Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Thirty-Two : Failure!
“Message For You Ma’am!”
This chapter opens in late January, of the year 944 AD, with the Empress sending the Savaka-Sangha a letter via the otter mail service. No rain, snow, floods, or rivers would stop them from delivering their message. Though they could be bribed with a good piece of fresh fish.
Her letter asked to be advanced to the next rank. She gave it to the otter, with a fresh piece of fish, and watched it run away in a cute manner that only otters could do. Then went back to riding her Imperial Elephant and the tradition of drinking, eating, and enjoying the open air while her Hunters tried to find a tiger for her to kill.
Then, a few days later, they came back from the thick forest and announced they had found a tiger!
The Empress climbed down from her Imperial Elephant and demanded a weapon. She planned to kill the big cat herself.
“Get the sauce ready!” she shouted. “Tiger is on the menu boys!”
The tiger seemed to sense something about the Empress as she approached. Maybe it was the spear she was holding. Or the the bib she was wearing. Or the way she was smacking her lips. But the tiger ran for it after a few seconds.
“HEY!” shouted the Empress. “Come here and get roasted!”
So she failed and was pretty pissed about. That night she had just the regular three course meal. No tiger meat. How upsetting for her. Sadly, for her, the main dish that night was roast peacock.
Soon the Hunting Party was packing up the tents, putting out the camp fires, and loading up the pack animals. Time to go home to failure.
On their return journey the Empress got a letter from the Council via an old fashion rider. How cheap.
The man, covered in dust, handed over a sealed scroll. The Empress took it as she directed him towards one of her Servants.
“Wine and some fresh bread for this rider,” she said. “And make sure he has a fresh horse for carrying the reply.”
She broke open the seal and unrolled the scroll. Seemed her Designated Regent had disappeared and the Empress now needed a new one. She didn’t care where the woman who HAD been the Designated Regent had gone. She was still having issues with the whole being nice thing. She WAS trying but not doing a good job at it.
Her reply was simple. She selected the person in her Imperial Court who had the highest opinion of her.
That man happened to be a Nobleman called Vasudeva. He was the Doux of Gorkha and was of the House of Kumanchal. The man had the nickname “The Unready” and to be honest wasn’t very good at balancing the books, if the information in his file was true, but he did like the Empress. So that’s all that mattered.
Then the otter returned with a reply from the Arahnat Lanvarpala, head of the Buddhist Society, and it was good news. She was to advance to the next rank in the Savaka-Sangha.
She was so pleased that the otter joined her for dinner that night as they both feasted in fried fish and shrimp and, maybe, a little too much wine. Still, otters are well known for handling their drink and the otter was able to hold his own.
Still, even in the morning, as the Empress nursed a hangover, she wasn’t looking forward to the walk of shame when she entered the Capital. She knew that news of her failure would somehow beat her to the Palace and that the populace would greet her with frowns and turned backs.
Author’s Notes:
To be honest my game crashed after the tiger hunt and I had to redo the hunt. The first time I killed the tiger but the second time I failed. And that’s the first time my game has crashed in years. Kind of worried.
Also seems the above sea dish has hush puppies in the image. So I guess India, in this timeline, had invented hush puppies.
Funny enough I looked up lemons and they seem to be from Asia. In fact they were in India. So, yeah, you can have sliced lemons with your dishes.
Learn something every day.