Good summary.The biggest problems I have with the game right now are:
- Land value and the way it spreads throughout the city. Basically destroys my cities if they get older. Especially Industry areas.
- Export by train not working at all since December patch.
- tax system seems to have a overflow bug since december patch because in every city at one point it starts to break and produce millions of additional taxes or losses on one or 2 goods.
- no way to influence spawning of industry. I would expect to see more for example food industry to spawn if it has low taxation. But since even the tooltip does not say anything about taxes influencing new companies (it only takes about profitability of existing) it is probaply as designed.
- decision making of the ai what industry to spawn is way off. If I have cheap oil in my city but no grain it should not spawn new bio oil companies that need grain instead of companies that use the existing oil. This goes for all ressources. If I have a surplus on wood and a demand on wood products I expect it to spawn wood industry but it does not. If I have a demand for food and many food raw materials like chicken, I expect it to spawn food industry, it does not. The decision making therefore is not comprehensible from the player side and seems completely random.
- deleting busstops breaks the grid and leads to loss of roadside attached spawned buildings.
- bus station seems to be designed for left hand traffic and therefore causes conflict points on its entry and exit road.
- ai search for parking spot behavior causes massive unnecessary traffic because the cars will all try to enter full parking lots just to exit them again driving from one full parking lot to the next. Ai should not enter full parking lots but drive by if it is detected as full.
The first 3 are bugs. Would add high demand for primary school.
When these important bugs are corrected, perhaps we can do something with the industry through their taxes. If not, an adjustment of the simulation of industries by CO would be good, giving more options to handle.
I have observed: if petrochemical industries appear in an industrial zone, after, by putting small trade in a residential neighborhood, gas stations appear. When I really want stores.
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