Crusader Kings 2 - The Road of Queens
Chapter One Thousand-Ninety-Two : Tiger Hunt! Wait…
This chapter opened in late June, in the year 948 AD, with the Basilissa Eulalia “The Unfaithful” of Maurya being bored.
She was pissed off at Blush Kuntuadi and his disappearing Host. She wanted to see the Realm Prosper but nobody trusted her. Just because she was a murderer. To be fair so was most of the known world’s Rulers.
She was also known for her religious knowledge. When not killing people.
She also had a weak claim on the Duchy of Lhasa and the County of Kathmandu.
She had plenty to do to clean house and secure her power. So of course, she decided on a Tiger Hunt! Riders were sent out to all four corners of the Empire to invite the Vassals.
“But we thought you said you wouldn’t hunt tigers anymore,” pointed out the Imperial Council. “You almost got killed last time!”
“Lies!” stated the Empress. “I never said any such thing.”
“We have witnesses,” remarked one of the Council Members.
“In the corner!” ordered the Empress.
So for a few hours the whole Imperial Court had to stand in the corner.
While she had the Servants, and Imperial Soldiers, and Hunters get the Hunt organized she received one refusal from Doux Antonios.
“Good,” was the reaction of the Empress. “He is a drunkard anyway.”
By July the Hunters, and the Elephants, and the hunting dogs, and the supplies, and wine selection had been completed and the Hunting Party was marching to the location selected by the Guides.
Soon the camp fires were lighting up the night as the Guards protected the tents from wild animals. Which was funny as they were there to find wild animals…
It didn’t take that long to find one. Soon the Scouts reported that they had detected a tiger!
At first the Empress was going to ask for a spear. But then remembered the last time she grabbed a spear in a tiger hunt and decided to order the Imperial Soldiers to go forward.
The tiger was encircled, trapped, and impaled on many spears. The Empress was pleased. For another tiger rug would soon be added to the many tiger rugs that covered the floors of the Castle/Palace.
The Hunting Party, no longer hunting, broke camp and marched back to the Capital.
They were greeted with cheering crowds. And glared at by house cats. But in the end the Empress, and many of the populace, were happy.