I just find this game so difficult lately. Even with easier difficult and Germany. Invading France seems so impossible, maybe would do it in like 2 years.
All allied forces are in north, leaving south open for Italy. What am i doing wrong? I remember that annexing France was a lot more faster and easier. Also cant remember that there were so many enemy forces. France is spamming inf div's like crazy. subs are also as useful as nothing- bang and they are gone.
My game is not historically focused.
Quite mad at the moment.
Some quick things I'm seeing -
A) 762 Political power - use it for improving your cabinet, economy, conscription law, and political settings.
B) Only May '39 and you;re already at 408 Army Exp (unspent) - use some of that on equipment improvement, etc. Ditto on the 500 Air Exp.
C) Try to get more via focuses, your flag tells me you didn't go to oppose Hitler, so you should be able to peacefully grab territory without actually fighting for it while you build up.
D) Manpower is at 0 - How long has it been there? Change the conscription law to a higher setting when you start running out of manpower.
E) Since you started war really early to get that exp, assuming that you didn't use the MEFO bills - they really are the way to go for a better, longer buildup period.
F) You have unused civilian factories - and only 157 overall - keep the civs working constantly building your economy.
G) You have resource shortages - make sure that you keep your factories fed.
H) Can't really tell, but looks as though your armor is on the Yugoslavian border - attack with the armor, follow with the infantry as much as possible. Inf on Inf attacks tend to favor the defender.
Italy will tend to grab a lot of territory if you call them into the war before attacking France. They get a buff and attack like maniacs til they break through.
Probably other things, but that's just from a quick glance.