How do I make a fleet for convoy raiding in shallow seas and sea zones that submarines can't operate in? Do I need to make a separate surface raiding fleet? Or just a separate task force in my raiding fleet?
What kind of surface ships are supposed to be for raiding? I'm playing Italy and it looks like I don't have access to Battlecruisers.
How come only the UK is getting a reduction in War Support from my raiding? I've sunk nearly 1000 convoys but only the UK is getting a penalty.
How do I tell my army to go to a port I captured by sea rather than walk there?
How do you get your Transport aircraft to resupply a pocket of forces that are cut off? I have them assigned to the zone but I don't think they are resupplying my Divisions which are cut off. I think they're resupplying my forces which are not cut off.
Is there a way to turn off battleplans? My screen is so cluttered with plans on everything. I can't see shit.
Is there something wrong with Paradrops? I was able to drop 3 but the 4th won't drop. I have air superiority in every zone. I have 100 Transports. But it's not working.
Is there a way to get Japan to join the war against the USSR? We need their help. Japan has taken over the Pacific and India and Australia and China. Germany and me, Italy are stuck on the Eastern Front.