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I noticed that in this version, there are two kinds of weird issues with the Iron Throne, firstly the Kingsguard auto-select event seems buggy... clicking on the people it recommends for the kingsguard does not necessarily select the guy or fire the appointing kingsguard event.

Other times its, click person A and get person B instead. No idea why this is.

Next is the Royal privilege for other rulers under the Iron Throne. For some retarded reason, they keep taking up kingship titles, then the iron throne has to revoke them. Giving some weird infinite negative opinion cycle. Other times, this event fires even when they are just lord paramounts...
So, how are incest marriages decided? My Velaryons can't do it, and I'd figure that the only other High Valyrians should be able to.
You need to have the divine blood feature either in you faith or in you dynasty. Of the Valyrian dynasties only Targs and Blackfyres have it.

Faith wise, it looks to be only featured in the Valyrian faith and the Cold Gods.
A question about the White Walkers: Are they meant to be as weak as I've seen them be in 1.0? So far I've not seen a genuinely dangerous invasion from them on either side of the map. Or do I just have very bad luck?
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A question about the White Walkers: Are they meant to be as weak as I've seen them be in 1.0? So far I've not seen a genuinely dangerous invasion from them on either side of the map. Or do I just have very bad luck?
The mean time to happen for them to invade the nightswatch is longer than to invade other provinces to give the wall a fighting chance of noticing and declaring a war for dawn, that is why they often stick around at the wall and can be defeated
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The mean time to happen for them to invade the nightswatch is longer than to invade other provinces to give the wall a fighting chance of noticing and declaring a war for dawn, that is why they often stick around at the wall and can be defeated
Fair enough, but it also means that they end up being just a nuisance rather than an actual danger. The Nights Watchs survival, as far as I've seen so this purely anecdotal, seems to hinge on wether the realms to the south act faster rather than slower. Over at Yi Ti however the white walkers are dead on arrival since they don't seem to have the numbers to rival the Yi Ti levies. Though like I said, I could just have had bad luck.
Trying to mod in King Beyond The Wall as a trait to give some extra bonuses when it's crowned - because if I'm keeping these grumpy savages together for any significant stretch of time, that's basically a small miracle and I deserve it. Not having any luck. :( (Also trying to add a KbtW-specific ambition to take over the Wall. No luck there either.)

But I did get betrayed and killed like a week after crowning myself. Wildlings are jerks. XD
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So I had a thought of a change that could be in the next release. The Rhoynar provinces in Essos have the Essosi castle and city upgrades. George R.R. Martin has said pretty clearly in A World of Ice and Fire how much the Rhoynar influenced the culture of Dorne. That should be represented in the game be giving the de jure provinces in the kingdom of the Rhoynar the Dornish city and castle upgrades when the province cultures are Rohynar.

Also maybe when the Rhoynar has been restored, give the ruler of it some events or decision that deal with water magic if their piety and religious power is high enough. The events could be when your holdings are under siege, have an event pop up in which you can have the decision to call upon the water witches to drown the besiegers at a cost of some piety.
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"The file you have selected (CK2-icefiremod_setup_1.0.exe) is not available via any mirrors."
What am I doing wrong? Ive never downloaded a non-steam mod on CK2 or EU4... :/
Or download just the zip files and extract them in my documents/paradox interactive/ck2/mod
I may have a bug in this...Is anyone else seeing that the colors of the game are really dark? Like the troop models appear to be alright but the colors on the political mapmode are like super dark and muted.
I may have a bug in this...Is anyone else seeing that the colors of the game are really dark? Like the troop models appear to be alright but the colors on the political mapmode are like super dark and muted.
Read the first post of this thread and download the fix for this issue
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