his will be our first new major IP released since the original Crusader Kings over 10 years ago.
This hint tells us it's a new grand-strategy IP. Obviously a big project.
Seven and Three are important numbers.
Originally, this hint seemed to imply a Roman or Classical era game. It's very hard to reconcile with a the idea of a Space Game. At this point, it is very difficult to determine what this hint means.
Terrain truly matters in this game.
This hint implies a game with colonization, possibly a space age game, or a game with an emphasis on battles like HoI.
There will be no stabbing of pigs.
This hint either implies a game set after the Roman period, or a game set in Rome with a reworking of the stability mechanic.
Game Director is Henrik Fåhraeus, 15 year industry veteran, lead designer behind the Crusader Kings and Hearts of Iron series.
This just confirms that is a big IP. Although it could mean it has either (A) character interaction mechanics, or (B) an emphasis on warfare like HoI.
Elections and Technological Development are important parts of the game.
This hint threw us a big curve. Elections could mean a Classical period game, but it was hard to tell. At this point a space age game began to seem more likely.
This is a project we've always dreamt about doing, something all of PI have been involved in, not just the PDS developers.
This confirms it was a project with a huge scope. Something they've always dreamt of doing. This is when people
really began suspecting a space game.
And today we get an image of a black man with blue lines on the left side of the image (you can see them clearly if you zoom in.) Space age game confirmed?