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mhusoy said:
ok.. so timescale is 421-1419... ok.. then we'll have to cover the complete Byzantine-history.. and 421 means that islam won't arrive for about 200 years.. which also means that three Christian sects are few.. but maybe okay.. hm.. are you sure that we should start in 421??

I totally agree with you conserning European minors.. we need only the most important.. the primitive peoples of the North shouldn't be bothered with too much..

but remember that islam rose up from about 620.. that means 200 years prior to this... the wise leader could easily crush the Arabs before Muhammed.. (and the Persians/Greeks would have if they had forseen the massive devastation he caused to the world..)

My suggestion is that we start after 620.. preferably the main campaign (Rise ot C) from 630/2/4 and on...

adding the years from 421 surely adds a nice historic touch.. but the mod shouldn't be "Arabia" Universalis then.. just remember that the Bysantines were at their peak in the late 6th century...

and all the work we'll have covering the massive migration in Europe at that time... Rome had fallen and Huns, Germans, Slavs, Avars, Magyars rushed in.. totally changing the map of Europe.. and Northern Africa etc.

if we start in 620/30 then things are more set... the massive migrations are completed.. at least that's my opinion..
I´m so much sorry i made a writing error 621-1200 now that you say it 1200 sound better.
mhusoy said:
Cool-toxic.. I admire your grand vision of this mod.. but we need to ask ourselves... what is the goal of our mod..? as far as I've seen. our goal is to play through the Rise and Fall of the islamic caliphate... we can add the life of Muhammed and possibly the Reconquista and the Crusades/Turks if we want..

our "core"-years covering our basics is 630-1000++ - this covers the rise and fall of the caliphate..

then we can add 10 years prior to 630, to play the creation of the Arab state.. and we can add 100-200 years thereafter to play the start of the Reconquista, Turkish expansion and the Crusades.. that gives 623-1230

if we expand even further we need to cover MAJOR events, not closely assosiated with islam or the Caliphate.. after 1200 we need to cover the MONGOLS and the BLACK DEATH, followed by THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR, and the GREAT SCISMA (when the Catolic church had two popes)...
prior to 620 we need to cover FALL OF ROME, TIME OF MIGRATION (in Europe) GOLDEN AGE OF BYSANTINES, PERSIAN-BYZANTINE WARS (300-630) etc..

I don't think that a mod called "ARABIA" Universalis should cover this...

my advice is to start 620/30 and end either before Turks/Crusades/Reconquista, that's about 1050... or add 150 years, to cover those events.. Crusades 1090-1190 appr. Turkish exp. 1070 and onward. and Reconquista starts 1050 and is almost finished in mid 1200s..

what do you think.. I'm only sharing my ideas.. of course a timespan of 1000 years would be great.. but do we have the resources (gameplay-wise), the patience for it..?? (plus we'll have to change name..)
I have another idea, what if we end the mod in 1000? then we would have many free countrie tags to use on the arabs.
Only take the important countries from Europe.
mhusoy said:
Cool-toxic.. I admire your grand vision of this mod.. but we need to ask ourselves... what is the goal of our mod..? as far as I've seen. our goal is to play through the Rise and Fall of the islamic caliphate... we can add the life of Muhammed and possibly the Reconquista and the Crusades/Turks if we want..

our "core"-years covering our basics is 630-1000++ - this covers the rise and fall of the caliphate..

then we can add 10 years prior to 630, to play the creation of the Arab state.. and we can add 100-200 years thereafter to play the start of the Reconquista, Turkish expansion and the Crusades.. that gives 623-1230

if we expand even further we need to cover MAJOR events, not closely assosiated with islam or the Caliphate.. after 1200 we need to cover the MONGOLS and the BLACK DEATH, followed by THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR, and the GREAT SCISMA (when the Catolic church had two popes)...
prior to 620 we need to cover FALL OF ROME, TIME OF MIGRATION (in Europe) GOLDEN AGE OF BYSANTINES, PERSIAN-BYZANTINE WARS (300-630) etc..

I don't think that a mod called "ARABIA" Universalis should cover this...

my advice is to start 620/30 and end either before Turks/Crusades/Reconquista, that's about 1050... or add 150 years, to cover those events.. Crusades 1090-1190 appr. Turkish exp. 1070 and onward. and Reconquista starts 1050 and is almost finished in mid 1200s..

what do you think.. I'm only sharing my ideas.. of course a timespan of 1000 years would be great.. but do we have the resources (gameplay-wise), the patience for it..?? (plus we'll have to change name..)
I have another idea, what if we end the mod in 1000? then we would have many free countrie tags to use on the arabs.
Only take the important countries from Europe.
Then we would have 400 years to play in, like in vanilla.
cool-toxic said:
I have another idea, what if we end the mod in 1000? then we would have many free countrie tags to use on the arabs.
Only take the important countries from Europe.
Then we would have 400 years to play in, like in vanilla.

Yes.. that timescale is nice.. and it suits the name Arabia Universalis much better...

we can start 620/30 (20 for the Muhammed scen and 30 for the Rise ot C).. and end about year 1000. As noted before 969/70 is important dates.. but we will need them to recreate a "smaller" fall otC-scenario..

If we now make a comparizon between EU2 and Arabia Universalis scenarios:


GC...1419-1820....................Age of Muhammed.......................620/3.-10??
AoE.1492-1792....................Rise of the Caliphate................... 630/2..-10??
AoM.1617-17??....................The Golden Age of Islam (or Cal)....750.....-10??
AoR.1773-1820....................The Fall of the Caliphate...............969/70-10??

We get four scenarios vs. EU2s six... that's good...

The GC always gives you ahistorical outcomes, and many majors haven't formed yet.. the same would apply for our Age of Muhammed.. the Caliphate hasn't formed yet (you get an event) and things are not so "set" as in the next camp.

AoE gives you established Majors, like Spain, OE, Denmark etc. the same for our "Rise of the Cal", as the Cal is formed and ready to crush the Byz and the Pers..

AoM reflects the mid-time political situation.. were OE, Poland, Spain and Sweden are exceptionally strong.. (none of them are strong 100 years later) for our "Golden age" camp.. The Caliphate enters its best time.. the age of major expansion is over, but the time for economy and grandeur is here..

we don't have a camp that corresponds to AoE, but that's ok..

AoR and Napoleons Ambition let you play the last wartorn years of EU2... our "Fall of the Cal" reflects a similar period..

exactly when to start and end all scens is a question of history.. which we will study in detail as soon as required.. but at least we now got the core-years of each scen..

though some EU2-scens ends before 1820.. our scens can all end at the latest date.. some time after year 1000... (we need to find a good, historical reasonable end year.. but we should stay clear of the Crus and Turks..)

(I think CK starts in 1066.. by that may be to late for us...) we should stay closer to 1000..
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mhusoy said:
Yes.. that timescale is nice.. and it suits the name Arabia Universalis much better...

we can start 620/30 (20 for the Muhammed scen and 30 for the Rise ot C).. and end about year 1000. As noted before 969/70 is important dates.. but we will need them to recreate a "smaller" fall otC-scenario..

If we now make a comparizon between EU2 and Arabia Universalis scenarios:

GC 1419-1820....................Age of Muhammed.......................620/3-10??
AoE 1492-1792....................Rise of the Caliphate................... 630/2-10??
AoM 1617-17??....................The Golden Age of Islam (or Cal)....750-10??
AoE 1700-17??.....................------------------------
AoR 1773-1820.....................The Fall of the Caliphate..............969/70-10??
NA 1795-1820....................--------------------------

We get four scenarios vs. EU2s six... that's good...

The GC always gives you ahistorical outcomes, and many majors haven't formed yet.. the same would apply for our Age of Muhammed.. the Caliphate hasn't formed yet (you get an event) and things are not so "set" as in the next camp.

AoE gives you established Majors, like Spain, OE, Denmark etc. the same for our "Rise of the Cal", as the Cal is formed and ready to crush the Byz and the Pers..

AoM reflects the mid-time political situation.. were OE, Poland, Spain and Sweden are exceptionally strong.. (none of them are strong 100 years later) for our "Golden age" camp.. The Caliphate enters its best time.. the age of major expansion is over, but the time for economy and grandeur is here..

we don't have a camp that corresponds to AoE, but that's ok..

AoR and Napoleons Ambition let you play the last wartorn years of EU2... our "Fall of the Cal" reflects a similar period..

exactly when to start and end all scens is a question of history.. which we will study in detail as soon as required.. but at least we now got the core-years of each scen..

though some EU2-scens ends before 1820.. our scens can all end at the latest date.. some time after year 1000... (we need to find a good, historical reasonable end year.. but we should stay clear of the Crus and Turks..)

(I think CK starts in 1066.. by that may be to late for us...) we should stay closer to 1000..
That sounds great all we need is a map now hehe:D, and then we can begin on making the scenarios.
cool-toxic said:
I have another idea, what if we end the mod in 1000? then we would have many free countrie tags to use on the arabs.
Only take the important countries from Europe.

Yes.. removing many Europeans (and of course Americans..) is nice.. we don't need'em.. but the question is, how big is our map...

you see that both history (time) and geography (space) limits and demands our campaign..

what I've picked up from earlier, our map will cover most of continental Europe, Africa as far south as Equator++, whole of Asia (except for Siberia), and Indonesia++

covering this areas demands that we have tags to "appease" all areas.. we can't just skip areas we don't like.. we can however, as you suggest, merge nations on the outskirts of the world... but remember that merging germans into HRE, and French into Charlemagnes France, may cause them to be dangerous for our project.. we need at least limit their powers.. (like the Timurids of EU2 etc.)

but what is important is that we cover all Arabs and Middleeasterners.. I guess that we need some tags for "pre-islamic"-nations in the ME.. and many tags for the vast number of emirates and kingdoms that sprung up around 900 and onwards.. we should prioritze it.. but don't forget that there were many small nations in Balcans, Kaucasus, India etc. too..

how many tags do we have.. was it the complete list you showed us earlier cool-toxic? I suggest you get on with that list as soon as possible.. but probably you'll have to be in contact with our cartographer, Ho Chi Minh... as he'll know which countries to keep and drop..

good luck..
I suggest we end all scenarios latest in 1031.. that's when the Cordoba-caliphate fell, and the Almoravids from Morocco crossed the Gibraltar to stop the reconquistadors.. 1031 is the (big) start of the Reconquista... and the Caliphate of Cordoba is gone..

Then we have 620/2/3-1031.. which is good enough..

for the Mid-scen.. 749/50/51 is good, as the Abasids suceeded the Umayads in 749.. (the battle of Talas was in 751)..

I'm still a bit unsure of the start of the last camp..
mhusoy said:
I'm still a bit unsure of the start of the last camp..

We can go for the introducion of the Fatimids in Egypt, 909.. or wait even longer..?

as far as I've noted after reading some history on the cal-subject.. it seems that the decline started about 830/40... and lasted a long time.. but it speeded up around 910, when the fatimids took Egypt..
Here are my suggestions:

scen1: Age of Muhammed, starting with the move to Medina in 622... -1031

scen2: Rise of the Caliphate, starting with Abu Bakr in 632 stabl. Arabia -1031

scen3: Golden age of Islam, starting 749, Abasids -1031

scen4: Fall of the Caliphate, starting 909 with Fatimid-compet. in Egypt -1031

of course we'll have major events all the way.. leading from the death of Muhammed and creation of the Caliphate in 632, through the new Caliphes of 634, 650 etc. and the creation of the Shiites of 661... then change from Umayads to Abasids in 749 etc. Tulunids in Egypt 869-905, Mameluk-mercenaries from 830 etc.. forceconversion of Copts in Egypt 1006 etc.
we also need to make events that reflects the massacres of the original populations of the Middle-East.. as the population of the region suffered heavily because of the Arab conquest.

but what do you say to the camp. periods?

1: 622-1031, 2: 632-1031, 3:749-1031, 4:909-1031
I see that our islamic historian Zacarym87 proposes 751 and 969 as good starting dates...

well, we could use 751 instead of 749.. and perhaps add 969 too.. but I feel that we should have a date between 751 and 969.. since it's an awful lot of time, and the decline started in the mid 800s..

we'll keep 622- and 632-.. most important is of course 632, as the Caliphate has formed by then, and it'll be ready to take on the byz and pers.. but I still think that making an alternative start in 622 gives us a touch of being closer to the source.. as we follow the creation of the pre-caliphatic muslim-state.. Mohammad should be a 6-6-6 leader, and a 9-9-9 monarch.. (he dies after 10 years so you can't conquer the whole world with him anyhow..)
mhusoy said:
Yes.. removing many Europeans (and of course Americans..) is nice.. we don't need'em.. but the question is, how big is our map...

you see that both history (time) and geography (space) limits and demands our campaign..

what I've picked up from earlier, our map will cover most of continental Europe, Africa as far south as Equator++, whole of Asia (except for Siberia), and Indonesia++

covering this areas demands that we have tags to "appease" all areas.. we can't just skip areas we don't like.. we can however, as you suggest, merge nations on the outskirts of the world... but remember that merging germans into HRE, and French into Charlemagnes France, may cause them to be dangerous for our project.. we need at least limit their powers.. (like the Timurids of EU2 etc.)

but what is important is that we cover all Arabs and Middleeasterners.. I guess that we need some tags for "pre-islamic"-nations in the ME.. and many tags for the vast number of emirates and kingdoms that sprung up around 900 and onwards.. we should prioritze it.. but don't forget that there were many small nations in Balcans, Kaucasus, India etc. too..

how many tags do we have.. was it the complete list you showed us earlier cool-toxic? I suggest you get on with that list as soon as possible.. but probably you'll have to be in contact with our cartographer, Ho Chi Minh... as he'll know which countries to keep and drop..

good luck..
Yes, Can we do it like the timurids?
I´ll do it asap.
mhusoy said:
Here are my suggestions:

scen1: Age of Muhammed, starting with the move to Medina in 622... -1031

scen2: Rise of the Caliphate, starting with Abu Bakr in 632 stabl. Arabia -1031

scen3: Golden age of Islam, starting 749, Abasids -1031

scen4: Fall of the Caliphate, starting 909 with Fatimid-compet. in Egypt -1031

of course we'll have major events all the way.. leading from the death of Muhammed and creation of the Caliphate in 632, through the new Caliphes of 634, 650 etc. and the creation of the Shiites of 661... then change from Umayads to Abasids in 749 etc. Tulunids in Egypt 869-905, Mameluk-mercenaries from 830 etc.. forceconversion of Copts in Egypt 1006 etc.
we also need to make events that reflects the massacres of the original populations of the Middle-East.. as the population of the region suffered heavily because of the Arab conquest.

but what do you say to the camp. periods?

1: 622-1031, 2: 632-1031, 3:749-1031, 4:909-1031
Thats just perfect.
mhusoy said:
I see that our islamic historian Zacarym87 proposes 751 and 969 as good starting dates...

well, we could use 751 instead of 749.. and perhaps add 969 too.. but I feel that we should have a date between 751 and 969.. since it's an awful lot of time, and the decline started in the mid 800s..

we'll keep 622- and 632-.. most important is of course 632, as the Caliphate has formed by then, and it'll be ready to take on the byz and pers.. but I still think that making an alternative start in 622 gives us a touch of being closer to the source.. as we follow the creation of the pre-caliphatic muslim-state.. Mohammad should be a 6-6-6 leader, and a 9-9-9 monarch.. (he dies after 10 years so you can't conquer the whole world with him anyhow..)
yes we need some thing in 850.
cool-toxic said:
Yes, Can we do it like the timurids?
I´ll do it asap.

Are you sure you understood what I mean..?

when I suggested to to it like the timurids, I only meant that we need to make Sassanids and Byzantines weak enough, so that the Arabs can take them down... of course the best step would be to let them start with -3 stab.. and depleted manpower.. (historically that was the reason why the arabs were successfull - that the Empires had wasted their soldiers in the massive fights against each others, the last war ending shortly before the Arab explosion)

but remember: we need to stick to the historical facts.. my vision is (amongst other things) that we give the Byzantines a bad event, that makes the rr in the Nestorian and coptic provs rise.. together with low stab and low manpower and small armies, they should be ripe for harvest.. (the clue would be to make this happen in our Muhammed-camp. also.. give them many bad events.. as the experienced player would be able to shift the tides if he were given 10/12 years... (622-634 when the Arabs attacked..) )

a question: have you begun making the scens already? do you have the map?
cool-toxic said:
yes we need some thing in 850.

well. that depends on wether we make a camp. start in 909 or 969... if we go for the last we need a 850-scen.. but a 909-scen will cover enough...

since our camps will end latest 1031.. a camp in 969 would only allow 62 years of playing... (and it will also request that we make a fifth camp)

I suggest we go for the 749 and 909 camps.. together with 632, (and 622) we'll then have enough I think.. (later we can add a 830/40-scen)

the most important in the start would be to work on 632 (and 622)
In 749 it's natural to start with the abasids.. the camp. starting in 632 will allow you to become the Umayads in 661..

the question is wether we should let the player "evolve" by letting him become the suceeding Caliphates... Umayads, Abasids etc.
should we start as "The Caliphate" in 632(22) or as the "Hedjaz"..?? (Hedjaz' tag is ARA)

from Mohammad through the four first Caliphs, Abu, Omar, Osman and Ali, what was the name of the nation... "The Caliphate".. or did they have another name, like "Umayads" or "Abasids"...

I've seen that EU2 has some other names too, but they belong to a later age, like Almohads, Ayubids etc..
we can use Fatimids though, (909-- in Egypt), and Cordoba (first emirate, then independent Caliphate)
If we do add a camp (or two)... our timescale would be covered by camps quite like EU2:

1419..................622 1
1492..................632 2
1617..................749 3
1700..................836 4
1773..................909 5
1795..................969 6

but that's later, right? first we need to work on 1/2, 3 and 5...
mhusoy said:
If we do add a camp (or two)... our timescale would be covered by camps quite like EU2:

1419..................622 1
1492..................632 2
1617..................749 3
1700..................836 4
1773..................909 5
1795..................969 6

but that's later, right? first we need to work on 1/2, 3 and 5...
Yes thats right.
I did meen with bad events and bad stability.
I haven´t started on making the map just the text.csv, I don´t got the map.