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Is there any chance of the dragons coming back if the Targaryens are all gone?
Is there any chance of the dragons coming back if the Targaryens are all gone?

You don't have to be a Targaryen or Valyrian to be able to hatch a dragon egg, it's just a lot harder.
Not just hatching, but taming them too. It makes it seem like a dragon's more likely to eat whoever's trying to tame them if they aren't Targaryens or even Valyrians simply by virtue of failures being more common.
Not just hatching, but taming them too. It makes it seem like a dragon's more likely to eat whoever's trying to tame them if they aren't Targaryens or even Valyrians simply by virtue of failures being more common.

Well historically after the Targs united Westeros only they or other Valyrians ever rode Dragons and many Dragon Seeds (real or false) tried to claim Dragons and failed.
Yeah, I kind of noticed that when I decided to play a Lannister during the conquest, gained possession of a dragon egg, and then went around to every location with information about dragons before trying to hatch it. I was able to do that, but then it ate me when there was no way to be more prepared. And the sad thing is that I reloaded and tried again repeatedly and failures leading to my character's death, wounding, or maiming is almost certain to happen.
Yeah, I kind of noticed that when I decided to play a Lannister during the conquest, gained possession of a dragon egg, and then went around to every location with information about dragons before trying to hatch it. I was able to do that, but then it ate me when there was no way to be more prepared. And the sad thing is that I reloaded and tried again repeatedly and failures leading to my character's death, wounding, or maiming is almost certain to happen.

If you really want to have more luck at it then mod the Dragons event file or something Dragon related (forgot the exact name) and inside you will find the percentages as well as the stuff that the Targs and Valyrians get as bonuses to their chance of hatching and taming.

Increase any of those or if you want the same chance as the Targs then just add the Lannisters dynasty ID under the Targ and Blackfyre ones... or something like that. I'm terrible at explaining this.
Well, that was just one example where I made a custom character for it. If I wanted to boost my chances then I'd just make a valyrian character and use the dynasty selector trait to place them in whatever house I wanted to play as. I was really pointing out how baffling the current setup is when someone could go on some kind of pilgrimage, using armies and fleets to travel to the Citadel in the Reach, Harrenhal in the Riverlands, Summerhall in the Stormlands, King's Landing in the Crownlands, and Dragonstone all in Westeros, and then to Volantis, the Smoking Sea, and other places in Essos to learn everything possible about dragons, build a dragon pit to increase their chances even more, and still be far more likely to get eaten than anything else. On the other side, Valyrians, even ones who don't come from families of dragon riders, are able to consistently succeed with as little as one piece of intel, and characters from a family with at least one dragon rider succeed much more often than not with just the intel from having a dragon egg.
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Well, that was just one example where I made a custom character for it. If I wanted to boost my chances then I'd just make a valyrian character and use the dynasty selector trait to place them in whatever house I wanted to play as. I was really pointing out how baffling the current setup is when someone could go on some kind of pilgrimage, using armies and fleets to travel to the Citadel in the Reach, Harrenhal in the Riverlands, Summerhall in the Stormlands, King's Landing in the Crownlands, and Dragonstone all in Westeros, and then to Volantis, the Smoking Sea, and other places in Essos to learn everything possible about dragons, build a dragon pit to increase their chances even more, and still be far more likely to get eaten than anything else. On the other side, Valyrians, even ones who don't come from families of dragon riders, are able to consistently succeed with as little as one piece of intel, and characters from a family with at least one dragon rider succeed much more often than not with just the intel from having a dragon egg.
That is the point, just knowing some stuff about historical dragon lore doesn't mean you are gonna be successful the whole blood of the dragon idea and having a closer relation to the fire of old valyrian is what counts the most.
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Well, that was just one example where I made a custom character for it. If I wanted to boost my chances then I'd just make a valyrian character and use the dynasty selector trait to place them in whatever house I wanted to play as. I was really pointing out how baffling the current setup is when someone could go on some kind of pilgrimage, using armies and fleets to travel to the Citadel in the Reach, Harrenhal in the Riverlands, Summerhall in the Stormlands, King's Landing in the Crownlands, and Dragonstone all in Westeros, and then to Volantis, the Smoking Sea, and other places in Essos to learn everything possible about dragons, build a dragon pit to increase their chances even more, and still be far more likely to get eaten than anything else. On the other side, Valyrians, even ones who don't come from families of dragon riders, are able to consistently succeed with as little as one piece of intel, and characters from a family with at least one dragon rider succeed much more often than not with just the intel from having a dragon egg.
Is the full list of these dragonlore places somewhere? I know about Dragonstone, King's Landing, Volantis, Ghiscar and Smoking Sea, but from what you said there are more.
Depending on the start date, specifically post-conquest, there are no fewer than ten static dragonlore locations (Dragonstone, the Citadel, Smoking Sea, Old Ghis, Volantis, and Asshai regardless, with King's Landing if it has a Dragon Pit, Harrenhal if it has fallen into ruin from dragonfire, Summerhall if established, and Bramsfort on a post-conquest start), a dynamic one that's related to any province torched by a dragon ingame, and finally a single piece of intel that can be gained from simply holding a dragon egg. Post-conquest, it is therefore possible to gain twelve pieces of dragonlore through use of fleets and armies to manually go on a sort of "pilgrimage" across Westeros and Essos for all the intel. While it doesn't seriously boost the odds of a non-Valyrian starting a new family of dragon riders, getting all pieces of dragonlore alone is enough to reduce the MTTH of the event that causes your dragon to lay an egg from 75 years to roughly 21.18 years, 8.74 if a close relative of yours doesn't have a dragon egg yet, and an even greater improvement if your character is genius/quick and has a learning of at least 15, to roughly 17.16 years if you're a genius with 15+ learning and everyone in your family has an egg and 6.86 if there's someone without an egg. Getting all the intel is more useful for guaranteeing a larger number of eggs from your family's first dragon than it is for guaranteeing you succeed in hatching and taming a dragon.

EDIT: Before someone comments on the fact I didn't account for the modifier that greatly reduces the MTTH for the first egg, I left it out of the calculations because it requires the dragon to be at least 80. Because of the fact that you could gain as many as 10 eggs in that time if you have all the modifiers for the last calculation, and that a dragon rider cannot gain dragonlore and must therefore have hatched the dragon personally (and would therefore have to be at least 94 years on their own), means that the 0.2 modifier wouldn't be relevant for the calculation.
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Wait so just by me taking my army with my characer to one of the Dragon lore places i will get an event that talks about dragon Lore?
If you leave it there and it meets the conditions stated, yes. A rebuilt Harrenhal will not provide dragon lore and it won't provide lore if it wasn't torched either. If you're playing from the first bookmark you would only be guaranteed to get six pieces of lore but playing from the later bookmarks means you could easily get every piece of lore except for the dynamic one, which requires visiting a province that was recently the victim of dragonfire.

Edit: this requires that you are able to lead armies, so you have to refuse appointments to commander positions.
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There's a few ways. If you have the Ruler Designer, you can give them the Dragon Egg trait in the designer, but this has a large price in years. Dragons will occasionally give their riders eggs (as stated above) that they will then be able to give to others. I'm not sure if they give the eggs to people outside their close relatives, let alone their House, so you could use the Ruler Designer trait that lets you pick a house to become a relative of a dragon rider. Third, if you have the ambition, there's a chance a merchant will sell you a dragon egg. I also believe that colonizing certain provinces has a chance to result in the discovery of an egg.
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How do you get eggs in the first place?
I know 3 ways:
1. give_trait dragon_egg
2. Ruler Designer
3. Tame a dragon and wait for it to give you an egg.

Edit: Ninja'd.
There's a few ways. If you have the Ruler Designer, you can give them the Dragon Egg trait in the designer, but this has a large price in years. Dragons will occasionally give their riders eggs (as stated above) that they will then be able to give to others. I'm not sure if they give the eggs to people outside their close relatives, let alone their House, so you could use the Ruler Designer trait that lets you pick a house to become a relative of a dragon rider. Third, if you have the ambition, there's a chance a merchant will sell you a dragon egg. I also believe that colonizing certain provinces has a chance to result in the discovery of an egg.
Which provinces? And what is the MTTH for the ambition? I'm doing an Ironman Ninepenny Kings game now, so cheating isn't really an option.
Which provinces? And what is the MTTH for the ambition? I'm doing an Ironman Ninepenny Kings game now, so cheating isn't really an option.
My guess would be North Valyrian provinces, though I'm not sure. I almost never colonize.
I think the ones connected to the Valyrians, like North Valyrian ruins or Summerhall. And as for the event to buy an egg, it seems that the ambition isn't actually required, but it has a MTTH of 75000 months and only three eggs in total can be received in this way throughout a playthrough, as well as requiring 800 gold. If none have been sold and you have the ambition, MTTH drops to 30000: 2500 years. Being fire-obsessed cuts the time in half while being just, honest, and honorable cut 10% off each. Being in Asshai cuts the MTTH to a quarter if you're willing to wait that long. If you match all those, the MTTH is 2733.75 months, or about 227.8125 years. If you leave Asshai, lose a trait, or an egg is sold, I assume this resets the timer and increases the MTTH, so I wouldn't count on getting an egg through pure chance.
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