I think it's ABSOLUTE B.S. That Cohh and some other "Streamers" have access RIGHT NOW. I am the same backer level as they are. Been waiting the SAME FRIGGEN AMOUNT of time as they have and they can just play play play. Total CRAP IMHO. Where is MY ACCESS? the one I PAID the SAME amount of money for as he and others did?
Cohh is a streamer with a MILLION SUBSCRIBERS. He has been given the privilege of playing the game early to MARKET IT. Thousands of people who have never heard of the game before have watched him play it and are now going to buy this game, or at least considering buying it.
Do you complain when IGN or Rock, Paper, Shotgun or whoever gets the game early to do previews? Cause its the SAME THING.
To be blunt, how many copies of this game do you think you could sell to others if you had it right now? Ten? Twenty? A Hundred? Cohh has probably help sell a LOT more than that.