Thx for the offer but i'm afraid that it will cause the next loop of problems. With a "static" front in China the JAP AI will lose a lot of divisions they would need for the pacific and indian campaign. Unfortunately the invasion AI is a horrible routine. It will concentrate units at a province for a planned invasion. The buildup can be interrupted and reset by a change somewhere else in the front line changing the front line length or division ratio or other parameters.Yeah this was originally the case. However, this did not lead to a satisfying outcome - Japan still attacked and somehow managed to overcome the chines forts, leading to the annexation of China in '42 or '43. Thus we went a different path.
We basically created a ai-switch event that increases Japan's passivity massively as soon as a given percentage of Chines land was occupied. This basically creates a stalemate for quite a while. However, at a certain point China becomes too strong and will inevitably regain some of her territories. Thus we created another ai-switch event, which reduces Japan's passivity at a certain point, leading to Japanese offensives. By combining these two ai events in a continuous loop, the desired result of a sino-japanese stalemate can ultimately be simulated very well. @Lord Rommel: you can have a look at our files and make use of whatever you find suitable!
However, what we never got together well is the African theater. Here, even after extensive AI modifications, there are always 30 Italian and another 30 British divisions facing each other - a situation that is completely unrealistic. If a solution could be found for this absurdity, that would definitely be a reason for further development of EoD! So I am open for all suggestions.
Tbh without additional settings, enforced AI coding and other help from the devs there is no chance to get a working african or asian frontline.
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