cool-toxic said:
Nice work on religious symbols.. can you give a description on what's what..
Your loadscreen seems good...
Mapmaking seems to be the next major step..
as well as deciding scenarios..
I guess that ca. 630/32 is good.. at least for the campaign of the muslims against Byzantium and Persia.. on the other hand a campaing covering Muhammed life and his conquest of the Arabian Peninsula should also be covered.. (in normal EU2 GC you can start as small, weak Muscowy or Castila, but in time you can recreate the Spanish and Russian worldpowers..) the same should be possible here... to start (as Muhammed) with Medina, and take all of Arabia from that point..
The muslims started hostilites about 623, and had taken the Arabian peninsula by 630/32... that would be a nice "warm up" for the conquests from 632 and onwards.. (which ended about 751.. when Islam turned to more peaceful doings..) in the end of the 10th century they became aggressive again, so about 970 should be a new campaign..
my suggestions for campaigns..:
623- covering the life of Muhammed (the aggressive years) this camp could just go on... (it shouldn't stop at Muhammeds death..)
630/32- the Arabian peninsula taken and Muhammed dead.. covering the massive expansion in the Middle East, North Africa, Iberia, Caucasus, Persia, Pakistan etc. the big expansion ended about 750.. (at this time, both Franks and Chinese had been attacked.. this should be covered somehow..) of course the time should just go on...
970- the next aggression by the islamic states.. this time the islamic world is divided, and the Byzantines are recovering from the shock of 636 (Jarmuk).. this one is interesting as it marks the downfall of Islam as leading power.. the Europeans were quickly advansing at this time.. leading to the Crusades, the Reconquista and.. EU2..
is it wise to stop were CK starts? about 1060.. right..?? or should we get the Turkish expansion and the Crusades as well..?? at least the Arab domination ended before 1000.