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Diablerie and Telepathy
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    Princes of Darkness, Version 1.1, October 3, 2020
  • Princes of Darkness, Version 1.1, October 3, 2020
    Updated for CK3 1.1.2


    - Nosferatu Portraits: Blendshapes and Animations. - emeryville
    - Female Elf Ear Blendshape. - Amish Cyborg
    - All vampires can now drain animals and get animal resonance. Blood potency and animal succulence impact whether or not draining animals can reduce hunger. - Sparc
    - In 1258, Baghdad will be sacked. - Sparc
    - Chance to learn a basic discipline from a diablerie victim with the basic or advanced discipline has been modified to 5% to 10% respectively. - Sparc
    - Reduced chance of transforming into a wight. - Sparc
    - Conscience, Self-Control, Instinct and Conviction virtues combined. Additional tenents added to all faiths. - Sparc
    - All faiths set to: no head, gender equality, lay clergy, clerical gender equality, clerical marriage allowed, clerical temporal appointment. Pluralism and clerical fuctions modified. - Sparc
    - Holy sites and localization changes for Kuei-Jin Dharmas. - Savvij (check out his twitch where he explains the changes he wanted to see with PoD: savvij
    - Via Ossium added to Three Pillars Doctrine, Tariq el-Atham have joined the Ashirra. - Sparc
    - Obfufscate and Presence basic discipline trait localization fixes. - Sparc
    - Fixes to some Patron characters. - Sparc
    - Fixed Naktanchara religion/faith localization. - Sparc
    - Added Resonance Experience Bars. - Sparc (thanks vzell!)
    - Health events updated to eliminate obsesity for vampires. - Karde
    - Fixed some objectives being completable multiple times. - Karde
    - As you can only have one special building per province, the Tunis Well of Sacrifice has been moved to Kairouan, to make Carthage buildable again. - Karde
    - Eileen of Ulidh now has three personality traits like everyone else. - Karde
    - Reduced the AI willingness to build Rabble and Thugs buildings, which should result in less levies for AI characters, so less wars. - Karde
    - Doubled the Truce Timer for the Attacking side in case of a white peace or a lose. This should result in more controllable "dogpile". - Karde
    - Nerfed the Night Terror building. - Karde
    - Tremere clan bane (both of them) and Ventrue clan bane. - Thaumaturge
    - Added default localization in English for mod for French, German, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish. We welcome any translation efforts. - Sparc (thanks Lord_Viper)
    - Added set_resonance effect to many create character commands and maintenance events so that characters always have resonance appear in charcter interaction window during exsanguination/diablerie executions. - Sparc
    - Added return_to_court for find mortals interaction and summon scheme. - Sparc
    - Added doctrine icons for 1230 objective faith doctrine awards. - Sparc
    - Adapting set_mother command for embracing vampiric childer. - Sparc
    - Gangrel may have feral looks from frenzies: pointy ears and/or gnarly teeth. - Sparc
    - Tentatively deleted the faction_effects file in our mod. I don't know what it did, and the vanilla one has changed almost completely, hence many incompatibilities. - Karde
    - Fixed the create title command in the decisions_effects file. - Karde
    - Adapted the religious/cultural mod setup to PDX many changes in Bohemia/Scandinavia/Nubia/Arabia/Maghreb. - Karde
    - Henbane_addict isn't a trait in vanilla anymore. So it has been deleted from our Patron characters (was messing the whole file). - Karde
    - Adapted our Magyar cultural file to match PDX's new one. - Karde
    - Made the dynasty of many crowns decision harder to achieve. It was previously a day one decision for some clans. - Karde
    - Vampires don't get a -5 domain limit modifier anymore... - Karde
    - ... but they also don't get bonus domain limit from ranking up. It also require now more Stewardship to gain bonus domain. - Karde
    - Ranking up now awards more bonus Knights than before. - Karde
    - Mithras has changed out of sackcloth clothing. His pentience is done. He still can't find his red hat, though. - Sparc
    - Subjucation, Invasion and Holy Wars for Kingdoms now allowed once a century, rather than once a lifestime. - Sparc
    - Befriend scheme only available if you have less than five friends. - Sparc
    - Lots of localization fixes. - Sparc
    - Known Issue: vampire elective succession error message in error log. This does not seem to impact vampire elective succession working. - Karde
    - Merged marriage_scripted effects. - Karde
    - Fixed some missing localization. - Karde
    - The marshal "train knights" task can now only increase prowess up to 30. - Karde
    - Vampires are immune to the worst effects of prison (disease, instant death). - Karde
    - Merged the new health events (and promptly disabled them for vampires). - Karde
    - Scroll bar added to Dynasty Legacies selection. Thanks to Zarathustra_the_Godless. - Sparc
    - New Portraits: Catubodua (revision), Ciarán, Diederik, Portia, Dark Raven, Helena (revision). - Wata
    - Fix for Steppe Clothing and Western Bedchamber. - Sparc[/URL]
    • 8Like
    Metamorphosis Update for Princes of Darkness
  • Metamorphosis Update for Princes of Darkness

    What's in it? A lot! Get ready to sink your fangs into this!

    First, the mod has been made compatible with CK3 1.2.1 Argent, the Ruler Designer update. The mod allows you to engage customize a vampire character, so you can quickly pick your clan and disciplines as traits, and pick your road as a faith. Using the ruler designer to create a character will create a dynasty that is independent of the established Clan dynasty cadet houses. In play, you can still choose the create character decision if you want to be part of an existing Clan House, or form a cadet house under the Clan Dynasty.


    You can also customize your look. A lot of new choices are available under the "monstrous" category if you want a particularly horrifying look to your Nosferatu or if your Tzimisce character has gotten creative with the Vicissitude discipline. We are looking forward to seeing what monsters you create.


    There are more than 1700 canon vampire characters in the mod from World of Darkness lore, so the choices can be overwhelming. To help you choose, the 1230 Bookmark has had additional characters added as recommended choices: one from each clan and a few of the more prominent bloodlines. A fan favorite, Helena, has her rank was raised to Duchess so her eternal lover and ghoul Prias could be landed in a county in her realm.


    Once in play, one thing you may notice is changes to the map for Eastern Europe for the 1230 bookmark. We poured over the lore and reworked the map using details from "Transylvania by Night", the “Transylvania Chronicles” and other Dark Age Vampire tabletop RPG books. We checked real world locations on google maps and checked the differences of town names between the 11th century Germanic of the Siebenburgen, the Hungarian names and the Romanian names.


    The Obertus monasteries have moved to Silesia to match the only published Dark Ages Vampire map of their location: West of Krakow, Northeast of Vienna, east of Nuremberg and Southeast of Magdeburg. As in the lore, it acts as a buffer state between the Ventrue of the Fiefs of the Black Cross and the slavic Tzimisce. Jolanta holdings in Silesia have been transferred to Obertus, because in the lore, the Niepołomice Forest she inhabits is east of Krakow. Her holding has been moved there.

    Next, the Council of Ashes has been established in a greater Duchy of Transylvania. It was useful to have Nova Arpad to have a Kingdom level title, so that Radu Bistri could be her duke vassal and he could have the Szantovich (and Basarab) Zadruga families as count vassals. Nova Arpad's domain is Mediasch, which is near CK3 holding of Feher. Nova Arpad weakly leads a multi-clan council of Ventrue, Tzimisce, Gangrel and Nosferatu. A prototype of the Camarilla. It most likely will fall apart. The Council of Ashes heraldry is a tribute to Haligaunt's Concord of Ashes design. Haligaunt's "Concord of Ashes" is a great fanon campaign we encourage lovers of the World of Darkness to read, though we do not attempt to have the mod closely follow their creation. The Concord of Ashes puts more into Transylvania than we could possibly represent on the current map.

    As it is in the lore, Radu Bistri is in Bistri (Beszterce). Mitru's holding is Napoca / Cluj-Napoca / Klausenburg / Kolozsvár which is part of Torda county in CK3. Alba Iulia / Balgrad / Karlsburg was west of Mediasch so Dragomir Basarab has been landed in Zarand, and as a vassal of Nova.

    We properly located Hunedoara castle. It is the archetypal "Castle Dracula", also called "Corvin Castle." As it is in the lore, Danika Ruthven controls Hunedoara castle, also called Vajdahunyad. She is a vassal to Ioan Brancoveanu--"The Hammer of the Tremere." Further inside the Voiovodate, holdings have been reorganized. Vladimir Rustovitch is now King of Wallachia. Byelobog the White God was elevated to Duke so that he can have the Khavi as vassals.

    We also moved the primary chantry of the Tremere--Ceoris. With use of GoogleMaps to compare tabletop RPG map locations, with CK3 holdings and real world geographic locations: Ceoris was moved one county east to be near Mt. Negoui. The snake of the Tremere holdings was modified to match both the creation of the Council of Ashes and the reorganization of the Tzimisce.

    Eastern Europe development process:


    A number of mechanics available to all vampires have been added. The resonance system has been changed to bring it more inline with table top rules. A vampire's hunger, depending on their blood potency, can be satisfied by the quantity of the blood they drink. Resonance, however, is more concerned with not only the emotion of the victim (as influenced by their personality traits) but also the quality of their blood. Most mortals have "negligible" resonance, and thus reward a pittance of resonance XP for consuming their blood. Good congenital, higher education traits, lifestyle traits and good health improve the quality of the blood to higher tiers of "fleeting", "intense" and "acute". Poor health and blood loss will negatively impact the quality of resonance. In the previous version of the mod, resonance was based on the quantity of blood consumed, so there was only an incentive not to completely drain a mortal if you faith had such an act cost piety or a compassionate trait would cause stress. Now, it make sense to regularly feed from mortals with high quality resonance. To facilitate that, we have created a system of herding to more easily drink from and manage your herd of blood dolls. If your vampire has the Presence discipline perk of "Lingering Kiss", you gain an option to easily add a hunted victim to your herd. The herd scheme is available to all vampires, regardless of their disciplines. Depending how much control you have over the lives of your mortal courtiers, you can effectively breed a better herd. It is a more efficient method of gaining resonance experience to sip from a herd of mortals with acute resonance than it is to kill and drain every mortal who crosses your path--but do as you wish, dark lord. Great persons also make particularly tasty morsels beyond their very good traits. There is now a real choice to make between embracing a new childe, herding and ghouling.


    We've hinted at it a lot in this development diary so far, player character vampires may now create ghouls. For those who do not know Vampire: the Masquerade lore, a ghoul is a servitor character like Renfield in almost any adaptation of Dracula. Blood Bonded to their domitors, these loyal courtiers are like weaker versions of their vampire masters. Player characters will have both a hook on their ghouls as well as an opinion bonus from regularly supplying them with vampire vitae. Ghouls can make useful but disposable councillors or champions. As they are not full vampires, they do not (usually) clutter issues of succession within your house or dynasty. You can train them in your own disciplines (at the cost of your own resonance). With the discipline of vicissitude, you can transmogrify your ghoul thralls into objects of conventional beauty or monstrous warriors.



    When a mommy and daddy ghoul lust each other very much, they may even produce a baby born with vampire blood in their damned veins creating what the Tzimisce call a "Zadruga" but has been mistranslated as "revenant." Revenants that breed with revenants are more likely to "breed true", but like with any CK3 breeding game, there are the risks of inbreeding. Revenants are more powerful than ghouls, but often weaker than elder vampires. Unlike vampires, they do not hunt mortals for their blood. Nor can they engage in diablerie, and their blood potency never increases. However, unlike vampires, they can satisfy their own blood hunger by their own blood. They can learn the vampiric disciplines but depending on their experience of the blood since birth and the teaching of their families rather than the high speed acquisition of resonance that vampires have from hunting mortals. Revenants may risk herding vampires to give them a supply of resonance.

    All the canon Revenant families from the lore of the World of Darkness are in the mod. We also added a few more families so that every clan has at least one obscure revenant family they hold as vassals. Each canon family has its own Dynasty or House and gets an additional modifier for that relationship. As you can expect, each revenant family has its own Coat of Arms and a county holding that either matches the lore is lore-inspired in its placement. The proper landing of Zadruga families of the Tzimisce is what drove our re-work of Eastern Europe to be more in keeping with the lore.


    As you will have noticed from the Ruler Designer appearances, our talented 3D artists have added a number of blendshapes options to faces. You will see some Tzimisce characters utilizing some of these shapes, some more subtly than others. Some of those shapes can be applied to ghoul thralls through transmogrification. Our artists did not stop there, Tzimisce can also use vicissitude to transform their forms, whether that is extending the arms and growing claws for feral weapons, awakening the terrifying Zulo shape, and the most powerful of Tzimisce Koldun can assume the forms of Dragons.

    Other clans benefit from new models as well. Salubri have their iconic third eyes and Gangrel can also grow the claws of their feral weapons. Gangrel may take on further animalistic features as the result of frenzies.


    We have been expanding our narrative events. Now, the anarchs will revolt and bring about the death of Antediluvians. Inquisition will be formed and harass those vampires who most flagrantly violate the Masquerade. Eventually, a Convention of Thorns event will form the Camarilla to try and put a stop to this madness--while the Sabbat will form to counter the Camarilla. We will expand further on these events in the future, but this should give you a taste of where we are going with big narrative events.


    An Observer Game to after the Convention of Thorns
    1436 AD:
    1483 AD, during the height of the Anarch Revolt:
    1503 AD:
    Camarilla, you were supposed to unite the kindred, not divide them!

    The placement of the Cainite Heresy on the Road of Sin with the conviction of Self-Control rather than instinct never set quite well with us. The Cainite Heresy has been reworked as the leading faith in a new Blood Gnosticism religion that includes the Cathars of Via Pura as well as various cults inspired by the myth of Calomena--Caine's sister.


    While the Vicissitude discipline got a lot of love with this update, a late addition to this update was the inclusion of some powers for necromancers with the Oblivion discipline (your clan or bloodline might call it something else!). Player characters can now scheme to ritually murder a character, transform the murder victim into wraith and bind that wraith to their service. Then the wraith can be sent to another court to possess, haunt or spy upon others. It's a good way to soften up an enemy court for your schemes or warfare. In the future, we will look to make Thaumaturgy and Blood Sorcery better.

    Several translation projects are underway for the mod, with Chinese, French and Russian having made the most progress. If you would like to help with a translation project, we maintain several different language channels on our discord. The Chinese translation team is particularly large.

    You may notice some noteworthy characters with gold coin traits. These are creations of our patrons who support us through Patreon donations. They do not just encourage us financially, but are a core part of our development process. Patrons have access to the hottest code of our development build. Collectively, they engage in hundreds of hours of testing of the mod before new features make it to the steam release. Many of them are huge fans of the World of Darkness with encyclopedia knowledge of the lore and experience playing grand strategy games like Crusader Kings II. A few of them even go all the way back to the first World of Darkness MUSHes. They not only test but offer lots of ideas and advice about how to best implement the World of Darkness in Crusader Kings III, and the mod would be far poorer without their participation and suggestions. The patron model is working for us very well, and we encourage other mod teams to seriously consider it. Our patrons help us make big decisions like when the mod updates are of sufficient quality for a public release and what changes to make to improve the balance and feel of play.

    In addition to the custom characters in the mod, we are creating a new bookmark in 1375 AD after the Black Death which has the Patrons as dominant force. The period after the Black Death is vague in World of Darkness lore beyond the chaos of the Anarch Revolts and the rise of the Inquisition. Patrons write up their own character histories that are included in our investigations schemes and can shape the world through custom empires, kingdoms, faiths, dynasties and houses. This way our patrons and developers can tell a new story in the World of Darkness collectively that doesn't trample the very strict lore interpretation we are using for the 1230 bookmark. Its not quite ready for sharing on Steam as there is still a lot of unclaimed territory: but players and borders of Europe are starting to be defined. We also hope that it will be great fun in multiplayer.


    What's planned next?


    If you are playing this update, you'll notice the start of Inquisition uprisings. Our next major expansion we hope to finish sometime this winter will be Dark Ages Inquisitor. Inquisitors were a logical choice as they are antagonists to all the other supernaturals in the World of Darkness. They also do not need extensive 3D portrait model work like Werewolves in Crinos form. We can make use of existing assets like religious clothing. We already have a playable bookmark for the inquisition that starts a few days after the 1230 AD bookmark. Before we release it though, we want to expand the lifestyle trees to include True Faith so that Inquisitor characters have a chance and special powers to use against vampires.

    After the Inquisition? Our plan is to allow our Patrons to vote on the next major supernatural creature to develop: Werewolves? Mages? Wraiths? Fae? Or keep our focus on vampires. We also plan to send out a survey first to patrons and then the community at large about your experiences with the mod and what you would like to see next.


    We are looking forward to seeing your creations in the ruler designer, hearing your after the action reports and watching your streams on Twitch and Youtube. Let us know about it on Discord or in the forums.
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    Shadow Inquisition Update Development Diary
  • Inquisition-Update.jpg

    Shadow Inquisition Update Development Diary

    Come join the Shadow Inquisition! We have:
    • The longest, most epic quest line in the mod.
    • Vastly different ways to gain an edge over the minions of Hell that you can specialize to a very extreme degree or mix and match them for good balance.
    • Custom-made schemes, interactions, buildings, wonders, clothes, titles, dynasties, characters, perks... all the content you'll need to fully immerse yourself in the experience of being an instrument of Divine Wrath.
    • Team spirit
    • God at our side
    • Flamethrowers :3

    But what is the Shadow Inquisition?

    It's a secret initiative established by the Holy Father himself to tackle the problem of blood-sucking servants of Satan preying upon Christendom. Its participants are elite organizations that bring together individuals uniquely gifted to find and eliminate supernatural enemies. Their efforts and sacrifice in exposing those fiends to the light resulted in the first Inquisition that you experienced as a late-game crisis event in the previous update. Now it's time to explore how the fight against darkness really started.


    Unique Mechanics:

    • Find Lair scheme: Hit them where they sleep with this signature hunter scheme. On completion it allows you to attack your target using the value of your chosen skill against theirs. If you succeed (or achieve a pyrrhic victory that also gives you various maluses), you're awarded prestige, piety and also varying amounts of dynasty prestige and True Faith XP based on the age or rank of the vampire. Choose your targets wisely, failure means death. The scheme can't fail, but takes a very long time against a vampire more proficient at intrigue than you and your spymaster. There is a quite perfidious way to make it much quicker though, but we'll let you discover it on your own. Hint: Sometimes you need to take a step back to make two steps forward.

    • Ordination: Introduce an uninitiated courtier to your vampire-hunting ways. You'll have a decision to improve their skills (the choice depends on your order) and they will become your adopted "child" and heir. If you're lacking suitable candidates, there's a minor "Invite Prospect" decision to help you with that.

    • XP gain: The inquisitors are not princelings with a bunch of tutors and and a fief to play around with, they learn the practical leadership skills on the job. They get better at a given aspect of rulership faster the more they are involved in it and what they're involved in is represented by buildings symbolizing influence over various facets of mortal life. So the more buildings of a certain type you have, the faster you gain the corresponding perks. Have the land's clergy firmly in your grip and your heirs will never find themselves lagging in their theological proficiency, but don't expect them to become great generals if none of you ever spoke to a soldier.

    • True Faith lifestyle and powers: the Shadow Inquisition would be dead on arrival if a considerable number of its members weren't powerful Theurgists. The benedictions and maledictions they wield constitute a tremendously useful toolbox of powers and abilities, some of them parallel to certain vampire disciplines, others completely unique. Use them well and use them often if you wish to level the playing field with the fiends. Every candidate for an Inquisitor has a chance to possess True Faith, but in case your heir doesn't, you can give them a chance to find it by using the Intercession power on them. If you don't have it, you can ask a friend who does to help you gain it. Be aware that having any of the Seven Deadly Sins as your personality traits put you at a risk of suffering a crisis of faith and losing access to these miraculous abilities. You can try to overcome it, but it's better to avoid it altogether by working on your character and getting rid of your sinful tendencies (see the minor decisions). You can level the True Faith lifestyle like any other, but it's much more efficient to gain True Faith experience by killing vampires. Let us repeat that: it's much more efficient to gain True Faith experience by killing vampires.
    • Renown and new dynasty legacy track: Unlike vampires who are grouped into sizeable clans with their many members peppered across the globe, each hunter faction is its own, relatively small dynasty. That puts every bookmarked character in control of how they spend their dynasty prestige (which can be earned from wonders, signature buildings and most rapidly, killing notorious vampires). The dynasty perks not usable by vampires have had their costs lowered to vanilla levels which means as a lay order you can relatively quickly complete the familiar Blood legacy track to kickstart that breeding program and as clerical order, you have a brand new legacy track designed just for them that significantly improves all future candidates for Inquisitors and gives the old hunters a consolation bonus as well (those are the tiny bonuses that you can see, the main thing happens when new Inquisitors/prospects are generated).

    • Succession: Due to hunters having a limited lifespan, succession is a much bigger deal for the Shadow Inquisition. We decided to do away with the Elective Succession as it proved impossible to align your titles to go to a single heir and we didn't want to make mortality even more bitter by having your realm fracture on succession, let's leave that in vanilla CK3. Instead, we gave them something you don't see often: Ultimogeniture. Shadow Inquisition values zeal above all else and that is a young soul's strongest virtue.

    Meet the Orders:


    The Poor Knights of the Passion of the Cross of Acre


    These guys are the closest thing to the familiar idea of a paladin we have. Chivalrous and fearless, they meet the forces of evil head-on with a sword in their hand and the Lord guiding it. Mechanically-speaking, they're the most straightforward order to play for those familiar with the mod as their main strength is much like that of vampires: their knights. Play to their strengths and your champions will go toe-to-toe with retinues of ancient vampire lords. Your starting leader, Gauthier is a beast of a holy warrior and there are few vampire havens he can't walk into like he owns the place. Well, when he finally finds one, because the chivalrous knights are not great at intrigue.

    The Sisters of Saint John


    At first glance the good nuns look absolutely doomed. Clutching a small duchy on the doorstep of the vast domain of the ancient monster Mithras, generally not good at fighting and suffering from extra stress caused by their disturbing visions, they seem like an order designed for masochists, right? Wrong, that would be the order of St James, the Sisters have something going for them that makes life much easier: money. The nuns are the thriftiest bunch on the whole map, they may not be the mightiest warriors around, but their deep-running connection to the affairs of their flock enable them to squeeze more economic juice out of their holdings than anyone else. Don't miss their frequently occurring "Mystic" trait that lets them be no slouches at learning either.

    The Red Order


    By far the shadiest crew on the Shadow Inquisition roster, these scholars collect disturbingly unholy texts, as they claim, "for research purposes". But as the Lord said "You will know them by their fruits" and the fruits of Red Order's efforts bring destruction upon the foul fiends of the night through the power of knowledge like you never thought possible. Again, on paper, it looks like an organization specialized in a dubiously utility skill of learning will have a snowball's chance in hell of wrestling the Holy See from the clutches of a fiend as powerful as Camilla, but once you stabilize their precarious geopolitical position, they'll surprise you with their versatility and the power of their piety generation.


    House von Murnau


    Led by the great Leopold von Murnau, this noble family is affected by a generations-spanning curse that makes them sensitive to the evil lurking in the shadows. Not every von Murnau carries that curse, but those who do usually interpret it as a divine calling to combat said evil, making them natural allies to the Shadow Inquisition cause. Their sizable domain in Bavaria provides them with wealth and manpower they can use to help their allies and their central position provides them with the opportunity. Unlike the clerical orders, the von Murnaus breed normally with all the risks and advantages that entails. Their diplomatic strength and abundance of prestige reflect their secondary role as Shadow Inquisition's envoys to the world of mortal nobles.

    Order of the Sword of St James


    Although the knights of Santiago are, lore-wise, not a part of the Shadow Inquisition due to their leader being too paranoid to report to anyone, even the pope, we chose not to put any hard obstacles beyond the geographical distance and Rodrigue's difficult disposition for the player to reverse the decision to go at it alone, because Lord knows they have it hard already. Player experience may prove us wrong but we consider these Spanish hunters to be the first truly hardcore bookmarked start. They are few, their holdings are poor, their enemies are numerous and each is more powerful than the other. Their starting cadre not exactly suited to hit the ground running doesn't help either. There is one thing the knights of St James can put their trust in though: cold hard steel. This knightly order's specialty of commanding Men At Arms may be the slowest one to pay off, but if you manage to survive long enough to make the most of it, you will assemble an Army of God that will sweep away all that is unholy from the face of the known world.

    Oculi Dei


    This lay order comprises of families of knights and clerics fighting the spawns of Hell on the frontlines and serves as Shadow Inquisition's intelligence agency. Loosely structured and often suspicious of one another, the agents of the Eyes of God nevertheless provide the Shadow Inquisition with a terrifying capacity for covert activities. Every vampire fancies themselves a schemer, but at the end of the day, they're just individuals sending their handfuls of lackeys to do their bidding. The Oculi Dei on the other hand is a Europe-spanning spiderweb of pious men and women devoted to waging a silent war against the wretched enemy. Nobody knows just how many of these eyes are piercing the darkness, but judging from the order's leader's potential to make famous undead schemers like our fan favorite Helena look like amateurs, the fiends should probably assume that even a stray dog can be an Oculi Dei agent.



    Calomena's Forsaken


    Bayezid and Basil are very special boys. They're Bogomilist heretics, but not really, they want to rid the world of vampires, but not really and they're not really boys since they're like a 100 years old. Have we mentioned they're ghouls? Yeah, the Gantenbeins are definitely the "wild card" of this update. Forced to flee Constantinople where they served as pawns of a vampiric cult, the brothers reinvented themselves as vampire hunters masquerading as Bogomilist preachers and roam the Balkans amassing a crowd of followers. They don't believe in material wealth so don't expect them to be good with money, you'll have to discover a way secure a gold supply. Don't worry though, you won't need much of it, the Forsaken turn piety into obscene amounts of levies and their followers into ghouls if they deem them worthy (and have a captive vampire to bleed). They're labelled "Very Hard" mostly due to the fact that they're completely different than anything else and you won't get anywhere with them unless you adapt to that fact, but they should be safer from an outright invasion in the player's hands than Rodrigue and his crew. Schemes are a different matter though, for some reason the AI seems to consider "ghoulbros" the best target for murder schemes in the whole wide world so be prepared for that.


    The Super Secret Bonus Order

    Somewhere in the domain of one of the above factions is a knightly order with somewhat different things going for them than the other two. It's not bookmarked for a reason as non-independent, one-county rulers don't offer the most thrilling pacing, but you may want to look for them if starting small and slow is your *cough cough* cup of tea.

    General tips:

    1. Know your enemy! Barring a few exceptions, vampires of your rank employ monstrous knights who can easily trample whatever advantage in levies and Men At Arms you managed to accumulate over your target all by themselves. Don't go to war with anyone bigger than a lowly count without scanning through their vassal and courtier tabs to see who you'll be dealing with on the battlefield and trying your best to neutralize those "one man armies", especially in the early game. If it's too late to track them down and murder them, you can still use your "Penance" power on them.
    2. Manage your domain carefully. Inquisitors draw their power from their holdings to a much larger degree than vampires. The whole game plan of how you're going to survive, thrive and gain an edge over the spawns of Satan starts at the choice of buildings your domain will be composed of.
    3. Alliances: You have an ability to make one alliance as if you had the "Defensive Negotiations" diplomacy perk (the perk gives you a second one). Use it wisely, alliances are a double-edged blade. Sometimes it's better to let your siblings-in-arms die if that means you get to live long enough to avenge them.
    4. Levies: Whatever you do, don't let your levies run low. Big levies scare the vamps away, the more of them you have, the safer you are from getting dogpiled.
    5. Gold: Set the "Ask the Holy Father for funds decision" on auto-remind, there's never a reason not to take it (unless you're maybe just about to increase your top stat).

    6. Always be on the hunt for vampires. If you can't risk a confrontation with anyone more powerful than some baron's imbecile childe, hunt the imbecile childe, but keep the "Find Lair" scheme running.
    7. You can freely revoke baronies in your counties. You'll lose the ability to have the barons go to war with you as knights, so it's not always the best move, but it's usually a good way to start.
    Thank you for your attention and happy hunting :)

    We're very much looking forward to your feedback.


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    But what about the vampires?!?
  • Shadow Inquisition is all fine and good, you say. But what about the vampires?!? We don't play Princes of Darkness to be shining paladins of light. We play it to be, you know, Princes of Darkness!

    Don't worry! This update has plenty of improvements for vampires. First off, two disciplines have been expanded with new schemes, powers and a new GUI!

    Blood Sorcery and Necromancy​

    The Tremere have fought three deadly wars at once and triumphed - all thanks to the secrets of blood sorcery. The Banu Haqim call upon gods and pacts to create ecclesiastical magics. The Giovanni and Cappadocians bend the souls of the dead to their very will.

    It was time for Princes of Darkness to represent the mystical power of blood magic, and so we have done so. In this update we bring you two forms of blood magic - Necromancy (also called Oblivion) and Blood Sorcery (Also Thaumaturgy, Akhu, Dur-Na-Ki and many more names.)

    Blood Sorcery

    The signature discipline of the Tremere, the power of Blood Sorcery is undeniable - and hard to achieve. In the current update you will find no less than 5 paths of blood magic, all accessible through our new and custom GUI!


    The paths are as follows :

    The Path of Blood :​

    The one most identified with Clan Tremere, the Path of Blood involves delving into the secrets of Vitae and at higher levels and utterly control it.


    The Path of Curses :​

    A path invented by Banu Haqim but stolen by the Tremere, the Path of Curses is used to lay banes and misfortune on your enemies. From bad lack to illness that strikes even the undead, users of this path are rightly feared.

    The Path of Mars :​

    Curses are not the only reason to fear blood magi. The Path of Mars births war sorcerers like no other, bestowing upon users speed, strength and tactical genius. At the highest levels a Thaumaturge can bless entire military cadres.

    The Path of Neptune's Might :​

    The seas and rivers of the world hold great power and mystique. And he who masters the Path of Neptune's Might takes that power for himself. From creating chains of water to drying the liquid in an opponent's veins, much is possible.

    The Path of the Focused Mind :​

    For Thaumaturges who wish to unlock their own hidden potential, this path is ideal. It allows the mage to expand their consciousness and control their spirit, achieving impossible feats of the mind.



    The ability to meddle with the truly dead is a prized one - the miserable shades make good spies and minions. Necromancers can use their rituals to taint a life ( or unlife) so that when they are murdered, their soul will return as a ghost. From there, a medium can coax a spirit to do her bidding, or she can bind it forcibly to her will - thus ensuring compliance, at the cost of the spirit's displeasure.

    Once she gets a spirit to do her bidding, a necromancer can send it to preform a variety of services - from spying, to haunting, to possessing your enemies.






    More Events!​


    For vampires, a number of new events have been added to the mod both regional events as well as custom content for each of the bookmark characters at 1230.

    For Helena, it requires Menele to be dead, and will then unlock a special character interaction where you can infiltrate another court (like Helena often does in the lore, masquerading as a neonate) to give them a serious scheme resistance malus. Obviously a good synergy with her playstyle.

    Rustovitch got an interpretation of the event known as the feast of fiends, where he tries to re establish control of the Voivodate after the truce with Jurgen. It's a special character interaction for him, where he can try to teach some sense (brutally) to any of his vassals.

    Matasuntha's event allows her to call back her childe to her side (as she actually does in 1242). A powerful ally to help her as her starting court isn't really up to scratch.

    Montano now has a special objective to secure Sicily/Romagna for the Sea of Shadows. If he achieves it, he gains a noticeable bonus to acceptance of the "offer vassalization" interaction with other Lasombra.

    Natalya's has quite a dilemna.

    Durga Syn has a special option during the education chain now. As the "mentor of heroes" in almost all big WoD chronicles, she knows a thing or two about needy neonates and how to make sure they reach their potential.

    Maatkare gets a unique character interaction to entice any vampire into following the Road of Set. It's hard to pull off (the duel isn't exactly in her favor) but powerful if used well (this can destabilize whole realms).


    Petaniqua's unique content is her ability to walk the black spiral (a decision). It mainly results in even more madness and bad stuff for her. But there might be a small chance of something nicer happening.

    Qawiyya's custom content is about her answering the plea for help from the last uncorrupted souls of Damascus. If she accepts, she gets two powerful characters and a claim on the region, but must take Damascus before 1300 to get rid of a negative modifier (Baalis spreading rumors and such against her).

    Roque's custom content is a bonus to the investigate scheme. Whenever Roque investigates someone, he will get a bonus event to choose between different boons (for him) or malus (for the target). He just loves scheming.

    Tabitha's custom content is basically her boss telling her "You have 70 years to save Andalusia. Or else."

    Etrius custom content is all about him doing what he does best.

    Mithras custom content allows you to try to recreate perhaps the most impressive power couple of vampiric history.

    Absalon custom content is about his search to understand the ritual he stole from the Telyavelic Tremere he killed during his own personal crusade. You will need to invest some ressources into finishing it then godhood ! ... Not that like anything could go wrong, obviously.


    Dionysius will never fail the faith part of the education event chain. Resulting in overall better childer for him (but in a different way than Durga's more general bonus to them).

    P.S. Be careful when embracing a new childe.


    Your Own Bloodline​


    Vampire players are not left out in the Shadow Inquisition update. We continue to add interesting decisions as mid-game and late game objectives. One such decision allows a Caitiff vampire to have their bloodline recognized as nearly a peer of the great Kindred clans.

    A Caitiff vampire of at least the 5th generation who is head of an independent dynasty with sufficient prestige and piety can have their dynasty recognized as a new bloodline. Their descendants will get a modifier for being of their house, a new trait, and icon that the player can pick, and a potentially a new coat of arms for their dynasty and realm that matches the trait icon. They will also be able to choose the three primary disciplines of their bloodline and what values the dynasty modifier has.







    Holiest of Unholies​


    For the Shadow Inquisition Update, there has been further improvement for faiths. Holy Sites have had Coat of Arms. Based on a detail in Beckett's Jyhad Diary, the location of Enoch has been moved from Susa to Göbekli Tepe. Several faiths now have temporal heads of faith as appropriate to the lore, for instance the Cainite Heresy is now led by the head of the Crimson Curia. Certain faiths with both heads of faiths and also the Warmonger or Armed Pilgrimages tenets now have access to a "Escalate the Jyhad" or approach head of the Shadow Inquisition and "Petition for the Shadow Crusade". Be warned, once a player character unlocks the escalation of the Jyhad or the Shadow Crusades, other faiths can also wage crusades.

    For late game, the Sabbat faiths have been expanded from the Path of Honorable Accord to include most of the Paths of Enlightenment. When forming or joining the Sabbat, a player character will be given a choice of which path to follow. The Sabbat Regent's choice of path will influence the paths subsequently chosen by thousands of new Sabbat members.





    Unrelated to faiths, we thought we'd mention another quality of life improvement added to this update: there are now blood hunger and masquerade exposure meters on the top level of the map GUI.



    What about the half-damned? The hereditary ghouls? The Zadruga? The Revenants? They have gotten expansion with their own custom buildings. The revenant trait now grants extended life expectancy (rather than immortality) that can be extended by taking more blood of vampires to become a ghoul. There is even an epic objective decision that promises to make the revenants the next stage in evolution or a doomed quest that will drag a family further into damnation.



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    Shadow Inquisition Update
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    Princes of Darkness, Version, "Inquisition" Update, Change Log, February 28, 2021

    Development Diary 1: Shadow Inquisition, Hunters, True Faith

    Development Diary 2: Vampires , Blood Sorcery, Custom Bloodlines, Revenants

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    Change Log:

    Princes of Darkness, Version, "Inquisition" Update, Change Log, February 28, 2021

    # Inquisition! - Karde, Kukul, Sparc, Wata and Khorvale
    - Added a game rule for the Endgame Inquisitors difficulty. - Karde
    - Added the Holy Heal perk. - Karde
    - Ask the Pope decision. - Kukul and Karde
    - Invite Prospect decision. - Kukul and Karde
    - AI Inquisition heir creation events and templates - Karde and Kukul
    - Inquisition dynasties house modifiers - Kukul
    - 3 Inquisition lifestyle events - Kukul
    - Characters for Sisters of St John, Red Order, St James - Kukul
    - Added the Conversion perk of the True Faith Lifestyle tree. - Karde
    - Small history changes (Louhi, Rodrigue, Gauthier). - Karde
    - Scripted the Penance perk of the true faith tree. - Karde
    - Also added a maintenance event for vampires to come back from the Shadow Inquisition religion, they were not invited. - Karde
    - Vampires looking for jobs in Inquisitors courts will now be politely shown the door. - Karde
    - The True Faith lifestyle is done (although the graphics aren't as pretty as the others). - Karde
    - True faith and medicine perks added to the auto assign perks script for vampires. - Karde
    - Added True Faith lifestyle xp for successful find the lair scheme. Higher gain if the vampire killed was lower generation. - Karde
    - Ordinated characters have a 10% chance of gaining True Faith on ordination. Same for Von Murnau becoming hunters. - Karde
    - Added True Faith or Beatific traits to Inquisitors characters. - Karde
    - Also added it to the few vampires that qualify for it, even though they can't earn xp in this tree for now. - Karde
    - Added rewards to "Pyrrhic victories" in the find lair scheme. - Karde
    - Inquisitors will now get their lifestyle trees filled at the start like vampire do. - Karde
    - Tweaked find lair duels to be more interesting and understandable. - Karde
    - Added the lore introduction events for Inquisitors. - Karde
    - Added Independnet Hunters faith for lapsed Inquisitors and independent non-Inquisitorial hunters. - Sparc
    - Random Shadow Inquisitors and Indpendent Hunters Coats of Arms. - Sparc
    - Inquisitors spawned by the endgame crisis will now always accept a vassalization offer from a player inquisitor. - Karde
    - This behavior is forewarned to players in the main Inquisition warning event of 1420. - Karde
    - The Inquisition warning event will actually show up to warn you about the Inquisition. - Karde
    - Added a post war maintenance event that makes vampires holder go away when a war is won by an inquisitor. - Karde
    - Scripted oculi dei recruits are now order member. - Karde
    - Rodrigue now starts with the duchy of Viscaya. - Karde
    - You can demand conversion of independent inquisitors. - Karde
    - Added a check to avoid inquisitors being proposed as knights for the invite champions decision, although I couldn't reproduce this error in the first place. - Karde
    - Hunters can now be embraced. True Faith characters still can't. - Karde
    - Same for the exsanguination execution method. - Karde
    - Tweaked the masquerade exposure maintenance event to have it not fire for non vampires. - Karde
    - Fixed the control the townfolk building. - Karde
    - Embraced characters lose the order_member trait during the embrace. - Karde
    - Added a Karl Schrekt chain of events. - Karde
    - Inquisition event type theme icons. - Hastur
    - Society of Saint George dynasty. - Sparc
    - Turn Hunter event. - Khorvale and Kukul
    - Knights of Santiago tabbard. - Sparc
    - Shadow Inquisition Nuns in Habits. - Sparc
    - Red Order wears Red. - Sparc
    - Added renown gain for Hunters executing vampires. - Sparc
    - Added renown gain for Hunters finding the lair of vampires and destorying them. - Sparc
    - Added renown gains for dynasty modifiers for canon Shadow Inquisition dynasties. - Sparc
    - Added Oculi Dei to the von Murnau "ruler always hunter" maintenance event. - Karde
    - Nerfed the leaders of the rebel Inquisition cell. - Karde
    - The great prospects given by the various Inquisition objective now start with mortal trait and not hunter, so you can ordinate them as your heir. - Karde
    - "East Francia" renamed to "Germany" in the von Murnau objective. - Karde
    - Integrated Kukul's tweaks for non canon Inqui playthrough. - Karde
    - Invite prospects decision is less costly overall. - Kukul
    - New Legacy Track for Shadow Inqusition orders. - Kukul
    - Inquisition/Vampire diplomatic relations fix - Kukul
    - Inquisition alternative to release for hooks - Kukul
    - Learn True Faith from a friend. - Wata
    - Added additional Sword of St. James characters. - Karde

    # Blood Sorcery - Thaumaturge
    - Blood Sorcery GUI! - Thaumaturge
    - Blood Sorcery: Path of Blood, Mars, Curses, Neptune's Might and Focus of the Mind. - Thaumaturge

    # Oblivion
    - Added Haunting Crime Doctrine, criminalizing wraiths, shunning oblivion and possession. - Sparc
    - Added missing wraith effects. - Sparc
    - A necromancer must now be in the same location as the victim to ritually murder them and transform them into a wraith. Etrius has to physically grab Ponticulus' junk at Ceoris. - Sparc
    - Skuld oblivion discipline power can strip ghouls and revenants of vampire blood, potentially killing them. - Wata
    - Ashes to Ashes localization. - Wata

    # Camarilla vs. Sabbat
    - Camarilla and Sabbat buildings. - Kukul
    - Camarilla and Sabbat Gangrel will stop collapsing civilization for funzies as soon as they convert. - Karde
    - Added Sabbat Paths of Enlightenment faiths, holy sites, Coat of Arms charge. - Sparc
    - Fixed and moved the Sernog Monastary location. - Sparc
    - New Coats of Arms for various holy sites: Ceoris, Hunedoara and Sernog Monastery. - Sparc
    - Small fixes for the new Sabbat religion. - Karde
    - Camarilla, Sabbat and new Tzimisce event type theme icons. - Hastur
    - Added Gangrel COA event theme. Fixed broken Banu Haqim COA event theme in Thorns events. - Sparc
    - New Camarila and Sabbat Faith Buildings. - Khorvale

    # Ghouls & Revenants
    - Revenant/ghoul buildings - Kukul
    - Revenant Bloodgorged objective decision: "Steal the Secrets of Vitae". - Kukul
    - Revenants can now targeted with a blood bond scheme. - Sparc
    - Released ghouls will now lose their blood bond hooks and positive opinion of their domitor. - Sparc
    - Khazi revenants are now scaly. Khazi motto fixed. - Sparc
    - 18+ immortal age for revenants set. - Sparc
    - Fixed a bug in transmogrification that was preventing really beautiful or really ugly domitors from making their ghoul thralls ugly or beautiful. - Sparc
    - Calomena Forsaken's buildings. - Kukul
    - Ghouls can use a vampire prisoner to create a ghoul - Kukul
    - Vampire Dukes and higher tier tiles will create a single ghoul thrall depending upon their faith restrictions. - Sparc

    # New Events - Karde
    - Vampire childer education events. - Karde
    - Added an event for your childe to try to eat you as soon as you embrace him. - Karde
    - Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
    - Included an event chain around Ulf's Hall. - Karde
    - Added 8 events regarding your unlanded knights. - Karde
    - Knights events can't happen with your childer now. - Karde
    - New regional person events. - Karde
    - Added the tier 3 of education events : presenting your childe to the court. - Karde
    - Canon Character Content for Mithras, Helena, Absalon. - Karde
    - Kuei Jin invasion of Anda. - Karde

    # 3D Portraits
    - Community Flavor Pack Compatibility Submod. - Sparc
    - Fixed nudity bug in ruler designer. - Sparc
    - Fixed weight slider and muscle slider in ruler designer. - Sparc
    - Adjusted portrait environment for more dramatic lighting. - Sparc
    - Added Ancient Egyptian Clothing for Egyptian Setites, models courtesy of Owlcoholic. - Sparc
    - Mithrasist hats are now red. - Sparc
    - Blood Gorged Eyes. - Wata
    - Frenzy Eyes. - Wata
    - Sanitized some DNA that was causing vampiric childer to grown horns. - Sparc
    - Knights of Shadow Reconquista tabbard. - Sparc
    - 44 new portraits:
    Wata: Theodora Anna Romanovich, Calida, Dieter von Karlach, Tautginas, Trajan, Alacrinis, Iontius, Maatkare, Usama, Alaric the Younger, Eileen, Julia Antasia(redone). Made Caine, Zilah, Irad, Enoch look younger
    kukul: Tanith, Irad, Enoch, Zilah, Caine, Annazir, Marcellus of Alexandria, Bezprym Slatikov, Adrian Szantovich, Lucretia von Hardtz, Lotta of East Kiilt, Hrothgar of Nordreyjar, Camille Duchesne, Hippolyta, Mireia Subira, Nefertiti, Lacplesis, Tomislav of Bulgaria, Periander, Marcus Licinius, Olugbenga, Jhunakhai, Dominus the Warmaster, Arjan of Utrecht, Agnethe of Skane, Al-Ashrad, Armin Brenner, Demdemeh, Borovich of Pomerania, Nova Arpad, Razkoljna, Raiya of Oghuz, Florescu of Bukovina, Zdarvka of Chornobyl, Landuff of Palemero, Nicodemus of Reims.

    # Various
    - Vampire building update and AI prioritization - Kukul
    - Blood Hunger and Masquerade meter GUIs. - Thaumaturge and Sparc
    - Caitiff objective decision: establish your own bloodline! - Wata, Hastur and Sparc
    - Duel when attempting to imprison vampires. - Wata
    - Train childer disciplines. - Wata
    - The localization for disciplines perks is now accurate and complete. - Karde
    - Added flavour localization to most discipline trees. - Khorvale
    - Reworked a number a number of discipline perks to fit lore/game limitations better. - Khorvale
    - Corrected some spelling. - Khorvale
    - Elders from the Assamite, Baali and Brujah now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
    - Elders from the Cappadocian, Gangrel and Lasombra now have their full disciplines lists. - Karde
    - Elders from the Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Salubri and Setites now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
    - Elders of the last four clans (Tremere, Tzimisce, Toreador and Ventrue) have their full disciplines list - Karde
    - Torpor and blood potency improvements. - Wata
    - Vampires won't create cadets houses anymore. - Karde
    - Insults for vampires based on clan. - Sparc
    - Same for the disciplines page on the wiki. - Karde
    - Nerfed (finally) the +knight effectiveness of the martial lifestyle tree. - Karde
    - Reworked opinion from defines. Characters don't care as much about culture and parent/child relationship. They care much more about being in the council if they are powerful. - Karde
    - Integrated PDX nerf of diplomacy skill into character opinion. - Karde
    - Tentative fix of the vassal contract being blocked if an AI ruler changes a thing before you got this vassal. - Karde
    - Fix for the London Mithraeum that Sparc made only buildable for Via Diabolis and Tartaros, thus proving that he is truly a Baali. - Karde
    - Brujah are now opposite of Assamites. - Sparc
    - Added the most convoluted maintenance event ever to have the AI actually replace buildings. - Karde
    - To make it work, some changes to province files. - Karde
    - Added Game Rule for chosing between DAV20 and V5 rules: this impacts disciplines and trait icons, more to come. - Sparc
    - Vampire Coats of Arms updated for V:TM V5 Symbols. - Sparc
    - Random Ravnos now get appropriate Coats of Arms, not just Indian COAs. - Sparc
    - Unquartering. Random cadet dynasties will no longer default to quartered shields. - Sparc
    - Fix to needs new dynasty effect for generating coats of arms and non-lowborn random splat courtiers. - Sparc
    - Started creating a few Temporaral Heads or Religions: Cainite Hersey/See of Nod and Calomena's Forsaken. - Sparc
    - Integrated PDS hotfix changes. - Karde
    - Continued fixing the world initialization events quirks. - Karde
    - Fixed some initialization events being character events where they shouldn't. - Karde
    - Changed the holy war for kingdom localization to say that it's per 50 years and not lifetime. - Karde
    - Added an "empty" tag to our maintenance events, which seems to improve their triggering reliability. - Karde
    - With this, the initialization event finally triggers on game start, meaning you have blood potency and masquerade exposure at the beginning. - Karde
    - Tweaked the replace building script to more aggressively trigger. - Karde
    - Chimerstry localization doesn't reference technology from the future anymore. - Karde
    - Tweaked the replace buildings script to be less aggressive to players. - Karde
    - The cover up Masquerade decision now tells you when your religion doesn't care about the Masquerade. - Karde
    - Ordos faiths added as an option for Malkavian characters in Custom Character Creator. - Sparc
    - Added an objective for Tal'mahe'Ra religion characters. - Karde
    - Unified the Naktanchara with the underworld realm of the Naga: Patala. - Sparc
    - New Faith Buildings. - Khorvale
    - Moved Szlachta creation to perk Transmogrify the mortal clay to prevent it being useless (formerly giving bonus to Szlactha troops that only become available after getting the next perk). - Khorvale
    - Gave Tzimisce shapes fixed Prowess bonuses and bigger attraction debuffs (maybe too much). - Khorvale
    - Added instant dread gains to Vicissitude transformations. - Khorvale
    - Attempted to standardize some code, probably to karde's great consternation. - Khorvale
    - Added silly easter egg. - Khorvale
    - Added another safeguard against ill vampires. - Karde
    - Lacplesis is now Latgalian. - Karde
    - Fixed a broken effect in the shapeshift modifier. - Karde
    - Diversified NPC predator type allocation. - Sparc
    - Religion of Ignorance and Faith of Innocence for hapless mortals. - Sparc
    - Some mortals know about and support the Shadow Inquisition, without being hunters. - Sparc
    - More hunters and vampires will spawn as random courtiers. - Sparc
    - Player decision to start Crusades/Great Holy Wars by faiths with appropriate tenets, max piety level and 1000 piety. - Sparc
    - Nagaraja can no longer exsanguinate prisoners, but they can devour them which also satisfies their blood hunger. - Sparc
    - Innocent mortals will be sacrificed less by Hunters and some Vampires for being heretics. - Sparc
    - Nakurtum and her childe are now Road of Ahura Mazda following new information. - Karde
    - Fix for African Duchy Capitals. - FaolDeTeine
    - Update for Sèitheach, now a revenant. - FaolDeTeine
    - Fix for random barons. - Sparc

    # Integrated Mods
    - Integrated Show More Traits Mod. Thanks to FunGaming44. Further modified by Wata.
    - Integrated More Realm Capital Mod. Thanks to Myrianne.
    - Integrated Window Dynasty scrollable by Samdy.

    # Patrons
    - Head of Faith titles for Antediluvian Patron Faiths. - Sparc
    - Added Antediluvian Patron Faith to primary kingdoms for Patron War Bookmark. - Sparc
    - Revised Patron Faiths: tenets, coats of arms, icons, holy sites. - Sparc
    - Added Patron Antediluvian Coat of Arms. - Sparc
    - Patron Characters: Patrick Ramos, Gabriel Felipe de la Casta, Lilian Szantovich, Stoffer Ravensburg, Miguel Barbaneagra, Mokano, Bjorik, Lucius Salinas, Abaddon Natasson, Faustus, Lael O'Ruairc, Hakon Fystond, Bimbee, Anatolios Tenebris, Eridanus, Xenephon, Wilhelm Shelborne, Rotislav Vovkulaka, Antariksha-Chandra Hastur, Mathieu, Gorm, Hannibal Barcid - Sparc
    - Patron character nerfing. - Karde
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    1.4.0 Update "Blood Cults & Silk"
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    Princes of Darkness 1.4.0 "Blood Cults & Silk"

    Mod is updated for Crusader Kings 3 1.4.0 "Azure", June 8, 2021

    This version brings a very needed overhaul of our Kuei-Jin vampires by Chilemiao , lead of our Chinese translation team. This material comes from Kindred of the East.


    Also in this update is the addition of the Obtenebration discipline for Lasombra, replacing their use of Oblivion. Further a Lasombra with a low enough generation can learn elder powers for Obtenebration.



    Several minor cults have been added from Cults of the Blood Gods and States of Grace.

    We also have greatly expanded legacies, with each clan having a unique legacy track; as well as a number of legacies open to all vampires inspired by the Dark Ages Vampire "Ashen" supplement so that you can guide your kindred dynasty to the right pass. Many of these Clan and Ashen legacies will unlock specialized Men-At-Arms units; so you will now clutter the map with dwindling numbers of "spawn army" and "summon animal" character interactions. NPC vampire rulers will also use these MAA if their Dynasty has unlocked the appropriate legacies.


    There are number of quality of unlife improvements and bug fixes, for instance Herded mortals can now be released from a vampire's herd. Further with the right combination of presence and dominate, a herded mortal's resonance flavor and intensity can be changed.


    Vampire's have had the decision to hold feasts removed, and instead get the much more lore friendly "Elysium" and "Council Meeting" events.


    Hunters haven't been forgotten! The y have gotten a variety of new powers unlocked in the Conviction lifestyles as Orsions. Also, the faithful may also start with special "Endowment" traits.



    Princes of Darkness, "Garrison Hotfix", Version, June 8, 2021, Change Log
    - Added garrison_reinforcement_factor to castle, temple and city buildings. - Creed

    # Princes of Darkness, "Blood Cults & Silk", Version 1.4.0, June 8, 2021, ChangeLog

    - Patch for CK3 1.4 Azure. - Karde, Wata

    # Kuei-Jin

    - Kuei-Jin overhaul. - Chilemiao
    - Kuei-Jin use Shintai not Disciplines. - Chilemiao
    - Kuei-Jin: Chi Mechanic. - Chilemiao
    - Kuei-Jin: Adoption Rework. - Chilemiao
    - You can no longer diablerize KJ. - Karde
    - Kuei Jin prospects now get personality traits in the new system. - Karde
    - Kuei Jin don't get the predator type event anymore. - Karde
    - Fixed an issue with the KJ adoption event for female characters. - Karde

    # Cults of the Blood Gods

    - Added Dastur Anosh and Baba Yaga's cults as faiths. Adapted the setup to account for them. - Karde
    - Added the Red Temptation, Consumptionism, Divisionism, Deimosianism, Via Primordia, Daughters of the Sun and Shepherds of Islam faiths. - Karde
    - Added the Daughters of Gorgo, Amaranthans, Cleopatrans, Eyes of Malakai and Servitors of Irad faiths. - Karde
    - Adapted the setup and added new characters for these faiths. - Karde
    - Via Yasaq doesn't care about diablerie anymore, as Anda don't shun on diablerie in the lore. - Karde
    - The religious opinion malus from non hostile religions has been reduced... - Karde
    - ...but it's considerably harder to convert vampires. - Karde
    - More innocent feeding stock. - Sparc

    # New Legacies

    - Ashen Dynasty Legacies - Wata
    - Added the new education events unlocked by the Ashen dynasty legacies. - Karde

    # New Lifestyles

    - Added Obtenebration discipline. - Wata
    - Additional Inquisitor Lifestyles: Endowments. - Kukul
    - Various nerfs of vanilla lifestyle perks to reduce stat bloat, knight and domain limit. - Karde

    # Events

    - Added Lasombra and Set as a possible targets for the antediluvian hunt. - Karde
    - Added Tzimisce as a potential Ante hunt target
    - Lasombra events. - Creed
    - Added 21 new custom investigations. Scripted the stats of these characters. - Karde
    - Added 57 new Great Persons, making it a total of 142 (up from 85). - Karde
    - Retooled the Echidna event towards a more regional one instead of global. - Karde
    - Silvester de Ruiz now starts with event troops to be more threatening in Iberia (and because Madrid isn't a duchy capital). - Karde
    - Granada (Badr) starts with the corresponding prince of a city building to help compensate. - Karde

    # Decisions & Interactions

    - The AI will now crash civilization only if it controls Krakow, Novgorod or Byzantium. - Karde
    - The feast decision is no longer available to vampires... - Karde
    - ...replaced by a "Host Elysium and Council Meeting" one. - Karde
    - Players can now use the holy war CB even if under a liege of another religion. - Karde
    - You can now only use mass conversion if independent. - Karde
    - The King of Kings decision now gives you the dynasty prestige to pay for the custom legacy perk. - Karde
    - The Malkavian Thorns' representative will no longer claim to have founded the Camarilla if he chooses the opposition. - Karde
    - Added ability to change herd resonance flavor and intensity. - Sparc
    - Added ability to release herd. - Sparc
    - Default Traditions Contract now allows revocation if Crown Authority is high enough. - Sparc
    - Which means Baronies can now be revoked for free with Limited Crown Authority (2). - Sparc
    - Levies were added to Traditions Contract, so now lieges can gain levies from their vassals. - Sparc
    - The AI won't use spawn armies and call animals anymore, at it stresses it way too much. This should also nerf Gangrel quite a lot. - Karde
    - Nerfed the TF xp gain for the Cainite only decision. - Karde
    - The find mortals resulting event now tells you that you still have to hunt the mortals to get blood. - Karde
    - Fixed a missing bracket in character_interaction_triggers. - Karde
    - Fixed an unexisting command in Cappadocian powers. - Karde

    # Miscellaenous

    - Added the revenants buildings to the replace building maintenance event (experimental). - Karde
    - Added 101 characters. - Karde
    - Added 8 new patron characters: Elder Diego, Marcus Mortifier, Nichoals D'Avry, Abe no Seimei, Martinus, Morgano Murchadh, Jimeno Fitzroy, and Brand de Draeck. - Sparc
    - 4 new kingdoms to Patron War bookmark: Land of Whispers, Court of Crows, Covenant of Shadows and the Mortifiers. -Sparc
    - Vampires have less opinion bonus for "familial" relationships. - Karde
    - Powerful vassals have a bigger opinion malus if they aren't in the council. - Karde
    - Too many held duchies opinion malus is now bigger. - Karde
    - Building tweaks. - Kukul
    - Fixed the Kairouan/Rawan house modifiers issue. - Karde
    - Some tweaks to some characters. - Karde
    - Fixed an issue in the Patreon's file. - Karde
    - Some minor fixes and localizations improvement on it. - Karde
    - Prowess changes. - Wata
    - Wraiths can't be embraced or ghouled anymore. - Karde
    - Added the new traits on the relevant characters. - Karde
    - Nerfed the prowess from wraith potency. - Karde
    - Prison of Water has been made harder to pull off. - Karde
    - The AI is less likely to start feasts. - Karde
    - Revenants and ghouls won't become overweight anymore. - Karde
    - Andeleon now has vicissitude advanced. - Karde
    - Innovations that gave domain limit have had their effects replaced by something else. - Karde
    - Spouse assistance's task is less strong stat wise. - Karde
    - Age obfuscated for ancients. - Wata
    - HUD changes. - Kukul
    - Added a new option to the Masquerade Spymaster plan if you already are at 0 exposure. - Karde
    - The Gods and Monsters legacy tree isn't shown to non vampires anymore. - Karde
    - Made sure that the assassins will spawn with an education trait. - Karde
    - The AI is more reluctant of "marrying down". - Karde
    - Buffed House Callisti. - Karde
    - The Abduct scheme is a little harder to pull off. - Karde
    - Small ghoul nerfs (no innate prowess, cost prestige to ghoul). - Karde
    - Added a safety check to avoid the predator type event triggering twice in rare circumstances. - Karde
    - Revenants will lose the vampire elective law if they acquire a duchy+ title. - Karde
    - Training your ghouls in disciplines is now more stressful. - Karde
    - Ghouls start with a less generous amount of disciplines in average now. - Karde
    - The diablerize effect doesn't try to change your generation if you are 3rd gen. There is no way up when you already are at the top. - Karde
    - Fleshed out Summoning localization. - Karde
    - Removed a duchy capital building in a non duchy capital. - Karde
    - Another round of tweaks to the world initialization events that should now, really, trigger at start and not somewhere during the first year of play. Hopefully. Cross your fingers. - Karde
    - Upped the cost of removing the vampire elective law. - Karde
    - Additional Chinese Translation. - Chilemiao
    - Additional Spanish Translation. - Mikelvamp and Nikuzo

    # Known issues

    - Kuei-Jin Canon characters need some disciplines completed at bookmark start.
    - Kuei-Jin need their own "clan" dynasty legacy
    - Kuei-Jin need to be added to Custom Character decision
    - Removed incomplete translations, and fake translations that were just English (and now incomplete)

    We are working on a compatibility patch for Princes of Darkness, the Community Flavor Pack and Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded mods. Hopefully it will be complete by this weekend.

    Thanks to our patrons!


    We could always use more help with mod. If you want to get started learning to mod, check out our PDXCON Tutorial Mod.

    Fun question for the forums, what do you want to see for Princes of Darkness Mod being updated for the Royal Court Expansion DLC? We hope the answer includes coffins.

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    Compatibility Mod for Princes of Darkness with Community Flavor Pack and Ethnicities & Portraits and Expanded.
  • 1625986831008.png

    Compatibility Mod for Princes of Darkness with Community Flavor Pack and Ethnicities & Portraits and Expanded

    Updated for 1.4.4

    Load Order:
    1) Princes of Darkness
    2) Community Flavor Pack
    3) Ethnicities and Portraits Expanded
    4) CFP + EPE Compatibility Patch
    5) POD-CFP-EPE Compatibility

    Get it on Steam Workshop or Paradox Plaza Mods .
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  • The sub bookmarks are a new way of presenting interesting characters to play in the mod. It also serves as a good primer on clans for people less familiar with Vampire the Masquerade to get a feel before playing.


    This addition isn't only cosmetic though. Each character presented in one of these sub bookmarks has some form of special content. It might be as small as a starting choice to make to something more gameplay changing, like "poor" Lukas' deal with the devil as you can see above.


    For those curious, the special content list is available in the wiki.

    All thirteen of the Dark Ages Vampire signature characters are also featured in this bookmark, namely: Fatima al Faqadi (Banu Haqim), Véronique d'Orléans (Brujah). Markus Musa Giovanni (Cappadocian), Andreas Aegyptus (Follower of Set), Qarakh (Gangrel), Lucita de Aragón (Lasombra), Anatole (Malkavian), Zoë (Ravnos), Rosamund of Islington (Toreador), Jervais Bani Tremere, Myka Vykos (Tzimisce) and Lord Jürgen von Verden (Ventrue).

    Each of these characters not only has custom content but also their lore is accessible with the new WoD lore button on their character records.



    Some of the other bookmark screenshots:

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    Night Court 1.5 Update
  • POD_1_5_Court_Setite.png

    Night Court 1.5 Update

    Princes of Darkness Mod has been updated for Crusader Kings III 1.5, this includes some integration of Royal Court DLC as optional content with the mod.


    The World of Darkness has a number of prestigious and magical artifacts. Princes of Darkness is no exception. Some of these items are in the possesion of canon characters according to lore at the start of the 1230 Bookmark. Others are distributed randomly through the world. Some can only be gained through completing certain objective decisions.

    You can read a list of all 121 artifacts available in the mod today at the Princes of Darkness Mod Wiki: Artifacts



    Book of Nod

    One of the more complicated artifacts is the Book of Nod, which is an artifact that can be assembled by combining ten other books. Having any one of its component books, allows for reading of just that section of the book. Reading the book has a low chance of potential outcomes like learning lifestyle experience gain or gaining stress. The more off the Book of Nod assembled, the more powerful it becomes, both in its passive benefits and in active reading. Pieces of the Book of Nod are spread throughout the world at 1230 bookmark, some with canon holders from the lore, others randomly spread among rulers with high learning.



    Darker Courts

    All royal court scenes adapted to a night time look. No sunlight will be streaming through the windows to destroy vampires. We have made extensive use of chandeliers, fireplaces, candelabras and floor lamps to provide illumination. Shadows have been intensified.




    Integrating with the Royal Court Positions, Primogen can now be chosen. A member of each clan can be appointed to the position of Primogen. What constitutes aptitude varies by clan. A poor or terrible Primogen gives a malus, while good and excellent Primogen provide bonuses. Clans expect to have a Primogen, and will be displeased if they do not have one. Each 5 years, a mood of the clan event will proc to give a ruler where they stand in regards to clans and their representation.


    Great Persons and their Inspirations

    The Great Persons system has been reworked : If no player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, it's now much more likely that a powerful, higher tier, AI will grab them, instead of a random one. If a player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, but refuses it, the Great Person will end up embraced by a nearby AI ruler instead of wandering off. If the player acquires a Great Person, there is now a risk that a competitor will interfere, making the player having to deal with them. The Great Person wiki page has been reformatted, now showing Great Persons per region and dates of spawn, allowing for a better view of who will be available and when in your campaigns. Many great person characters will spawn with an inspiration to create an artifact.

    Ancient Cultures

    Princes of Darkness Mod has added a few "new" cultures: both fantastical and historical: Enochian, Punic, Old Egyptian and Coptic. Each of these cultures have languages. Ghemalish is also an available language. Canon characters and Royal Courts will have such cultures and languages as appropriate.




    Dazzling Grandeur

    A clan Toreador independent ruler with Kingdom or Empire title will have access to a special decision if they meet some additional requirements:

    • All available Primogen court positions filled with Primogen of at least good aptitude.
    • Court Grandeur level of 10 (or 150000 prestige if you do not have the Royal Court DLC).
    The reward is a Toreador Grandeur modifier:

    • Monthly Prestige Multiplier: 100%
    • Cultural Head Fascination Multiplier: 100%
    • Dynasty Opinion: +15



    Change Log
    Princes of Darkness, "Night Court", Version 1.5.0, Change Log, February 8, 2022

    Royal Court Integration:

    - 121 Artifacts from the World of Darkness, Dark Ages Vampire and Vampire the Masquerade.
    A list of all 121 artifacts available in the mod today at the
    Princes of Darkness Mod Wiki: Artifacts :

    - Darker Courts: All royal court scenes adapted to a night time look:
    - no sunlight
    - extensive use of chandeliers, fireplaces, candelabras and floor lamps.
    - Shadows intensified.

    - Primogen Court Positions. A member of each clan can be appointed to the position of Primogen.
    What constitutes aptitude varies by clan. A poor or terrible Primogen gives a malus, while
    good and excellent primogen provide bonuses. Clans expect to have a Primogen, and will be displeased
    if they do not have one. Each 5 years, a mood of the clan event will proc to give a
    ruler where they stand in regards to clans and their representation.

    - Ancient Cultures: Enochian, Punic, Old Egyptian and Coptic. Each of these cultures have languages.
    Ghemalish is also an available language. Canon characters and Royal Courts will have such cultures and
    languages as appropriate.

    - Great Persons and their Inspirations
    The Great Persons system has been reworked : If no player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, it's
    now much more likely that a powerful, higher tier, AI will grab them, instead of a random one. If a
    player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, but refuses it, the Great Person will end up embraced by
    a nearby AI ruler instead of wandering off. If the player acquires a Great Person, there is now a
    risk that a competitor will interfere, making the player having to deal with them. The Great Person
    wiki page has been reformatted, now showing Great Persons per region and dates of spawn,
    allowing for a better view of who will be available and when in your campaigns. Many great person
    characters will spawn with an inspiration to create an artifact.

    - Special Toreador Decision: Dazzling Grandeur
    - Independent Ruler with Kingdom or Empire title
    - All your available primogen court positions filled with primogen of at least good aptitude
    - court Grandeur level of 10 (or 150000 prestige if you do not have the Royal Court DLC).

    New Sound Track from Serial Symphony!
    We are pleased to share with you a new sound track to the mod graciously provided by Serial Symphony!
    Track listing:
    - "Kingdom of Darkness"
    - "Carthago Delenda Est"
    - "Cathay in Red"
    - "Discordant"
    - "Dreaming"
    - "How to Kill a City"
    - "In Search of Iniquity"
    - "Many-Faces"
    - "The Samaritan"
    - "The Unseen World"
    - "White Curtain"

    You can hear more of Serial Symphony’s music at:: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKWuWzJ274gHurgbAuTS7A

    1500 Bookmark:
    - Camarilla vs. Sabbat
    - Cappadocian Purge event
    - Treaty of Tyre event: Assamites can't attack Camarilla characters as long as it's active
    - Tremere blood curse event: So far represented as a stress modifier, to be expanded
    - Added the Dark Fantastic (roughly 1500/1800) cultural innovations
    - Added objective to get rid of Tremere Curse
    - Hundreds of Canon Characters Added
    - 7 houses added
    - Introductory lore, bookmarked characters special content, regional introduction events
    - Path of Harmony and Camarilla Anarchs faiths
    - Sect Mechanics Work in Progress

    DeJure Realms rework

    New Paper Map

    New Wonder Models
    - Castle d’Ombro
    - Ceoris
    - Pit of Malkav
    - Founding Temple of Ombos

    New Map Layers
    - Clans
    - Splats
    - Masquerade Exposure
    - Special Buildings

    Murder Scheme expansion

    Traditions Contract
    - Blood Tithe
    - Animal Herd Tithes
    - Animalism Herd Automation
    - Progeny Rights

    - Yin & Yang Meters

    - Ghouls
    - Revenants
    - Zadruga

    - Patron Lore
    - Patron Clan Sub-Bookmarks

    Git-Hub change log udpates in chronlogical order:

    - Telyavel don't hate each other as much now
    - Nerfed Legacy of the Unnamed to not have a potential piety overflow
    - Added lore for 19 characters
    - Scripted the stats for those characters
    - Rosamund now can only achieve her decision once
    - Added 9 characters
    - The Shepherds of Islam faith can now recreate the Ashirra title
    - Integrated Thauma's Fortitude improvements, added more tooltips and loca to them
    - Put a big red warning on some game rules that shouldn't be messed with
    - Kuei Jin can't be ritually murdered to become wraiths anymore
    - Small nerf of Natalya's legacy
    - A new doctrine, Ashirra Pillars, has been added. All Ashirra founding faiths + the Road of Blood/Tariq El Haqim now consider themselves righteous to one another
    - Added Castle Hardestadt as a wonder
    - Hardestadt bossing his childer won't result in them rivaling Maatkare anymore
    - If Hardestadt dies, his legacy will now live on in one of his childer
    - Added 9 characters
    - Small setup tweaks for hunters bookmark
    - Tweak to Hardy's takeover
    - Nerfed Qabilat's house modifier
    - Changed the druidic faith name to avoid stretching the county window
    - Commented out the Crusade decisions #Crusades are already unlocked by Catholicism and these decisions linger on after with no effect
    - The bloodbond scheme is harder to pull off. The victim will now hate your guts if you failed.
    - Added a Drain Animal automation
    - Added 6 characters
    - Disabled a chain of genetic events for vampires
    - Reduced the vanilla chance of "everyone can die in a battle, no matter the prowess" from 10% to 1%
    - Nerfed MaA's reduction of forced conscription building #With other modifiers, could lead to free MaA
    - Overseer changed to +0.5 control instead of control mult to avoid an issue when negative control
    - Added 3 characters
    - In their unending war against the equine menace, the vampires have won a victory and shouldn't die by "horse accidents" anymore
    - Added 5 GPs
    - You can't put a bounty on torpid characters anymore
    - Fixed the Byzantine community modifier only being partially active
    - Added 5 GPs #The Byzantine area is complete
    - Added 2 regional events # I created a wiki page to reference major and minor chain of events
    - Added 15 characters
    - Various changes to Iberia's setup
    - Improved the stats of the three vampire adventurers
    - Various nerfs to the WoK potency and aggressiveness
    - Old vampires now have a negative to marriage acceptance (except if soulmates)
    - The Gangrel challenge interaction now has a cooldown and a cost
    - Vampires shouldn't catch diseases in prisons anymore
    - Whether you succeed or fail, a summon target will now have a negative modifier opinion of you #Summoning someone to you without their consent isn't a friendly thing to do
    - Fixed a void in the diablerie secret logic. Diablerist can now be fully exposed with serious consequences.
    - Added 5 new murders types specifically for vampires
    - The immurment, poison, thugs and animals murder types have been removed for vampires
    - You can't invite torpored characters to your court anymore
    - The kill them all option in the cover masquerade interaction doesn't give stress to sadistic characters anymore
    - Removed vampires from the sinful theocrat loop
    - Fixed misleading cultist predator type tooltip
    - Hedeon should now correctly receive bonus for torturing prisoners
    - Nerfed Militarized Experiments from the Tzimisce objective
    - Clarified the Lamia Bodyguard prestige requirement
    - The control modifiers from survey capital now apply to the county and not the holdings
    - Clarified a misleading tooltip in mortal hunt - Added a placeholder effect to the so far useless Caitiff 4 legacy
    - Replaced the Szlachta bonus in the vicissitude tree (not working)
    - Fixed missing or wrong stuff in the Patron files
    - Added 19 characters
    - Integrated Chilemiao's upload
    - Removed vanilla entries for history/titles
    - Tweaks to historical humans present in the files (no claims, no two Anna Komnena etc)
    - Added new titles for the future bookmark
    - The Giovanni objective now gives an empire title
    - Added the Sabbat religions descriptions
    - Added the Path of Harmony and Camarilla Anarchs religions
    - Prepared the existing characters for the future bookmark
    - Clarified the Assamite objective prerequisite
    - Integrated FreeRodomontade's grammar fixes
    - Added 101 characters for the future bookmark
    - Added 7 Houses for the future bookmark
    - Prepared the objectives and title restoration files for the future bookmark
    - Work on the future bookmark
    - Integrated Thauma's Blood Sorcery work
    - Work for the future bookmark
    - Added a third missing personality trait to some characters (thanks to Faol for the detailed report)
    - Integrated Chilemiao's changes
    - More future bookmark work
    - More faith icons from Hastur.
    - Updated Tariq el-Tanaqud holy sites and added Ashirra Pillars tolerance doctrine.
    - Integrated FreeRodomontade's newest proofreading
    - First rough iteration of the 1510 bookmark
    - Vampire Wonder Models: Ceoris, Castel d'Ombro, Ombos and Pit of Malkav, Thanks to the efforts of Amducious, EnumaEllis and ar'kus!
    - Various fixes to 1510 setup
    - Adapted the "world and its lore" part of the intro event for the 1510 bookmark
    - Added around half of the regional intro events for 1510
    - Finsihed the regional introductions for 1510
    - Moldavia isn't required to recreate the house of Tremere anymore
    - Added investigate lore to the 1510 bookmarked characters
    - Summoning a non vampire doesn't give an opinion malus to the victim anymore
    - Deactivated the script controlled by the generate family game rule #Meaning that even with this rule on, nothing will happen in the mod now
    - Destroying a title is no longer prohibitively expensive #Removing the elective law still is though, that's by design
    - Removal of the smallest, more inconsequential, vanilla opinion modifiers to reduce opinion bloat
    - Sanitized houses Plague and Nefertiti prestige per dread gain
    - Tweak to the maintenance event to help AI landed vamps in prestige death spiral get out of it
    - A try to make the AI more willing to buy higher quality MaA than swarm MaA #The tendency of the AI to value numbers above all else is why Gangrel and Setites dominate right now with their swarm MaA
    - The Ur-Shulgi legacy perk has been changed to no longer imply that Ur Shulgi is a friendly and tolerant person
    - Incorporeal form has been nerfed
    - The Byzantine community modifier should now finally completely work #Probably
    - Scripted the stats of the 1510 bookmarked characters
    - Bran castle has been added as a wonder
    - Mukhtar Bey now has his own, properly Caitiff, dynasty
    - The AI logic for revoking titles has been changed to make more sense in the mod's context
    - Patrons characters have been rebalanced and allowed to live in 1510 #Still unlanded
    - Added a workaround to the AI never upgrades ducal building vanilla and mod issues #It's a complex script, but the end result should be that you will see the AI having appropriate princedom levels now
    - Added a game rule to control the Web of Knives' 'difficulty level'
    - Added a 1510 event for the Treaty of Tyre #Assamites can't attack Camarilla characters as long as it's active
    - Added a 1510 event for the Tremere blood curse #So far represented as a stress modifier, will be expanded upon
    - Added an objective to get rid of the Tremere Blood Curse
    - Removed Three Pillars from Path of Night
    - Added 5 characters
    - You can now create a cadet branch without killing your ancestors now, but it requires prestige and dynasty renown instead
    - Reworked some of the earlier cultural innovations
    - Added the Dark Fantastic (roughly 1500/1800) cultural innovations
    - Added a Musketmen MaA
    - Tweaks to the new innovations
    - Nerfed the fearful troops lifestyle perk
    - Added 11 characters (going past the 2300 mark now)
    - Tweaked the CURRENT_DYNAST_EXTRA_POWER define entry #To alleviate some of the bouncy back and forth between dynasty heads
    - Tweaks to help the AI cope with new costs (increased army costs, WoK contracts)
    - The Great Persons system has been reworked :
    - If no player is eligible for a GP spawn, it's now much more likely that a powerful, higher tier, AI will grab them, instead of a random one
    - If a player is eligible for a GP spawn, but refuses it, the GP will end up Embraced by a nearby AI ruler instead of wandering of
    - If the player acquires a GP, there is now a risk that a competitor will interfere, making the player having to deal with them
    - The GPs wiki page has been reformatted, now showing GPs per region and dates of spawn, allowing for a better view of who will be available and when in your campaigns
    - Added 13 characters
    - Re enabled the ghouls submark (fixed issues in it changing the cast, completed the localization) #There is a known weird issue of strange portraits movements in this specific bookmark, but I have no clues how to fix it and it's purely visual
    - Fixed Sernog being in two different places holy site and wonder wise
    - Added a 7th ghoul submark character #Because PDX, in their infinite wisdom, decreed that there shall not be two bookmarks with 6 characters at the same time or the space time continuum would break
    - Enabled the intro event for ghouls and revenants. Tweaked it to talk specifically about mechanics and changes relevant to those if you are playing them.
    - Von Murnau hunters can now ordinate unlanded members of their close family regardless of distance
    - Fixed a token in frontend_main gui
    - Added lore buttons info for the bookmarked ghouls
    - Fixed some missing or misplaced perk localizations
    - Increased the cooldown on sending poems to the same person so that it's less spammy
    - Removed some duplicates characters (history files and GPs)
    - Added 4 characters
    - Fixed two counties modifiers not working, thanks to Mafontti for the report and solution
    - The sanctuary of flesh now only requires vicissitude base, not advanced
    - Merchant Influence 2 is now properly disabled if held by a non vampire
    - Started a title flavorization and de jure project
    - Finished the bulk of de jure Empire flavorization
    - Re scripted the de jure setup differently
    - Added an Egyptian de jure empire (Followers of Set if Setite held, Kemet otherwise)
    - fix the error with Traditions Contracts not properly evaluating obligation levels in determining tyranny and hook usage. Thanks to @philosophergamer for pointing out the issue.
    - Optimized the starting de jure event, added support for titles bouncing back to their original owner types
    - The wise man/mystic repeatable decision has been nerfed
    - AI vamps shouldn't be able to heal their one eye or scars if they are from their life anymore (so AI Valbjorg should keep her crooked eye now)
    - Integrated Thauma's uploads
    - Some tweaks to the vanilla Torturer lifestyle tree to slow down the rule by fear playstyle a little
    - Added more dynasty renown as reward for objectives giving you dynasty perks to not be a net negative
    - Added the de jure Kingdom level setup and flavorization scripts #That concludes the "priority" pass on De Jure setup
    - Added 9 characters
    - Tweaks to the Dream objective
    - Tweaks to the stress/chaplain council event
    - flavorization of Tibet+Khotan
    - Holy wars now cost more piety #Piety tend to be too plentiful for non diablerist, and it could help the AI switches focus for eternal holy wars to de jure wars
    - The localization for kingdom holy wars and invasions now correctly refer to per 50/100 years instead of once a lifetime
    - The localization for hedonistic now says that elysium gives piety (which it already did before, only a loca issue
    - Added the Cappadocian Purge as a 1510 setup event
    - Various small fixes (loca, Carthage CoA not appearing, Von Murnau objectives)
    - Added 22 lore buttons. Scripted the stats of those characters.
    - Reduced the AI risk of committing suicide (the decision kind, not the "hopeless attack on the player" kind)
    - The first level of Inquisition buildings don't require control anymore #This was often confusing players
    - Nerfed some sources of new faith creation cost to avoid creating a faith actually giving you piety if stacked
    - Disabled the AI's ability to create head of faith titles
    - Flavorized the wendish empire into vinsaule
    - The prerequisites for leveling up your fame and devotion have been increased #There a lot of per fame and per devotion level bonus in the mod, and those two stats are too easy to grind as a longer living/immortal being
    - Added 6 Great Works/Wonders
    - new mapmodes to show the new special buildings on the map.
    - Small buildings inconsistencies fixed
    - Added being nemesis as a valid reason to not accept an alliance (vanilla only cares about rivalries)
    - Added a new script to show the "true" age of pre BC vampires
    - Tweaked the forced conscription building
    - Tweaked the Shadow Reconquista flavorization
    - Disabled the set_age event. PDX won this round
    - Plood tithes
    - AI now respect Traditions Contract Progeny Rights
    - Nerfed opinion bonus from new contracts #Sparc is way too nice with players as usual, +15 opinion for the default contract? nah, it's the default contract, they expect it, so 0, anything else is a malus
    - Fix to signature weapon custom localization }}
    - Fixed name of zadruga bookmark images, names and portraits
    - Fix to console portrait editor
    - Brought back the 1510 bookmark
    - Correction to mist form, bringing back the mist shield until I do SprenTech
    - Correction to Dracul form
    - France by Night Sub Bookmark Map for Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Nosferatu, Cappadocians and Lasombra.
    - Tzimisce Sub Bookmark Map form Zadruga Sub Bookmark Map
    - Zadragu bookmark localization, blood oaths, alliances and dress up.
    - POD Toreador Poseur Closet update for the hunting trip surprise
    - Added two more requested fixes (less siege capture chance, and fixed a court chaplain context switch flooding the error log)
    - Dread will drift faster towards natural dread now, to take into account the many new ways of stacking dread in the mod
    - Reworked the wonders setup in France #Notre Dame has been replaced by a more suitable wonder, Vigiles Francia has been replaced and two new wonders have been added
    - Various small fixes (Shih starting position, AI economic help more staggered)
    - Small fixes for the 1510 setup
    - New try to make the AI prioritize higher quality MaA instead of swarms
    - Added a warning event if you are using the Fullscreen Barbershop mod
    - Removed a lingering torpor event
    - Added a 5th Einherjar Holy Site
    - Fixed a failed context switch in the alliance file
    - More revenant localization, plus spelling, grammar and typo fixes for the entire file.
    - Patron character editions
    - Patron lore fixes
    - Patron bookmark fixex
    - Patron thank you loading screens updated
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    1510 AD: Camarilla & Sabbat Bookmark:
  • POD_1510_Bookmark.png


    1510 AD: Camarilla & Sabbat Bookmark:

    We have a new bookmark set at 1510 after the formation of the Camarilla and Sabbat sects. New empires, kingdoms, houses and hundreds of canon characters have been added. In addition, there is introductory lore, regional introduction and special content for bookmarked characters. This includes the much in demand Dracula–Vlad Tepes “the Impaler”! Faiths have been expanded to include Anarchs who are officially tolerated by the Camarilla after the Convention of Thorns, as well as Path of Harmony as part of the Sabbat. While not yet ready for release, we are developing new sect mechanics. This bookmark also adds new cultural innovations of the Dark Fantastic (roughly 1500-1800 AD) While not yet as narrative event rich as the 1230 bookmark, there are new events:

    • Giovanni purging the Cappadocians
    • Treaty of Tyre:
      • Banu Haqim can't attack Camarilla characters as long as it's active
      • Tremere blood curse: So far represented as a stress modifier, to be expanded
      • Added objective to get rid of Tremere Curse




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    Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!
  • Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make!

    New Sound Track from Serial Symphony!

    The first thing you might notice in loading up the mod for the 1.5 update is the “Kingdom of Darkness” title track from our new sound track graciously provided by Serial Symphony!


    Track listing:

    "Kingdom of Darkness"
    "Carthago Delenda Est"
    "Cathay in Red"
    "How to Kill a City"
    "In Search of Iniquity"
    "The Samaritan"
    "The Unseen World"
    "White Curtain"
    You can hear more of Serial Symphony’s music at:
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    Maptastic! De Jure rework, New Map Modes, Wonders
  • Maptastic! De Jure rework, New Map Modes, Wonders

    Princes of Darkness will be getting a number of changes to the map for our 1.5 update when Paradox releases the Royal Court DLC.


    DeJure Realms:

    To add to greater realm stability, several empires have been modified or flavorized for vampiric rule. Lieges that hold the top title an implicit claim on all holdings that are considered “De Jure” for that title. This update is easier to show with a map:



    New Paper Map:

    Speaking of maps, we have a new gorgeous paper map by Amducious.


    New Map Modes:

    Mod developer chilemiao has also created a number new map modes:
    • Clans: Showing the clan of the top liege of an independent realm.
    • Splats: Showing the supernatural type ruler of each county: Red for Vampires, Purple for Ghouls/Revenants and Gray for Hunters.
    • Masquerade Exposure: Green is Safe, Red is Exposed, Gray no Masquerade (Hunters or Kuei-Jin). You can expect for us to do more with the Masquerade mechanic in the future.
    • Special Buildings: Violet for potential construction, Red for already constructed (potentially upgradable).


    Wonder Models:
    Our 3D modelers have been busy, creating wonder buildings for our terrain map:
    • Castle d’Ombro by EnumaEllis
    • Ceoris by EnumaEllis
    • Pit of Malkav by ar‘khus,
    • Founding Temple of Ombos by ar‘khus
    • Giovanni Mausoleum (Work in Progress) by Amducious
    • Alamut (Work in Progress) by EnumaEllis
    • Well of Sacrifice (Work in Progress) by ar‘khus
    (Amducious has been helping with getting all models with textures onto the map.)



    We are all looking forward to what Princes of Darkness’ 3D modelers will be able to do with Royal Court artifacts.
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    Death & Taxes
  • Death & Taxes

    Nothing in life is more certain than death and taxes. That is also true for the undead. The Princes of Darkness Mod 1.5 Night Court update includes changes to murder schemes as well as enhanced taxation for vampire lieges on their vassals through "blood tithes".

    More Murder

    Murder Schemes have been reworked, removing the murder types that don't make sense for vampires (poison, snake bite etc) and adding new ones like death by sunlight. Disciplines make for obvious "murder save" and will make elder vampires more difficult to simply murder, since they will have numerous murder saves. Murder saves are in for both vanilla and PoD murder types. So now, murders types will take into account our characters' powers and prowess to make it more "realistic" to the overall success of the plot. Expect old and powerful vampires to suddenly become quite a lot harder to murder.



    More Blood


    Blood tithing for Traditions feudal contracts now creates a number of liege character interactions with vassals to impose demands for both blood to satisfy hunger as well as resonance to fuel discipline growth. This comes at the cost of negotiating this unpopular contract obligation, as well as an opinion penalty when invoked. Demanding blood tithes may cause predator type secrets to be revealed, as well as potentially prey exclusion for Ventrue (if they order according to the prey restrictions of their diet), or even their diablerist secret if they opt for the option to consume the childer of vassal upon their arrival in court as a tithe. The size of an animal herd and the quality of the kine blood tithes vary on the rank of the vassal, with Kings giving the most subject to some random chance.

    Blood tithes can demand random kine be sent, the blood of the vassal, or even specific characters including the vassals own childer depending on how exploitative the traditions contract has been established. Behavior such as diablerizing the childe of a vassal is sure to earn that vassal's ire! Vampires that are compassionate or have a conscious religious tenent will find the whole business of blood tithing sordid; it will increase stress and cause a loss of piety.

    Barons can not negotiate a Traditions Feudal Contract, but by default they are obligated to provide blood tithes of kine, their own vitae, and if their liege has an interest in animals (animalism, protean, predator type farmer, Gangrel, etc...) an animal as well upon request. For a baron, its bringing like one cow on demand once a year.

    Herds of animal for gorging upon as part of a blood tithe will make it easier to gain animal resonance for Animalism and Protean, at the cost of opinion of your vassals (or gold for purchasing your own herds) and a risk of Masquerade Exposure. Kind of animal herd and its benefits and costs vary on the terrain of the vassal's capital province; while the size of the herd depends upon the tier of of the vassal.

    Vampires with Animalism/Protean now give small amounts of animal resonance as victims (including as herd). This will MOSTLY be useful for ghouls and revenants who can not gain animal resonance through draining animals, or the getting a large herd of animals from a vassal to drain. In addition, there is now options for automation in the Drain Animal character interaction. Where prior to the 1.5 update, animal resonance was one of the most difficult and click-intensive resonances to gain, it is now the easiest.

    Another change to Traditions Contract is now Progeny Rights restrictions on vassals creating vampiric childer or ghouls will now be respected. In the future, there will be events in which vassals request explicit permission to create a ghoul or childer; and potentially violate a liege's rule if they are denied.



    There are more development diary updates about our 1.5 update to come!
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    Zadruga? I hardly knew her!
  • Zadruga? I hardly knew her!

    Ghouls, Revenants and Zadruga (Tzimisce created Revenant families) have gotten a bit of a spot light by adding sub-bookmarks to the 1230 Dark Ages: Inquisitor bookmark. In addition, those characters have received bookmark introductions, revisions to Coat of Arms for counties wear appropriate, clothing changes, reviews and modifications of their character records. The infamous Gantebein "Ghoul Bros" of Calomena's Forsaken have been moved from the main Dark Ages: Inquisitor bookmark to the Ghouls sub-bookmark.





    We entirely expect more changes to ghouls and revenants in the future as the sub-bookmarks will bring them greater attention and more players try them.
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    Discipline Designs
  • Discipline Designs


    Senior Mod Developer Thaumaturge lays out some of his designs on disciplines and many of the new elder powers only available to vampires who have gained the advanced discipline trait and have sufficiently low generation. These designs cover the disciplines of Quietus, Obtenebration, Serpentis, Daimonion, Ogham, Celerity, Dominate, Protean and Fortitude.

    Design guidelines:

    1. Try to avoid more than 2 or 3 powers per discipline. Power bloat will come quickly otherwise.
    2. It is best that at least some perks improve existing powers.
    3. Every discipline needs a “shtick”. Something that makes it different and unique. Otherwise, there is no point to the discipline and it is just a few modifiers.
    4. The vast majority of powers should only cost blood and stress.
    5. It is impossible to completely avoid crossing other discs, but overlap is not a good thing and it connects to power bloat. If a power is too similar to another discipline, then it is not a good pick.
    6. No more than 30 prowess in any tree, no matter what.
    7. Names marked with underline are powers. Everything else is a modifier.
    Quietus :

    Design keywords - Blood, fighting, murder and poison.

    Blood essence - aids with not losing soul in diablerie.

    Dagon’s Call - If target has drank your blood ( IE - your ghoul, childe, you have bloodbond hook over them) , you can activate this power at any point to destroy their Vitae stores and wound them greatly, possibly killing them if you are really successful. Resisted by prowess and fortitude. Possible to make a scheme with the goal to make this power useable ( but doesn’t give blood bond hook).

    Ravage the mind (Dagon’s Call) - Unlocks the option to ravage the targets mind as well as (or instead of) their bodies. When used, greatly increases stress and has a chance to put an enemy into torpor or lower their skills (or both).

    Scorpion’s Touch - After activation, in any battle you participate as a leader or knight, an enemy knight gets a -5 prowess modifier. This may not seem like much, but when you consider the AI can use it too…..

    Baal’s Caress (Scorpions touch) - Increases the prowess malus to -10 and affects two knights instead of one.

    Cleansed in Blood - Removes weak hooks from Dominate, Presence and Dementation, or other mind bending disciplines. Does not work on yourself. Costs stress to attempt, stewardship duel.

    Wash the impurities (Cleansed in blood) - Extends Cleansed in blood to strong hooks.

    Quicken the Mortal’s Blood - Treat your blood potency as 2 lower when drinking from mortals.

    Truth of Blood - bonus to investigate scheme

    Dam the Heart’s River - diablerie Scheme defense and power bonus

    Taste of Death - Murder scheme bonus

    Some perks would make great Duel moves.

    Elder Power : Weaken the Blood of Ancients - Gives an option to reduce the blood potency of prisoners to the minimum of their generation.

    Elder Power : Blood of Destruction - Duel move. Injuring you immediately does 2 damage levels to the attacker.

    Obtenebration :

    Design keywords - shadow, abyss, fear, suffocation

    Eyes of the abyss - allows the character to speak to wraiths (ie, use the command wraith interaction. Not bind though.) and allows to create the ritually kill scheme to turn characters into wraiths.

    Shadow Play - bonus to hostile scheme power and a bit of natural dread.

    Nocturne - After activation, any battle you enter as commander causes a cloud of stamina-draining darkness that reduces all enemy knights' prowess by 2 if they fail a duel. Resisted by fortitude and true faith. Costs piety anytime you enter a battle. Character interaction or something to turn this off.

    Fill out the name later - summons shades through spawn army.

    Arms of Ahriman - prowess boost, duel move

    Nightshades - dread increase, personal scheme power

    Tenebrous Avatar - Shapeshifting as already exists. Maybe can also be used to avoid death in duel.

    The Darkness Within (Nocturne) - Improves Nocturne so that any individual affected must do a rouse check (or get a blood loss modifier) and the user gains the blood. Prowess modifier decreases to -3.

    Oubliette - Bonus to abduct scheme and an option in imprisonment event.

    Walk the Abyss - pursuit efficiency increase and higher movement speed.

    Drain the life - Siege morale loss to enemies.

    Dark Whispers - Vassal cowed, intimidated taxes increase.

    God in Darkness (tenebrous avatar) - Further buffs tenebrous avatar with increased bonuses.

    Elder power :Shadow Twin - Create a character with some of your abilities and powers, totally loyal. Only one can exist at any time, and if they die you gain massive stress.

    Elder power : Ahriman’s Demesne(Drain the life) Drain the life also ruins enemy levy reinforcement and supply limit.

    Serpentis :

    Design keywords - transformation, snakes, myths, summons

    Enchanting gaze - duel move, general opinion mod

    Typhonic Maw - duel option that restores blood

    Serpent’s Flesh - adopt the skin of a serpent , getting a prowess bonus and slipping from any confinement (auto win on imprisonment events that rely on prowess)

    Master of snakes - allows summoning snakes

    Form of the snake - gives the small and large snake shape changing options

    Typhonic Avatar - terrifying monster form. Dread bonus, prowess, hard casualties multiplier.

    Snake eyes - Bonus to intrigue and a counter-penalty

    Smooth Scales (Serpents Flesh) - Lets you escape existing confinement unless the imprisoner has blood sorcery (wards) or the oubliette perk (shadow prison)

    Mother of Monsters - allows summoning monsters

    Echidna’s Venom - Bonus to hostile vampiric schemes

    Form of the Storm(Typhonic Avatar) - Improves your war form to deal a lot of damage to your environment. Improves sieges and empowers your snakes and monsters.

    The Heart of Darkness - Removes your heart. Immune to diablerie scheme , immunity to staking (will mean more in the future), frenzy resistance becomes easier , stress reduction . Diplomacy is reduced (can’t relate to others without emotions) and so is murder scheme defence (finding and destroying your heart is now an option)

    Heart Thief (The heart of darkness) - Lets you use heart of darkness on others. Afterwards, you can kill them or force them into torpor with a simple character interaction. Can only be used on people in the same location, and is quite hard to do. Resisted by Fortitude.

    Elder power: God-head - Transform into the form of a god. General opinion bonuses, 50 base dread, bonus for intimidated chars taxes, prowess (symbolic, not as much as war form) and a general +5 Attribute bonus across the board. Heightens your masquerade exposure, however.

    Elder Power: Apophis (Typhonic Avatar) - Further buffs typhonic Avatar stats.


    Design keywords - Sin, Manifestations, manipulation, infernalism

    Note: True faith acts as a resistant to all Daimonion powers, even the ones who act against it. Also, any use of this discipline cost piety unless you have the infernalist trait.

    Sense the Sin: The power latches to the sins of the victim, accentuating them and encouraging the victim to indulge. Short Scheme ending with a intrigue vs stewardship duel, requires at least one sin. Gives a negative modifier based on the sin in question - greed would give a minus to diplomacy and prestige, possibly taxes (being known as a greedy leech, taking away from realm taxes for your own ‘horde’) while laziness would prevent you from getting out of bed, thereby lowering all of your attributes a bit. This power immediately triggers the crisis of faith event for hunters.

    Fear of the void - Dread bonus, taxes per intimidated level bonus.

    Whispers from the dark - intrigue bonus, agent acceptance bonus.

    Tormented Essence - Duel move. Fire or black lightning.

    Blood of a demon - Can demand service ( weak hook ) from non-Baali infernalists and can call an infernalist to court. Can take up infernalism yourself.

    Devilish charm - Bonus to diplomacy schemes, +1 diplomacy schemes at any time.

    Psychomachia - Initiates a battle between the recipient and the darkest parts of their subconscious. The entity manifests as a look-alike of the character, with all traits except disciplines. The entity gains disciplines based on the sins the Baali exploited with Sense the Sin - if the target has the exploited wrath modifier, for example, the entity would gain potence advanced. Then a duel commences. If the entity wins, the target is either sent to torpor or gains a few more sinful traits and their exploited modifier. If the target wins, she can choose to either remove a sin from herself or amplify a sin in a positive manner - like harnessing wrath to decimate her enemies. Infernalists will always choose the second option, making this a possible buff power to those who can withstand their darker self.

    As below, so above - bonus to mind bending disciplines like dominate and presence schemes.

    Poisoned virtue (sense the sin): Now, the baali can stretch virtues so far they become unto like weakness themselves - A diligent man could never stop working while a chaste woman would lock herself in her room to avoid temptations entirely.

    Kneel before my throne ( Blood of a demon) - Gain the ability to scheme to turn other vampires into infernalists. Become able to gain the amplified sin (see Psychomachia) in herself only. And only for one sin. If she wants more, she has to go through Psychomachia like the rest.

    Dark lure - Attraction opinion increase, bonus to seduce.

    Face the Abyss ( Psychomachia ) - The Baali learns to manipulate the outcome of the duel by adjusting the power of the entity - he can give two discipline per sin, or turn advanced disciplines into regular ones. Now when the entity wins, the vampire gets to choose the outcome - torpor or greater sin. If they choose the latter, the target feels liberated and thankful to the vampire - getting an opinion bonus and losing resistance against the “turn into infernalist” Scheme.

    Elder Power: Adramelech’s Wrath - A duel move that could immediately end a fight against a vampire, but could just as easily kill the user, or both.

    Elder Power: Investiture (Blood of a Demon) - Allows you to give infernalists the boons of amplified sins at the cost of piety. Your newly embraced childer get this benefit freely and permanently.

    Elder Power: Bring the Plague: Create a horrible plague, lethal to kindred and kine alike.


    Design keywords - Sacrifice. The land. Pagan. Nature.

    Note: All Ogham powers require human sacrifice. That is to say, you need to sacrifice a living human (or ghoul) prisoner to activate any of the powers. Unless mentioned otherwise, all bonuses are a part of the same power. This discipline has no passive modifiers - you sacrifice a human a year, or you don’t reap the benefits. In addition, this discipline is limited to Lihinnan and those who they inducted (using split the shard) only.

    Consecration of Esus - controlled territory bonus, attrition reduction.

    The earth’s gifts - supply days increase, advantage bonus.

    Woad of Teutates - Prowess, martial and hard casualty modifiers

    Blessing of rain - county tax modifier , development increase. Your ghouls gain fertility.

    Builder of mountains - build speed increased, cost lowered.

    Mallacht of the Cyoeraeth - Not part of the main power. Require the sacrifice of a friend , lover or soulmate of the victim. Sacrifice can be kindred in this case. When done, initiates a learning vs 8 duel, resisted by Fortitude and true faith. On success , gives a horrible modifier to the target for 100 years or until your death. Has a chance of knocking the target into torpor.

    Woad of Taranis - Prowess and movement speed modifier. Max roll modifier. Gives a duel move when active to use fire or even sunlight without dying.

    Berserker - prowess and martial per stress level.

    Poultice of blood - Heals all wounds upon making the sacrifice.

    Beasts of the grove - Empowers animal regiments

    Thirst of Donn - Reduces stress and restores blood on sacrifice, as if you had drunk a lot.

    Split the Shard - Not part of the main power. allows you to split the spirit shard inside of you and give it to another kindred. They gain the ability to use ogham while you become one generation higher, as if you just embraced the target.

    Elder Power: Give that which is not yours - allows you to sacrifice things other than humans , such as vampires.

    Elder Power: Gain what is theirs - When you sacrifice a vampire or a ghoul, you get a temporary bonus based on their disciplines.


    Between the ticks of a clock: active power, intrigue duel to progress in a scheme.

    Speed of a thousand workers (between the ticks of a clock) - can also do stewardship duel to increase building speed.

    Elder perk : Physical defiance - you can walk on water. Disembarking to sea has no cost.

    Elder perk : Quickness - you can duel two opponents in one battle

    Elder power: Time out of Time - when you should be murdered, you get a chance to escape and immediately enter a duel with the killer instead.

    Elder perk : Blood of lighting (draught) - your Celerity draughts are twice as effective and have a shorter cooldown

    Elder perk : March of the Swift - movement speed increase

    Elder power : God of Speed - can use two duel moves in one duel turn.


    Dominate should be expanded a bit to include a few ways to use dominate hooks - start murder schemes, wars and give gold. With a weak hook they can resist, with a strong one they cannot. Note that we should make Dominate harder vs stronger vampires, to avoid abuse. Probably a cooldown as well. Declaring wars through commands should wait until I finish AI war considerations.

    Dominate hook options :

    Give Gold (up to 50 initially)

    Stop Scheme

    Do something stupid (reduces their prestige), 50% chance to gain an injury level.

    Release a prisoner or move them into your custody.

    Reveal known secret.

    Invite someone to court.

    Break the masquerade.

    Compel/Mesmerize - let's you commence a scheme at the end of which you enter a duel with the target (Stewardship for both). If you win , you can issue a dominate command (you have a couple days).

    Forgetful Mind [change] - You can change a personality trait of ghouls or herd (great for resonance). You can also erase opinions or known secrets your target has on you.

    Submerged Directive - Add the following options to the hook option list:

    Start a scheme (murder, kidnap. Not supernatural powers)

    Stop war (white peace).

    Give up to 100 gold.

    It also allows you to give dominate commands using a hook at a later date , rather than when you win the power duel.

    Deep memories - You can change all personality traits of your ghouls or herd

    Conditioning - Dominate hooks last longer

    Elder perk: Will Conquers - dominate powers become harder to resist

    Elder perk: Terminal Decree - adds the following options to dominate commands:

    Attempt Suicide (between 2 to 4 levels of damage (4 kills someone ))

    Attack target - your puppet will attack another character in a duel to the death. Cool down.

    Elder Power: Rewrite personality - you can turn a vampire into an exact copy of you mentally. Each time you cast the power (with a long cooldown and a cost, mind you - ) the target becomes a bit like you, from skills changing to personality traits and even some traits. When The transformation is complete, they can replace you should you die or otherwise leave the throne.

    Elder perk : Command of Your God - Dominate hook are now strong.

    Elder perk: Far Mastery - Can use dominate powers from any distance

    Elder Power: Speak through the blood - Can issue a dominate command to all of your childer (and their childer) at once. Should have huge cost and a long cooldown. We are talking about possibly 40 vampires starting murder schemes or declaring war vs a person….. This is considered a weak hook in strength.

    Protean :

    Adaptation -

    Whenever the Gangrel is successfully targeted with a hostile power, they adapt to it. The next time someone tries to use that power (or duel move if it is originated in a discipline) against them , they find it much more difficult or even outright impossible! You can adapt to disciplines, duel moves , blood sorcery paths (individually) and holy arts that deal with the vampire. Unfortunately , you can only maintain a single adaptation at any time, and need to forget the one you have to get a new one.

    Perfected form(adaptation) - you can maintain two adaptations at once.

    Elder perk: Loki's gift - attraction opinion increase

    Elder Perk: Claws of the Predator king - your feral weapons get a big upgrade.

    Elder power: Reversion to the True Form - Reverses any shapeshifter to their original form. Removes any shapeshifting modifiers from a character in the same location.

    Elder perk: My flesh remembers (adaptation) - You can maintain adaptations to up to five things at any time.

    Elder perk: Purify the Impaled Breast - Cannot be staked.

    Elder Power : Draught of Phoenix Blood - Resurrection ! Whenever the vampire should die, they instead just go up one generation, losing any newly invalid elder powers. Except Draught of Phoenix Blood.


    Toughness - Gives a 50% chance to soak injuries. Triggerable and consumes blood whenever you are hurt. Only works for non-magical sources of damage.

    Defy Bane - makes the vampire immune to battlefield maiming while toughness is active

    Flesh of Marble (Toughness) - Once a year, Toughness stops damage completely rather than giving a 50% chance.

    Prowess from Pain - Active power usable when the character is wounded. Removes the prowess penalties of wounds, and gives 4 extra prowess per wound level.

    Elder Perk: The Blessing of Vitality(Draught of Endurance) - Your draught of endurance now confers the blessing of Toughness for the duration.

    Elder Perk: The Knight’s bane - Grants a duel move to destroy your opponent's weapon with your bare flesh, dealing them damage in the process.

    Elder Power: Curse the Laurel - Move a stake away from your heart, eventually removing it.

    Elder Perk: Wrath of the Martyr( Prowess from Pain) - The bonus per health level increases to 6

    Elder Perk: Armoured Flesh - Nothing short of a lethal strike will kill you. No amount of wounds will ever end your life, but only complete destruction or decapitation.

    Elder Power: Resilient Mind - Fortify your mind and cleanse yourself of insanity, mental afflictions and addictions.
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    Show us the Coat of Arms of your vampire!
  • Show us the Coat of Arms of your vampire!

    With Princes of Darkness "Night Court" 1.5 update, you can now use the iconic symbols of Vampire: the Masquerade as charges on your dynasty or house.



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    Updated for
  • Mod updated for

    Change Log:

    Princes of Darkness, "Night Court", Version, Change Log, February 17, 2022

    - Integration of Paradox gene morph and ethnicities fixes for 1.5.02
    - Fix of wonder buildings causing Linux CTD. Thanks Charlie!
    - Tweaks to some remaining not vampire appropriate events
    - Adapted non-graphical Paradox changes for
    - Web of Knives won't attack players if set to lowest strength game rule
    - Vampires can't die by being "booed" to death by their jesters now
    - Increased trigger protection against the head chasing monk event, vampires' most existential threat in RC
    - Differentiated the Cappadocian and Tremere primogens bonus (were the same before)
    - Coimbra and Portucale aren't wastelands devoid of any civilization anymore
    - Artifact Map Mode (by ruler and courtier)
    - Each clan now has one (or several) "traditional" faiths they can convert to for half the piety cost
    - Converting to Patron only faiths as a non Patron character is now prohibitively expensive
    - Various small fixes (loca, MaA balance etc)
    - Some religious tenets nerfs
    - Qus is Old Egyptian culture now.
    - Castle/City keepers traditions don't require feudal gov anymore
    - Tweaks to some buildings
    - The soulmate frenzy event is less deadly
    - Small fix to the grandeur objective
    - Tweaked swords for hire tradition
    - Fixed the gold scale cost of court amenities
    - Small fixes to the last objectives
    - Disabled an event making vamps convert to not appropriate faiths
    - Integrated Chilemiao's uploads
    - If you released a ghoul, then embraced them, they will now lose the "scorned me" modifier
    - VTES art for Tapestry of Blood
    - New artifacts: Tapestry of the Bone, Tapestry of Nod ("Tapisserie de Noir")
    - Weapon display fixes. In duels, special Vampire and Hunter artifact weapons will be wielded without wooden frames around them.
    - Added Court Traits for prey restrictions for Ventrue Clan Bane
    - Darker Map
    - Scrollable Interarctions
    - Debug Mode Portrait Editor fixed.
    - Fixed the Bellum Justum perk
    - Deleted a botched sub bookmark image
    - Kiasyd now have access to the Lasombra dynasty perk
    - True Brujah now have access to Carthage
    - Replaced the zealous people by fervent temple builders for the Greek culture
    - Small prowess nerfs for random artifacts
    - The scheme icons are back
    - Removed the new vanilla option to convert during a stress break #Might be the cause of weird religion vampires floating around
    - Added the Eternal Knowledge objective #Requires Royal Court DLC
    - Removed the obsolete commander event file
    - Nerfed Industrious
    - Upped the gold provided by the "Prince of" building chain #To help players deal with the numerous new costs while cementing the importance of a well dev capital city
    - Removed the prerequisite of the house head being of x government for cadet branches
    - Some loca fixes
    - The Brujah legacy track is now available to True Brujah as well
    - Made some not appropriate courts events not triggering for vampires anymore (no longer pestered by dozens of Cindarella or decapited by a head chasing monk)
    - Giovanni can spawn Zombu now
    - Reactivated the court physician position globally #Running into an issue making it conscience only for now
    - Graphical fixes for fangs, teeth. All characters should ahve teeth now rather than transparent gaping holes in reality when they open their lips.
    - Fix to (REDACTED) mesh
    - Fix to Mist form place holder
    - Primogens events won't proc for KJ anymore
    - Reactivated the Web of Knives now that the HUD is fixed
    - Fixed a small consistency issue in city/castle main buildings
    - Fixed some visual and costs issues in the amenities maintenance costs
    - Lowered the costs of inspirations
    - Fixed Catu not starting as house head of the True Brujah
    - Fix to Ruler Designer crashing if starting with no splat trait
    - Blood Sorcery fixes
    - Various Kuei-Jin fixes
    - screamer should fell good eat soul too
    - devour chi fixes
    - Adapt a frozen time
    - fixed Dharma succesion
    - fix missing kj schme icon, fix kj charater interaction and made then more understandble, nerf yangprana
    - nerfing a lifestyle perk, buffing ducal building
    - teleport fix
    - fix demonic feature can't reset problem, add desc for them
    - fixed problem of drain all your chi when have chi flow perk, fixed osmiosis that don't work, fixed various typo, implemented kj soul art perk
    - added soul eating, ritual murder as execution, added send to oblivion as wraith execution meanwhile ban other one for wraith
    - Various Shih fixes:
    - fix shih make prayer duplicate effect, move wall decision into one
    - Duel move for shih
    - Organizer trait and no more show legacy reward and no more too long opposition
    - changed the condition to make vamp no gain dread or murder secret when murder mortal
    - the cap on herd based on diplomacy
    - the cap on ghouls based on stewardship
    - block vamp convert to innocent faith, in interaction
    - Dynasty window layout changes
    - Additional Chinese Translation
    - Revised Patron Carnal Desire additions
    - Patron character Aisling Leanhaun
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