@coz1 I continue to read and attempt to catch up. You write at an amazing pace!
I am midway through page 20, where King Henry has finally been seen by his lords to be incapacitated, but before all the blowback starts due to the questioned legitimacy of his would-be son.
Again, I will compliment you on your perception and presentation of not only the political machinations and power plays but also the personalities, and how they express themselves in different but appropriate ways. Women especially -- the catty, snippish nature common to what I've seen of British nobility. I am in awe of your ability in this area. My writing has always struggled with that.
Oh, btw, your writing of King Henry VI, and how easily led he was by non-worthies, recollected to me how much I enjoyed writing for Kaiser Wilhelm II in Fire Warms the Northern Lands, with his bevy of interested advisors manipulating the Kaiser. Until, of course, the Kaiser's adventures cost him. Gosh I miss those days of writing for Victoria I, nearly 20 years ago!