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super-late psionic theory for my synth ascended empire. Guess I'll get to mine that Zro after all....
Trying out the most recent versions of Stellaris, I created a bunch of human empires with different origins to simulate a massive human empire which crumbled to pieces.
I'd not given much thought as to why, but that changed quite a bit when I encountered a nearby empire.

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Based in Sol, and presumably spawned by a lost colony, I guess the empire shattered because the the population of Earth turned into a cannibalistic hive mind!
They even had a ruined science nexus a system or two away from Sol, which I guess was ground zero for whatever happened.

zombie outbreak IN SPACE
I had the situation, that quite early in the game i discovered this empire and found out, that the species in this empire tastes very good! They declared war on me, and in some way i was able to defeat them and bring them into my empire. The dark humor part there was, that now not only one third of my empire population was most useful as being used as food. And not only that, but their breathren were able to eat them, too!

The problem then was, that i was in an constant wave of unhappy people and missing resources. So, i experimented with putting this people as residents. (Thats the reason, why they are residents here).
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So it turns out that if a Fallen Empire draws from one of your pre-generated empires for its main species and that species had the Shattered Ring origin, all their non-static colonies spawn as ringworld segments.

I... actually kind of love this? It's the Xenophile FE, so, it's like they made ULTRA-habitats around their home system.
Like, why can this happen? The species doesnt even have ringworld preference, right?

Can this happen with the other origins too, with Life-Seeded, Post-Apocalyptic and Void Dwellers?
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So it turns out that if a Fallen Empire draws from one of your pre-generated empires for its main species and that species had the Shattered Ring origin, all their non-static colonies spawn as ringworld segments.

I... actually kind of love this? It's the Xenophile FE, so, it's like they made ULTRA-habitats around their home system.

That's hilarious, and definitely worthy of a bug report. :p
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I didn't know a single being could be considered a nation, but I guess that when you are from another dimension, rules don't really apply.

It's mentioned sometimes that Leviathans are the size of a small moon, which is definitely enough space for a nation. :p
It's mentioned sometimes that Leviathans are the size of a small moon, which is definitely enough space for a nation. :p

...... ...... Why did never ever think about making them a habitable world? Like a "world on a turtle on 4 elephants"-Style. I mean, there are pictures of turtles around, which are carrying enough earth on them to home some animals or birds to build their nest there.
Or like the cleaning fishes on some whale!
...... ...... Why did never ever think about making them a habitable world? Like a "world on a turtle on 4 elephants"-Style. I mean, there are pictures of turtles around, which are carrying enough earth on them to home some animals or birds to build their nest there.
Or like the cleaning fishes on some whale!

Well, there is that one planet that's actually an egg of a Void Horror(?). Though it tends to hatch after you enter the system.

It would be funny that studying the Tiyanki could allow you to pacify the Matriarch, and then put a little colony on her. Wander the galaxy on a giant space squid.
Well, there is that one planet that's actually an egg of a Void Horror(?). Though it tends to hatch after you enter the system.

It would be funny that studying the Tiyanki could allow you to pacify the Matriarch, and then put a little colony on her. Wander the galaxy on a giant space squid.

You're thinking of the Voidspawn.

"The Voidspawn is an unborn guardian, hidden within a size 20 Dry world orbiting a class G star. Within a year after the planet is colonized an event will mention how the planet has a pulse. Within the next half a year the planet will change its appearance, add 30 Devastation and create 3 Rifts Blockers. Within another half a year one of two things will happen. Either the pulse will stop or the planet will once again change its appearance, add 30 Devastation and create 3 Rifts Blockers. Should the latter happen the Voidspawn will hatch in a few months, destroying the colony and turning the planet into a cracked world with a 20 Society Research deposit. A month later it becomes hostile.

The Voidspawn uses only guided weapons. It has high hull and armor but no shields, making energy weapons effective against it. Defeating the guardian grants 600-6000 Unity and brings the option to start a special project to research what was left of the egg planet that takes 140 days and grants the Gargantuan Evolution technology.

If the Voidspawn did not hatch the planet will return to its original appearance once all Rifts Blockers are removed."
-Stellaris Wiki.

...Which crisis? Am I the crisis...? Also not even a first event for the crisis has popped up yet. So this is strange
View attachment 559859
...Which crisis? Am I the crisis...? Also not even a first event for the crisis has popped up yet. So this is strange
Is the gray tempest active? That can bug them out: They'll wake up to the crisis, but there's no endgame crisis so they remain haughty and don't help.

Hell, I've seen the Guardians awakening fire for one that's already woken up because I'd released the Tempest after endgame start. It was weird.
Is the gray tempest active? That can bug them out: They'll wake up to the crisis, but there's no endgame crisis so they remain haughty and don't help.

Hell, I've seen the Guardians awakening fire for one that's already woken up because I'd released the Tempest after endgame start. It was weird.
Grey Tempest has been dead for about 130 years - I think the Guardians woke up in 2460 because its a crisis-trigger year. 5 years later I got the coming storm event, heralding the coming of the scourge. But if anything, it should have been the other way around.
(also: it was the second FE to awaken - the first (materialist) awakened after i stomped the robots, but then i immediately declared war on them too - but that was also 30 years ago)
*update on the scourge: They moved into the vanguard and obliterated the scourge as soon as they spawned. I only had crisis on 1.5x so thats my fault - guess ill have to keep trying for my queening achievement.
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I was testing some modded code for my WIP FE upgrade mod, when I saw this. My attempt to restore Sister to her undefiled state seemed to have upset Brother, and he wandered off. Then the Interstellar Assembly I tried to give them didn't really work either. I also noticed they had no other star systems, but I still find it amusing that a planet and a megastructure both broke at the same time.

(I got Brother back. Still working on that Megastructure)