - Karde
- Added a Karl Schrekt chain of events. - Karde
- Inquisition event type theme icons. - Hastur
- Society of Saint George dynasty. - Sparc
- Turn Hunter event. - Khorvale and Kukul
- Knights of Santiago tabbard. - Sparc
- Shadow Inquisition Nuns in Habits. - Sparc
- Red Order wears Red. - Sparc
- Added renown gain for Hunters executing vampires. - Sparc
- Added renown gain for Hunters finding the lair of vampires and destorying them. - Sparc
- Added renown gains for dynasty modifiers for canon Shadow Inquisition dynasties. - Sparc
- Added Oculi Dei to the von Murnau "ruler always hunter" maintenance event. - Karde
- Nerfed the leaders of the rebel Inquisition cell. - Karde
- The great prospects given by the various Inquisition objective now start with mortal trait and not hunter, so you can ordinate them as your heir. - Karde
- "East Francia" renamed to "Germany" in the von Murnau objective. - Karde
- Integrated Kukul's tweaks for non canon Inqui playthrough. - Karde
- Invite prospects decision is less costly overall. - Kukul
- New Legacy Track for Shadow Inqusition orders. - Kukul
- Inquisition/Vampire diplomatic relations fix - Kukul
- Inquisition alternative to release for hooks - Kukul
- Learn True Faith from a friend. - Wata
- Added additional Sword of St. James characters. - Karde

# Blood Sorcery - Thaumaturge
- Blood Sorcery GUI! - Thaumaturge
- Blood Sorcery: Path of Blood, Mars, Curses, Neptune's Might and Focus of the Mind. - Thaumaturge

# Oblivion
- Added Haunting Crime Doctrine, criminalizing wraiths, shunning oblivion and possession. - Sparc
- Added missing wraith effects. - Sparc
- A necromancer must now be in the same location as the victim to ritually murder them and transform them into a wraith. Etrius has to physically grab Ponticulus' junk at Ceoris. - Sparc
- Skuld oblivion discipline power can strip ghouls and revenants of vampire blood, potentially killing them. - Wata
- Ashes to Ashes localization. - Wata

# Camarilla vs. Sabbat
- Camarilla and Sabbat buildings. - Kukul
- Camarilla and Sabbat Gangrel will stop collapsing civilization for funzies as soon as they convert. - Karde
- Added Sabbat Paths of Enlightenment faiths, holy sites, Coat of Arms charge. - Sparc
- Fixed and moved the Sernog Monastary location. - Sparc
- New Coats of Arms for various holy sites: Ceoris, Hunedoara and Sernog Monastery. - Sparc
- Small fixes for the new Sabbat religion. - Karde
- Camarilla, Sabbat and new Tzimisce event type theme icons. - Hastur
- Added Gangrel COA event theme. Fixed broken Banu Haqim COA event theme in Thorns events. - Sparc
- New Camarila and Sabbat Faith Buildings. - Khorvale

# Ghouls & Revenants
- Revenant/ghoul buildings - Kukul
- Revenant Bloodgorged objective decision: "Steal the Secrets of Vitae". - Kukul
- Revenants can now targeted with a blood bond scheme. - Sparc
- Released ghouls will now lose their blood bond hooks and positive opinion of their domitor. - Sparc
- Khazi revenants are now scaly. Khazi motto fixed. - Sparc
- 18+ immortal age for revenants set. - Sparc
- Fixed a bug in transmogrification that was preventing really beautiful or really ugly domitors from making their ghoul thralls ugly or beautiful. - Sparc
- Calomena Forsaken's buildings. - Kukul
- Ghouls can use a vampire prisoner to create a ghoul - Kukul
- Vampire Dukes and higher tier tiles will create a single ghoul thrall depending upon their faith restrictions. - Sparc

# New Events - Karde
- Vampire childer education events. - Karde
- Added an event for your childe to try to eat you as soon as you embrace him. - Karde
- Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
- Included an event chain around Ulf's Hall. - Karde
- Added 8 events regarding your unlanded knights. - Karde
- Knights events can't happen with your childer now. - Karde
- New regional person events. - Karde
- Added the tier 3 of education events : presenting your childe to the court. - Karde
- Canon Character Content for Mithras, Helena, Absalon. - Karde
- Kuei Jin invasion of Anda. - Karde

# 3D Portraits
- Community Flavor Pack Compatibility Submod. - Sparc
- Fixed nudity bug in ruler designer. - Sparc
- Fixed weight slider and muscle slider in ruler designer. - Sparc
- Adjusted portrait environment for more dramatic lighting. - Sparc
- Added Ancient Egyptian Clothing for Egyptian Setites, models courtesy of Owlcoholic. - Sparc
- Mithrasist hats are now red. - Sparc
- Blood Gorged Eyes. - Wata
- Frenzy Eyes. - Wata
- Sanitized some DNA that was causing vampiric childer to grown horns. - Sparc
- Knights of Shadow Reconquista tabbard. - Sparc
- 44 new portraits:
Wata: Theodora Anna Romanovich, Calida, Dieter von Karlach, Tautginas, Trajan, Alacrinis, Iontius, Maatkare, Usama, Alaric the Younger, Eileen, Julia Antasia(redone). Made Caine, Zilah, Irad, Enoch look younger
kukul: Tanith, Irad, Enoch, Zilah, Caine, Annazir, Marcellus of Alexandria, Bezprym Slatikov, Adrian Szantovich, Lucretia von Hardtz, Lotta of East Kiilt, Hrothgar of Nordreyjar, Camille Duchesne, Hippolyta, Mireia Subira, Nefertiti, Lacplesis, Tomislav of Bulgaria, Periander, Marcus Licinius, Olugbenga, Jhunakhai, Dominus the Warmaster, Arjan of Utrecht, Agnethe of Skane, Al-Ashrad, Armin Brenner, Demdemeh, Borovich of Pomerania, Nova Arpad, Razkoljna, Raiya of Oghuz, Florescu of Bukovina, Zdarvka of Chornobyl, Landuff of Palemero, Nicodemus of Reims.

# Various
- Vampire building update and AI prioritization - Kukul
- Blood Hunger and Masquerade meter GUIs. - Thaumaturge and Sparc
- Caitiff objective decision: establish your own bloodline! - Wata, Hastur and Sparc
- Duel when attempting to imprison vampires. - Wata
- Train childer disciplines. - Wata
- The localization for disciplines perks is now accurate and complete. - Karde
- Added flavour localization to most discipline trees. - Khorvale
- Reworked a number a number of discipline perks to fit lore/game limitations better. - Khorvale
- Corrected some spelling. - Khorvale
- Elders from the Assamite, Baali and Brujah now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
- Elders from the Cappadocian, Gangrel and Lasombra now have their full disciplines lists. - Karde
- Elders from the Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Salubri and Setites now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
- Elders of the last four clans (Tremere, Tzimisce, Toreador and Ventrue) have their full disciplines list - Karde
- Torpor and blood potency improvements. - Wata
- Vampires won't create cadets houses anymore. - Karde
- Insults for vampires based on clan. - Sparc
- Same for the disciplines page on the wiki. - Karde
- Nerfed (finally) the +knight effectiveness of the martial lifestyle tree. - Karde
- Reworked opinion from defines. Characters don't care as much about culture and parent/child relationship. They care much more about being in the council if they are powerful. - Karde
- Integrated PDX nerf of diplomacy skill into character opinion. - Karde
- Tentative fix of the vassal contract being blocked if an AI ruler changes a thing before you got this vassal. - Karde
- Fix for the London Mithraeum that Sparc made only buildable for Via Diabolis and Tartaros, thus proving that he is truly a Baali. - Karde
- Brujah are now opposite of Assamites. - Sparc
- Added the most convoluted maintenance event ever to have the AI actually replace buildings. - Karde
- To make it work, some changes to province files. - Karde
- Added Game Rule for chosing between DAV20 and V5 rules: this impacts disciplines and trait icons, more to come. - Sparc
- Vampire Coats of Arms updated for V:TM V5 Symbols. - Sparc
- Random Ravnos now get appropriate Coats of Arms, not just Indian COAs. - Sparc
- Unquartering. Random cadet dynasties will no longer default to quartered shields. - Sparc
- Fix to needs new dynasty effect for generating coats of arms and non-lowborn random splat courtiers. - Sparc
- Started creating a few Temporaral Heads or Religions: Cainite Hersey/See of Nod and Calomena's Forsaken. - Sparc
- Integrated PDS hotfix changes. - Karde
- Continued fixing the world initialization events quirks. - Karde
- Fixed some initialization events being character events where they shouldn't. - Karde
- Changed the holy war for kingdom localization to say that it's per 50 years and not lifetime. - Karde
- Added an "empty" tag to our maintenance events, which seems to improve their triggering reliability. - Karde
- With this, the initialization event finally triggers on game start, meaning you have blood potency and masquerade exposure at the beginning. - Karde
- Tweaked the replace building script to more aggressively trigger. - Karde
- Chimerstry localization doesn't reference technology from the future anymore. - Karde
- Tweaked the replace buildings script to be less aggressive to players. - Karde
- The cover up Masquerade decision now tells you when your religion doesn't care about the Masquerade. - Karde
- Ordos faiths added as an option for Malkavian characters in Custom Character Creator. - Sparc
- Added an objective for Tal'mahe'Ra religion characters. - Karde
- Unified the Naktanchara with the underworld realm of the Naga: Patala. - Sparc
- New Faith Buildings. - Khorvale
- Moved Szlachta creation to perk Transmogrify the mortal clay to prevent it being useless (formerly giving bonus to Szlactha troops that only become available after getting the next perk). - Khorvale
- Gave Tzimisce shapes fixed Prowess bonuses and bigger attraction debuffs (maybe too much). - Khorvale
- Added instant dread gains to Vicissitude transformations. - Khorvale
- Attempted to standardize some code, probably to karde's great consternation. - Khorvale
- Added silly easter egg. - Khorvale
- Added another safeguard against ill vampires. - Karde
- Lacplesis is now Latgalian. - Karde
- Fixed a broken effect in the shapeshift modifier. - Karde
- Diversified NPC predator type allocation. - Sparc
- Religion of Ignorance and Faith of Innocence for hapless mortals. - Sparc
- Some mortals know about and support the Shadow Inquisition, without being hunters. - Sparc
- More hunters and vampires will spawn as random courtiers. - Sparc
- Player decision to start Crusades/Great Holy Wars by faiths with appropriate tenets, max piety level and 1000 piety. - Sparc
- Nagaraja can no longer exsanguinate prisoners, but they can devour them which also satisfies their blood hunger. - Sparc
- Innocent mortals will be sacrificed less by Hunters and some Vampires for being heretics. - Sparc
- Nakurtum and her childe are now Road of Ahura Mazda following new information. - Karde
- Fix for African Duchy Capitals. - FaolDeTeine
- Update for Sèitheach, now a revenant. - FaolDeTeine
- Fix for random barons. - Sparc

# Integrated Mods
- Integrated Show More Traits Mod. Thanks to FunGaming44. Further modified by Wata.
- Integrated More Realm Capital Mod. Thanks to Myrianne.
- Integrated Window Dynasty scrollable by Samdy.

# Patrons
- Head of Faith titles for Antediluvian Patron Faiths. - Sparc
- Added Antediluvian Patron Faith to primary kingdoms for Patron War Bookmark. - Sparc
- Revised Patron Faiths: tenets, coats of arms, icons, holy sites. - Sparc
- Added Patron Antediluvian Coat of Arms. - Sparc
- Patron Characters: Patrick Ramos, Gabriel Felipe de la Casta, Lilian Szantovich, Stoffer Ravensburg, Miguel Barbaneagra, Mokano, Bjorik, Lucius Salinas, Abaddon Natasson, Faustus, Lael O'Ruairc, Hakon Fystond, Bimbee, Anatolios Tenebris, Eridanus, Xenephon, Wilhelm Shelborne, Rotislav Vovkulaka, Antariksha-Chandra Hastur, Mathieu, Gorm, Hannibal Barcid - Sparc
- Patron character nerfing. - Karde
Who's the scary Roman Vampire looking lad on the map and can I play as him?
Who's the scary Roman Vampire looking lad on the map and can I play as him?
The scary roman vampire is Titus Venturus Camillus also known as Camilla, Pontifex Maximus of the Damned, Prince of Rome, childe of Collat, grand childe of Ventrue, leader of Via Peccati (the Path of Sin). He has the visual effect applied to him by a "wight" trait. He is one of our 1800 playable canon characters. However, if character becomes a wight in the course of a level three stress mental break, its an automatic abdication.
The custom bloodline objective for Caitiff is NEARLY forming a a new clan. It would be easy to adapt. We are adding a bunch of clan legacies in the future that the dynasty head will be able to shape the clan through.

That is pretty neat. Also makes me wonder about bloodlines. The smaller bloodlines are mutations of the larger clans, right? Like how the Sisters of Cacophony probably branched off from the Toreador at some point? I never actually understood how that works in canon. I guess if you have an especially noteworthy vampire siring childer, their 'essence' will just pass on somehow, and thus the offspring may inherit a discipline set and curse different from the original clan? Not that high on my personal priorities list, but I guess it would be cool if a powerful non-Caitiff vampire could found their own bloodline like that.
I will investigate further. It might be something specific about how you created your dynasty.
You think it might be because I first created it with the ruler designer and then your custom ruler designer to give him vampire traits? Anyhow even after the hotfix I can't make it work on my save game :´( Guess I have to redo it at a later stage. Now it is time for the Revenant Revolution.
You think it might be because I first created it with the ruler designer and then your custom ruler designer to give him vampire traits? Anyhow even after the hotfix I can't make it work on my save game :´( Guess I have to redo it at a later stage. Now it is time for the Revenant Revolution.
I solved the issue and updated steam workshop and paradox plaza.
I solved the issue and updated steam workshop and paradox plaza.
Yeah I saw it was updated but I think I might have to start a new game for it to have an effect. Just tried on my old save and was still the same.
Thank you for the update, pretty cool!
Is it intended that the only way to satiate the hunger is to expend 500 piety hunting humans? I mean, with the piety gain being 1-2 per month that means that it takes 40 years to get it back.
Also, no matter how much blood you drink, you get the same amount of lifestyle experience. So what is the point in 5 different options for how much blood would you take, if you get the same xp and you only get satiated if you drink the human dry? I reported it a few weeks ago and it was supposed to change in this update, but maybe i am missing something.
Thank you! :)
Thank you for the update, pretty cool!
Is it intended that the only way to satiate the hunger is to expend 500 piety hunting humans? I mean, with the piety gain being 1-2 per month that means that it takes 40 years to get it back.
Also, no matter how much blood you drink, you get the same amount of lifestyle experience. So what is the point in 5 different options for how much blood would you take, if you get the same xp and you only get satiated if you drink the human dry? I reported it a few weeks ago and it was supposed to change in this update, but maybe i am missing something.
Thank you! :)

In V5 you can only completely remove your Hunger by draining someone's "heart's blood", so yes it is intended :) With very high blood potency it's supposed to get even harder (which is why the elders like to drink from their childer), but I'm not sure that's in the mod.

I can confirm that you seem to get the same amount of xp with each choice, for some reason.
In V5 you can only completely remove your Hunger by draining someone's "heart's blood", so yes it is intended :) With very high blood potency it's supposed to get even harder (which is why the elders like to drink from their childer), but I'm not sure that's in the mod.

I can confirm that you seem to get the same amount of xp with each choice, for some reason.
You can herd your vampire courtiers, maybe prisoners too I forgot. You can even leave them back home and drink from them when commanding an army half a world away. Though you have to be at home yourself to start the scheme.

Rulers cannot be herded or treated as such as I recall. Whether landing your cattle frees your herd slot or not, I do not know.
  • 1Like
In V5 you can only completely remove your Hunger by draining someone's "heart's blood", so yes it is intended :) With very high blood potency it's supposed to get even harder (which is why the elders like to drink from their childer), but I'm not sure that's in the mod.

I can confirm that you seem to get the same amount of xp with each choice, for some reason.
Yes, i understand, and i am ok that you have to kill the human to get enough blood, but spending 500 piety every time i need to get blood is insane. Like i said, it can take 40 years to get it back. I am supposed to use vampiric powers once every 40 years?