Good, Exeter managed not to get overboard.
So we can assume that he's not a
complete idiot.
To catchup on the council scene it is a testament to the seriousness with which oaths and royal anointing was taken that anyone remains loyal to the King at this point. Margaret is actively trying to make being a supporter of her cause as miserable as possible, it's almost as if she is a Yorkist agent trying to drive people away.
The Parliament promises to be fun, certainly I doubt it will yield anywhere near the amount of coin that the Queen wants or even needs. On which note.
This time. I'm sure he will have many more chances to fall in, doubtless with equally "loyal" crews behind him.
If there is one lessons from all of naval warfare it is that it cannot be done on the cheap. Armies at least can be motivated with plunder and sacking towns, sailors know that prizes are the exception not the rule and so do need paying. As Exeter is now learning attempting to do naval warfare on the cheap will just leave you in a worse position than if you hadn't bothered, he clearly has spent a lot of coin on that fleet but it's all just been wasted.
Very well said in regards naval warfare. I admit it is not my strong suit but this was just enough to show what happened. I'll admit that I may have taken a few liberties, but the facts remain that his fleet mutinied on him and he was forced to sack them all. More on that below.
Does Warwick outnumber Exeter too much here!m? Why isn’t Exeter attacking?
This is why relying on people loyal to money above all else is a bad idea. If he’s smart and can afford it, Warwick should just bribe the fleet into serving him…
He outnumbered him but it's hard to attack when your army/navy refuses which happened here.
I don’t think you understand what happened here - this was a rented fleet and a hired crew, with apparently more money spent on the ships than the sailors, assembled for the sole purpose of intercepting Warwick. And almost all the sums, it seems, came out of Exeter’s pocket. With a fraction of the cost Exeter paid for this whole mess, someone in the Yorkist camp bribed enough sailors to mutiny that all the investment is lost, and the crown apparently is stretched too thin financially to reimburse.
Exeter just got thoroughly caponed. It matters not the seniority of his title or what camp he’s in, he’s been fairly well removed from the chessboard.
Quite so. Again, I may have added a few flourishes from what is known but the sequence of events were roughly - Exeter is renamed Admiral of the Fleet, he embarrasses all when he tries to take charge of the Venetian Fleet on the Thames and then takes this one out to try and intercept Warwick on his return from Ireland but they refuse and he is forced to fire them all. All of that happened IRL.
See more below.
Gameplay question. What was Queen Fancy's trait? Thanks
This is not CK so there are no traits, especially as the Queen is not a character in the game. I could have hired her as an advisor (as I recall I believe through an event) but chose not to as it was not germane to the game or story. I suppose I could have but I did so much already to weaken England in the save game (lowered stability and gave Henry even worse stats than what was originally listed), I did not see need to pile on.
To all - So another word on the Duke of Exeter. It is around this point in the story where his historical journey changes from what really happened and what I wanted to happen. Despite these setbacks for him, IRL he remained a staunch Lancastrian and fought in many of the battles that historically occurred. Since things have already started to diverge, I thought a more interesting journey in order for him. Part the reason that the last three scenes are either him or about him in some way. I wanted to set up what comes next. Something to look forward to, I suppose.
Look to probably tomorrow for the next scene as we've hit the midpoint of the chapter and the next update really follows directly on from the one above. I think it will flow better if read close together. And thanks so much for reading and giving comment. I should also include a plug for the
ongoing ACAs (I believe two weeks left to vote...which reminds me that I need to do so myself.) As I always say, you need not vote for this work (though it always appreciated) but please do offer your nod to those AARs and writAARs that you enjoy. They will no doubt appreciate it!