you can't shatter kingdoms, and debug code is a "go to" method. Dynamic name and dynamic title are 2 different things.In that case if I wanted to shatter a kingdom would I put "shatter_empires = { k_name }" or "shatter_kingdoms = { k_name }" where "name" is the historical name of the title rather than the dynamic name? or would I be better off just using the debug code?
Dynamic name is based on culture or dynasty name but the tag eg. e_persia, k_damot, d_kiev etc. are kept, just not visible at first glance.
Dynamic title is purely created by game, it is not stored in any file except the save itself, they are created by using some decisions, rebels, mercs and some heads of faith.
historical tiles start with the rank indicator b_ c_ d_ k_ e_, dynamic titles are well dynamic and their TAG is often weird and unpredictable, basically do not suggest yourself with ingame title name some are very different then what they are called eg. Greater Poland is d_wielkopolska, Wallachia is k_dacia. The name in game and the actual TAG as you see can differ exponentially. Get yourself a debug tool and check what the game thinks the title is called. Good luck!