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Why is my infantry unit taking the long way to go to province right next to it?
Is your unit in allied territory rather than your own, and if so, is that ally currently a member of your war? (Sorry; the screenshots make it hard to figure out the bigger picture, especially since I don't have all the flags memorized.)

You can't attack from a neutral country, even if they're part of your faction or they're subjects. You have to actually call them into the war. (Which you may not want to do for any number of good reasons.) If this is the case, your attempt to attack might cause the unit to have to find a path to that province by heading south until it finds a way to cross into the USSR from your own territory rather than a neutral ally, then back north to get to the province it was ordered to attack.
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The defines.lua file specifies the following variables:
LAND_COMBAT_ORG_DICE_SIZE = 4, -- nr of damage dice LAND_COMBAT_ORG_ARMOR_ON_SOFT_DICE_SIZE = 6, -- extra damage dice if our armor outclasses enemy

According to the wiki, in a normal case, a single dice with values 1 to 4 is thrown to (partly) determine the damage done, aka a 1d4. With sufficient attacker armor however, a 1d6 is thrown instead.
The variable names in the define suggest this this true, but the code comments above allude to a completely different thing happening. I interpret the code comments as saying 4 dice of an unspecified size are thrown in the first case, and in the second case six extra dice are thrown on top of that.

What is going on here? Is it 1d4 or 1d6? Or is it 4dx or 10dx? Or something else?
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Tried setting up a spy network in USSR right from the beginning of the game. I restarted 6 times and my agent keeps getting caught in the same 10 day window in May 1936. RNG cannot be that consistent. I can't get an agent of Russian nationality as my first spy. So is it impossible to do any spying on the USSR until you get a Russian spy?
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I did spy on Russia in my games, never bother to do it in 1936. Yes, your spies will get caught, be ready to either dismiss and rehire a spy or rescue one. Soviet Union have bonus to spy detection from the start. You know, all this Stalin Paranoia and NKVD.
So, you will have to use minimum 3 spies' in order to get anywhere. Do not forget to put a spy on sleeping spy network when you preparing and executing operation.
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Tried setting up a spy network in USSR right from the beginning of the game. I restarted 6 times and my agent keeps getting caught in the same 10 day window in May 1936. RNG cannot be that consistent. I can't get an agent of Russian nationality as my first spy. So is it impossible to do any spying on the USSR until you get a Russian spy?

I've had similar experience, my spies are always caught before the network can get anywhere close to high enough to perform a rescue operation. I recommend putting your spies on counterintelligence duty at home until you have 2-3 unlocked, then sending all of them at once to spy on Russia. Then if one gets caught, you have a spy free to perform the rescue immediately.

And like the person said just above, once you get to 50%, switch your spy to a quiet network, and you should have no further issues completing infiltrations.
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It has been strange. In the past if I do Russia first I can get to 50% for the very first mission at least 2/3 of the time without getting caught. 6 games in a row this morning and so close to the same date was just too odd to be a coincidence IMHO. This only happened since after the update to 1.11.5 Hmm...
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In battles units have a modifier: state. What is state? Also seems nothign in wiki about it or I misread something?


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I upgraded my zero airplane with better range. Then tried to convert my regular(old) zero planes to this new model with better range. But it seems like the cost to convert my old planes is the same as building a new upgraded plan? Aka making it not worth it at all. Or am I missing something ?
I upgraded my zero airplane with better range. Then tried to convert my regular(old) zero planes to this new model with better range. But it seems like the cost to convert my old planes is the same as building a new upgraded plan? Aka making it not worth it at all. Or am I missing something ?
The cost is the same but the speed of production is vastly superior. So in the end you will spend much less per airplane if you convert them. The actual speed bonus for conversion depends on modifiers and techs, but I think the base is something like 200% extra on top of normal production speed.
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The cost is the same but the speed of production is vastly superior. So in the end you will spend much less per airplane if you convert them. The actual speed bonus for conversion depends on modifiers and techs, but I think the base is something like 200% extra on top of normal production speed.
Hmm I don't see my production numbers going up when clicking convery, nor those the tooltip suggest anything useful regarding my production being faster. Seems I forgot to research the conversion tech, without it, converting is a waste of time right ? And a slow as building a new plane.
Hmm I don't see my production numbers going up when clicking convery
Do you have a stockpile of obsolete equipment to convert? You need to mark the older type as obsolete in the right-hand list, along with checking the "convert" circle in the lower left corner of the production line for the new type. If the older type isn't marked obsolete, the stockpile will keep issuing those planes to keep units fully equipped, and there won't be many to convert to a newer type.

When there are no planes to convert, a "convert" line for a newer variant will just produce the new variant normally, from scratch. When those planes get issued, you'll get a few to convert when they're issued to replace older variants -- but those quickly get converted and sent back out. So, without a backlog of old stuff, you only get as many to convert as your new production manages to replace. This is a small improvement over the full production time, as the line converts planes every time it makes a new one from scratch, but there aren't many planes with which to see the benefit.

Also, "conversion" means that the new type has to have been created as a variant of the previous type. That is, for the sake of example, suppose you have a newly-researched base fighter type. You make some ("Ftr"). You get some xp, and create a variant, ("Ftr A"). You get some more xp, and go back to Ftr and create a new variant, "Ftr B". In this case, you can't convert Ftr A to Ftr B, because B isn't a variant of A. More commonly, you'd go to Ftr A and create a new variant, Ftr B, as that lets you keep the improvements to A. But sometimes, people might specialize their planes in two different directions (guns vs agility, or a long-range version for large air zones).

In a sample save I checked, checking the "convert" circle gives me a boost of about 64% in the production rate (15.86 to 25.99 planes per day, for that particular example)
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I upgraded my zero airplane with better range. Then tried to convert my regular(old) zero planes to this new model with better range. But it seems like the cost to convert my old planes is the same as building a new upgraded plan? Aka making it not worth it at all. Or am I missing something ?
The last I knew (1.11.4) conversion has been totally broken. Haven't gotten far enough into the new patch to check yet but I don't think it is fixed yet.

People were using the conversion system to build a very cheap tank and then convert it to a very expensive model using the 200% bonus. So PDX removed the 200% to fix that problem... totally screwing up the upgrade system for aircraft. Now you only get the two 40% conversion speed improvements from Industry Tech. Also those two 40% really only add about 67% speed to refitting because they are now linked to cost instead of factory speed? Something like this... So you can upgrade your aircraft with the tiniest retrofit and it costs a boatload to upgrade your old aircraft. Until they fix this system, it is not worth it to upgrade anything.

Plan your models accordingly?

I can't believe they introduced a tank designer as a major feature to this DLC and didn't plan for a way to upgrade the equipment. It is almost unreal... In my next game as Germany I am going to invade Sweden for my mental well being... and the rare metals.
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I can't believe they introduced a tank designer as a major feature to this DLC and didn't plan for a way to upgrade the equipment.
I feel like the devs have made at least one comment that alludes to a supposed actual conversion/refit mechanic for the tanks, but they just didn't have time (or opted to prioritize other things, for some reason) to include it.
Also those two 40% really only add about 67% speed to refitting because they are now linked to cost instead of factory speed? Something like this... So you can upgrade your aircraft with the tiniest retrofit and it costs a boatload to upgrade your old aircraft. Until they fix this system, it is not worth it to upgrade anything.
The conversion speed boosts used to be sort of like infrastructure construction boosts, in that they were an additional multiplier. It didn't matter what your base speed was, it would always just multiply the output. But now it seems they have both chopped off the +200% basic boost, the +20% on dispersed, and shifted them from being their own multiplier into being a factory output boost that stacks additively with each other output boost. Since output can loosely be considered to be plentiful already, this generally means the techs will have a smaller impact on your total output.

Edit. I went back to 1.10.8, and it turns out I'm wrong about the way conversion speed used to work. It seems like it was always an output boost, not a raw speed. Not sure where I got that particular idea from.
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Any way to add more generals? Or raise CP cap?

My CP is capped at 90 and new general is 100. I can't remove advisors to free up CP either, only replace.
You can always fire advisors!
1. Open the "officer Corps" Menu.
2. Click on the Advisor's portrait, of the advisor you want to remove (The selection menu with all the advisor you can choose from opens)

3. Click on the advisor's portrait in the selection menu:

3. Click on "OK"

If you want to cut down the cost of new General:
In the Officer Corps Menu
Select the Spirit of the Academy select "Political Loyalty" cuts down the cost for general in half:


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I feel like the devs have made at least one comment that alludes to a supposed actual conversion/refit mechanic for the tanks, but they just didn't have time (or opted to prioritize other things, for some reason) to include it.

The conversion speed boosts used to be sort of like infrastructure construction boosts, in that they were an additional multiplier. It didn't matter what your base speed was, it would always just multiply the output. But now it seems they have both chopped off the +200% basic boost, the +20% on dispersed, and shifted them from being their own multiplier into being a factory output boost that stacks additively with each other output boost. Since output can loosely be considered to be plentiful already, this generally means the techs will have a smaller impact on your total output.

Edit. I went back to 1.10.8, and it turns out I'm wrong about the way conversion speed used to work. It seems like it was always an output boost, not a raw speed. Not sure where I got that particular idea from.
I never really checked the math on the conversion speed in the old version because with the 200% and the 80% bonuses, the conversions were being completed at more than 3x speed. It was a good deal for upgrading to the better models so I didn't look so closely. You also really don't have to look too closely to notice there is not much of an incentive to do upgrades now, except if you desperately need to save on the resources the equipment needs.

The problem is... now I want to place Messerschmitt much earlier than would usually be warranted to get better fighters in the que much earlier. Upgrading them later is obviously not really a good option.
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