One wonders, though. Compared to OTL, the Allies are considerably weaker what with Italy, half of Germany, and Japan not being under their thumbs to various degrees, the colonial empires being generally reduced even before we start talking about decolonization, and critically Turkey is a member of the Comintern and will not be joining this timeline's NATO equivalent. There's still some votes to be written yet as well, we do know much of central and eastern Europe plus Spain and Finland will be in the Comintern bloc regardless, but the fates of France and India remain open.If it makes you feel better, post conference is entirely out of game hands and into what if probability. Which means the US is about to kick ass, in whatever it is they choose to do. Which doesn't seem to be continued interaction with the world, but rather become the undisputed industrial, economic and financial centre of global trade.
Point being: sure, the US will likely be the industrial center of the West, but "the West" is going to a lot smaller consisting largely of the Commonwealth, some or all of France, and India if things work to the British advantage. This is certainly enough coupled with the general American powerhouse status to assure great or even superpower status, but I think "undisputed" will be a bit much.
The long-term question will be how well the USSR and Turkey get along over the next few decades. Turkey has the choice to cuddle up with Uncle Joe and be an independent, but junior, member of a two-nation hegemony, or they can play the enterprising middleman and play the USSR and The West against each other to come out ahead. I suspect that our estimable AuthAAR is prepared to let the next several rounds of voting tell a lot of that part of the story...
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