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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Fifteen : The New Duchess


This chapter opens up in mid July, in the year 942 AD, with the Empress deciding to send the Duke of the Jau Duchy a gift.


A gift that cost her about 50 gold coins.


Then Queen Jodhabai died and this left a empty position on the Council. And also broke a few Pacts. (1)


Her eldest daughter received all her titles. The NEW Duchess had a low opinion of the Empress her direct Liege.

The Empress realized she would have to do something to make the girl like her!


Author’s Notes:

1. Seems she was slain by Mayor Birnayaran of Chatigama in personal combat.
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Who is the hauntingly beautiful lady in the opening picture? Thank you for the footnote as I was curious about the red skull. A 3martial queen should probably remain at court and leave the fighting to others. Thank you for providing another glimpse into the Empress' court.
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Who is the hauntingly beautiful lady in the opening picture?
That's the new Duchess. In the middle ages there were children and adults. No such thing as teens to be honest. You were a kid and took on the workload of an adult. So I figured she would likely look older. Or try to look older.
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Things go on much as they have over recent years. Seemingly no great threats or opportunities have arisen for the Basilissa.
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Sixteen : A Powerful Duchess?


This chapter opens in late July, of the year 942 AD, with the Empress deciding to increase the NEW Duchess’s opinion of her Liege. In other words making the girl like the Empress.


So she sent her a wagon full of gold. She also decided to give the girl her mom’s old title of Viceroyalty of the Kingdom of Bengal with all the lower titles.


Then she suggested the girl marry Theocharistos, when they came of age, which the girl seemed to be okay with.


Even though it was a NOT Matrilineal marriage. Strange. Maybe the girl wanted her offspring to have claims to Imperial titles?


And the second the ink dried on all the paperwork the Lawyers swarmed into the NEW, and yet unfinished Palace, and forced her to leave. She was being forced to move back to the OLD Capital. Seems that one of the lower titles the new Duchess had received was the County of Laksmanavati. (1)

If only the Empress remembered to read the fine print. Tsk, tsk.


As the Imperial Court, and the military, moved back to the old Capital, which was now the NEW Capital, the Empress decided to look at the good side of things. The New Duchess REALLY liked the Empress now.


The Empress also pondered murdering her Lawyers but decided that would likely backfire. Somehow.

And at least she wouldn’t have to worry about Measles.

Oh. And the idiot from Greece was still losing his war. And he hadn’t even been in a battle yet.


Author’s Notes:

1. AHHHHH!!!!!!! sigh
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Seventeen : Gifts Work?


I Mean, Of Course They Do!

This chapter opens in late July, of the year 942 AD, with the Empress and her Imperial Court now back in the old Capital.

At this point there were positions to full. The Empress needed a NEW Regent and a NEW Chancellor/Magistros.


She picked Kanwar, the Bhikshuni of Dhenkanal, as the Designated Regent. This woman has been selected because of her high opinion of the Empress.

To be honest it looked like there were MANY positions that needed to be filled. But the Empress decided to leave those lesser openings open until later.


Then she picked the Mayor of Dibarumukh, by the name of Theophilos, to be the new Magistros. He was picked because he was both skilled and loyal.

Of course he was sent to Kalinganagar to start working on a claim. Hopefully he would not die from measles. Or get stabbed by a Mayor.


It also seems that the fancy gift she had sent the Duke of Jau had worked. Who said money couldn’t buy happiness?

“Maybe I should focus on somebody else?” said the Empress to her Council. “After all, if I DO get a claim on his Kingdom or one of his Holdings and start a war with him he isn’t going to like me. bSo why waste money and time on him?”

She pondered who to focus her energies on next?
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Eighteen : Scheming


This chapter opens in late July, of the year 942 AD, with the Empress picking the person she would be wining and dining next.


A Lowborn named Didar. He didn’t sound very important. Why would she try to sway him to become a loyal friend of her Dynasty and Throne?

It was simple.


He was the NEW Exarchessa’s Regent and even was the Educator of one of her brothers.


To help things along she sent him a small purse of coins.


Then she received the girl’s answer to the suggestion she, in the future, marry one of the Empress’s kin. She agreed. The Empress was pleased.


Then she found out something amazing. Chief Theophilos of Artux had broken off from the Mongol Empire. In fact he had joined the Eastern Defensive Pact against the Mongols. This had happened months before. She had just failed to notice. Maybe he had broken off on the hopes of living longer? But now he was no longer of the Mongol Empire wouldn’t that make him MORE vulnerable?

“He fooled around with the Emperor’s wives….he is doomed,” remarked the Empress. “I wonder if he would join me?”


Turned out, nope, he was not willing to join the Empress and HER Empire.

“Ass,” she commented on reading his reply. “I hope he gets stabbed in bed.”
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I am not quite sure why the Basilissa would want Artux, unless she wishes to fight the Mongols. If she wants to fight the Mongols, joining the Mongol Death Pack would be better. Hot summers, freezing winters, little precipitation; Empress please do not send me to the Tarim Basin. Thank You
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Nineteen : The Children Are Our Future?


This chapter opens in August, of the year 942 AD, with the Empress picking the man she would focus on. The man she would try to bring under her wings. To make a friend.


Diar, the Lowborn, who was the Educator and Regent of the young Exarchessa Sundari.


By making Diar a friend she hoped to influence the education and development of the teenager before she became a full adult.


Then she asked him to make HER the girl’s Educator and Guardian. And it seems he was cool with the idea. Or at least the Exarchessa was cool with the idea and the Regent didn’t step in and stop the proposal.


As she waited for a reply she examined the Wall Map to see where the idiot from the West was. Seems Basileios, and his Host, was marching through Khaylan. Getting closer and still losing.

She also had to decide who would received some of the Minor Titles. Once she examined the list of Courtiers in her Imperial Court it was easy to pick who would receive which Title.

The Bhikshuni Kanwar of Dhenkanal was the most loyal person on the lists and, therefore, became her Designated Regent AND Cupbearer. Exarch Hrogdar of Kham became the Master of the Hunt. Bhikku Eirenaios of Sarala became the NEW Seneschal which was a interesting pick.

And of course Konstantios, the Court Guru, became the Court Tutor.


By the end of August the Exarchessa finally agreed to let the Empress become her Guardian!


Now the Empress could help the girl develop good leadership skills and, maybe, embrace the Greek Culture!

The Empress was very pleased.
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Probably too late for the girl to assimilate Greek culture, but it is nice to see someone love the Basilissa. I had forgot the Empress' given name of Eulalia. The Host needs better GPS, as I do not think that they took the most direct route. Good Luck giving Basileios a smack-down.
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The host will be a couple of guys and a dachshund by the time they get to the empire. A few attack pugs should be sufficient to see them off.
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Twenty : Preparing For War


This chapter opens in early September, of the year 942 AD, with the Mauryan Army finally arriving at the New Capital. Which was the old Capital.


The half the crowd greeting the soldiers cheered in happiness. For now their bars, stores, and brothels, would make a good profit.


While many in the crowds were confused by why the military was back. The waiting staff of the many bars and restaurants were NOT happy to see the soldiers. As the soldiers were horrible tippers, started with anybody who looked in their direction, and were always breaking stuff.

And the staff of the brothels were just as unhappy. As the soldiers were smelly, rude, and sometimes the cavalry forgot to take off their spurs.

In other words the province had mixed reactions to the return of the military.


But there was also some good news in October. The Bhikkhu of Para-Lauhitya had disbanded his movement to bring Gavelkind Succession to the Empire.


Which meant there was only two Factions in the Empire!

At this point it was decided to assemble the Imperial Levies.


So they were called forth. From the south!


And from the east!

Then the Empress did something NEVER done before. She called forth the WHOLE military might of the Empire. She called forth the Levies of her VASSALS!


The invading family traitor was about to meet the full power of the Empire!
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Hope the attack pugs are ready too. Gotta account for the dachshunds!
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Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Twenty-One : A Plot And A Death


As the Empress waited for the military to assemble she received news that Basillike of House Dysnomia needed the second stage of her education selected.


The Empress decided the girl should learn about daggers and code names.


The Vassals’ Levies were so spread out they were still taking a long time getting to the Capital.


And it was reported that Mahidevi of the House Ayudha had died. Sad really to lose a In-Law. Which meant Doux Gerasimos of Yarlung was a widow.

Which meant the trouble maker needed a wife. The Empress picked Rani Ghosha, one of the young Courtiers, and suggested her to the Doux.


The Doux seemed to have no issue with the match making.


Then she was brought some bad news in November. Seems the Duchess Zuqi of Tosali was plotting to take over the County of Kataka. The Empress wasn’t too happy about that piece of news.

This was somewhat upsetting to the Empress. As she had given the Duchess her titles and power. And now she wanted more?


It was also pointed out in December that with the death of his wife the Doux of Yarlung and the Count of Mustang no longer had a Non-Aggression Pact. Maybe the trouble maker would get in trouble with somebody else?
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